Crate Hat Rack

dimanche 16 août 2015

Since Fuzzie put up his WIP for the pallet challenge, thought I should do as said and do the same.

Took a while to figure out what to make, and since we seem to have a lot of hats always sitting around I thought a hat stand would be a good idea.

Started looking for inspiration and found thisl2_p326997_488_336-1.jpg. Liked the idea so went about trying to design something. Made up a cardboard mock up of how the finished product would look.( got squashed and ripped).

Went down to a local engineering mob and asked if I could have a few of their pallets. Picked up 3 pallets, 2 of which were turned into garden beds and the 3rd thumb_IMG_4388_1024.jpg reserved for challenge.
Wasnt to many WIP pics from here, deadline was approaching.
First job to mill, cut in half and glue together slats to form the square sections.thumb_IMG_0190_1024.jpgThen to try and work out the angles(I really need a good sliding bevel)
Lots of filling holes and voids with epoxythumb_IMG_0202_1024.jpg And cutting the rebates to join the parts together. Cut the walls first then chiseled out the bulk and flush trim routered to depth.

Did have a few attempts at dowel makingthumb_IMG_0207_1024.jpg until I finally got a piece of steel from a local engineer and hammered home the dowel
thumb_IMG_0208_1024.jpg turned out pretty good.

Wanted a slightly bigger, rounder platform on top for SWMBO big sun hat, so thought i'ld try some carving with the angle grinder with an abrasive wheel.thumb_IMG_0215_1024.jpg. Turned out better than expected.

The original plan did call for the whole stand to be free form carved like this after assembly but time was slipping by so it was finished as is with some Minwax WOP.



Sorry for the haphazard writing and pictures.

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