Looking for knobs to restore an antique mirror

jeudi 13 août 2015

I have been asked by a friend to fix an antique mirror which matches a dressing table that they have. The original parts are missing, but all I need is two suitable knobs which can be attached on either side of the metal rods which you can see sticking out the left and right hand side of the frame. I think something slightly larger than the ball on top of the uprights would be suitable.

My google, ebay, and "knob supplier" search has come up with nothing so I was hoping that someone here might be able to tell me what timber they think the mirror frame is made from, and where I would be able to locate suitable knobs. Ideally I would like to be able to visit a store in Sydney and select a knob that is the right size and right colour, but if I have to order some online, I can live with that as well.

Any advice would be most welcome.

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