It's been a while, but I'm back... well getting there!

dimanche 16 août 2015

Was one of the early posters in this WWW forum, then we moved from our farm into Canberra (read: left 9x9m shed and gained: a 2-car garage for cars, no less!) So very little in the way of any real woodwork, and had to offload some of my bigger tools in order to get the cars in. :(
Anyhoo, back on the South Coast and in the planning stages of a shed build - 6x7.5m and almost all for my toys (and those I've yet to acquire).
Happy days ahead, once I can wallow in saw dust again - well, figuratively speaking at least, there will be a ducted cyclone dust collection system based on Bill Pentz's work... so hopefully not much saw dust at all! :cool:
Keep up the good work girrrls!

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