QLD SWAP Wide Red Gum for Thick Red Gum

mercredi 12 août 2015

I have a lot of really wide Red Gum boards. I'm pretty sure it's River Red Gum. If I progress this discussion with someone I'm happy to send photos.

The stuff is rough sawn at 25-28mm thick, around 2m long, and wide. Really wide. Some of it is 600mm wide.

The problem I'm encountering is that all of the furniture projects I am interested in require some thick stock. You know... For legs and other parts which simply need to be thicker than that.

So I'm looking to trade some of my wide boards for more narrow, thicker boards. I'm looking for stuff that can dress down to 30mm and would give me some leeway to work with the grain. I suppose the ideal thickness would be 50mm, but that's by no means a hard cutoff.

So if you have some thick, seasoned, competent Red Gum, and you need some wider stuff, let's get in touch and pull the old switcheroo.

Hope to hear from someone soon.


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