Recent inlays off the machine

samedi 26 septembre 2015

G'day all... I haven't posted in a while (but still lurk every day), so I thought I'd put up a few pictures of the latest inlays off the machine.
(Ok, so it's a gloat thread :D )

Coincidentaly, both are New Zealand themes and the first with a Maori text soundhole in Paua along with a silver fern in White Pearl marking the 12th fret.
The second was a super-rush job and I had 2 days to design, cut, inlay and post back to the customer. A fern frond on the headstock with the roots under the nut onto the 1st and 2nd fret gaps. The original dots were machined out and replaced with Paua/White pearl rings. This one was done on a complete neck with only the 1st fret removed. The frond has White Pearl inserts and the roots feather from Paua to White Pearl so there's no sharp change in material (Something I've never tried before, so it was a learning curve on that one!)

Hope you enjoy :)

Soundhole.jpgSilver Fern.jpgHeadstock.jpgFrond.jpg
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