HELP PLEASE!!! design for dust extraction

mercredi 6 janvier 2016

Hi all,

I'm the vice president of our local men's shed. By "shed" I mean a vacant block of land!!! We are getting the shed built next month, and laying the concrete soon after. I have been tasked with setting up the dust extraction system for the shed. I have proposed that we lay piping in the slab and run it all under ground. It seems everyone on the committee likes this idea. My question is, how! what size PVC? Do we run a whole bunch of separate pipes to the dust extractor or join them underground? I figures we should keep them separate in case of a blockage and to minimize corners and reduce resistance. The other issue is this is a brand new shed, we can't totally foresee where machines will be in the future or what new machines we'll buy. Should we place outlets with blank caps on them in a grid pattern around the shed so there will always be pipework close by? We will be putting in for a grant for the dust extractor and I'm pushing for a serious unit. We have three phase available too. The shed is 12M X 12M.
I really need some advice on this one as once the cement is down, It won't be coming up again, and it needs to be done correctly!

If this isn't practical then it can go to traditional piping above the machines. I just thought a system below would be out of the way and it would work better because the dust will be going with gravity.

any and all advice is really appreciated.



HELP PLEASE!!! design for dust extraction

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