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wood working
ACT Pen Blanks
samedi 21 février 2015
Ring Gidgee pen blanks $3 per piece. Plus Postage.
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? Screws for Securing Jaws to Teknatool Nova Chucks ?'s that time of year again..
[OT] Off Grid Workshop Led Lighting
*College of Cambridge Kipp Principles of distance-learning
#8A Half back saw
~1900 Nicholson
✪✪✪Christmas Sale on Next Weekend!✪✪✪
$3 saws
1 month pause of house build before roofing can go on. Ideas to protect framing?
1/4" router bit to level uneven timber?
10" with sliding table
100 plus year barn board Half Round Oak Table
100 year old rafters on the Slabmaster
10th Day Discount
11th day of Christmas discount code
12" Cherry Plate
12" White Oak Plate
12M10 - Great saw
12th day of Christmas discount code
13" Thicknesser Ryobi
13" White Oak Plate
14 inch Bandsaw advice
14" TAUCO comes back home to daddy
150mm blast gates
16 TPI thread
17" bandsaw blades.
1926 union fees
1927 Harley Davidson
1928 Linn logging tractor
1945 Dewalt Radial Arm Saw.
1948 Ford Monster Truck with a Peterbilt twist.....
19mm E A Berg Chisels
1st Christmas present
1st contribution to the forum
2 beautiful brass
2 bedsides
2 Fiddleback Tas Blackwood Blocks burl grain
2 Heavily Figured Fiddleback Tas Blackwood Wide Blocks burl grain
2 Highly Figured Fiddleback Tas Blackwood Blocks
2 Large Highly Figured Myrtle Blocks Suit Re-saw Box making etc.
2 other dump trailers
2 questions
2 Wide Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood blocks
2 x 290x45 How to Join?
2 x Burl Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood Wide Thick Blocks Very Rare
2.2Kw Water cooled spindle
2.3m high ceilings - how bad?
2/3 scale Brough Superior
2015 Christmas Pens
2015 Christmas Toy Pallet Challenge
2015 Japan Miki Tool Festival
2015 Sawmill Shootout
2016 Australia Day Pen swap
2016 Australia Day Pen Swap - Invitation to Participate
2016 pen swap?
260atm gearbox handle
2nd day of Christmas discounts
3 Highly Figured Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood Blocks
3 phase options?
3 Phase Star and Delta
3 Piece 2 Compartment Mahogany Stash Cylinder
3 types of Mahogany & Cherry Spindle Table
308 and SHOTGUN
33rd Wedding Anniversary
3rd Day of Christmas Discount
3rd hands
4 x Pipe Clamps 1200mm
45 Mill drill belt conversion
45º Cuts in square tubing
4th day of Christmas Discount
5 silky logs too give away
5/8" bore table saw blades in melb?
5th Day Discount
5yrs is to long
6th Day Discount
6x4 bandsaw adjustment article
7 "Nature" Photographs
7th Day Discount
8 footers plane for adults
8th day Discount
924G Cat work in progress
9th day of Christmas
9x20 help
A bauble - the result of lazy time))
A big book drawer
A Bit of Horsing Around
A box for watches
A bricklayer's tale
A cabinet for my boss
A challenge
A clever man with a chainsaw - enjoy
A concreting question.
a couple of birds
A deck from fence palings
A few old saws
A few other Christmas gifts.
A few Year 10 woodwork Class Photos
A Garage for the Christmas Raffle at the Boys & Girls Club...
A La Snodgrass
A Lathe For A Serious Turner!
A little bit of blackwood...
A little dovetail and panel saw
A little huon pine bone.
A little rattled
A load of bull.
A new door from old fence palings
A New Idea For a Combination Vertical & Horizontal Router Table
A new Photography Forum
A new way of making drawers.
A new year build
A pair of Waldown drill presses
A question on tools for making wheels
A resurrection exercise on an old saw
A sad and lonely workshop now.
A salute to Qld Maple
A saw for a tenner !
A Series of Victorys
A shed accessory I am thinking of
A simple commission
a simple repair...( should be)
A splendid quote from Lee Valley Newsletter - Nov 2015
A true treasure
A Very Big Thank You....
A Walk Through Melbournes Lanes
A wee bit chiily
A weekend of Drill Watching
A word of advice
Aaaargh! Friggin online catalogues!
AC24L compressor
Acid resistant brass screws
Acoustic enclosure for a DC
ACT A Polishers Handbook by UBeaut
ACT Laguna Platinum Table saw
Adding a deadlock height
Adirondack chairs and table.
Advice please - do I need a router lifter with the big Triton router?
AE Herbert lathe
Aero / Diablo
After Christmas Thought
Aftermarket fence system
Aftermarket speed controller
Air Compressor receiver tank.
Air compressor woes
Air compressor wows
Air/Battery/Electric Nailers
airbrush embelishment
Airport Mistletoe
Airwolf AW3D HD
AKKO toolholder - Any reviews?
AL250G oil change
All from a pack of Blackbutt decking
Am I reading this right?
Amazing Value - Electronic Magazine Subscription - Model Eng and Model ENg Workshop
Ammer Gandad
An Addition to a Surface Gauge for Checking Squareness.
An eye Catcher for sure
An Oldie
and 24" "warranted superior" mitre saw
and life.
and needed advice
And the little woman does it again....
Anitque Auction
Another blonde
Another Found Object
Another Hand-Powered Woodworking Machine
Another interesting option for lathe/mill motor replacement
Another lidded box
Another Newbie VFD question
Another pallet timber table
Another slant on things
another toy
Antique Dealer
Antique Hand Plane.
Antique tablesaw and bandsaw
Any Chance of an Xmas challenge? Maybe children's toy?
Any ideas for Multifix tool holder storage / rack ?
Any interest in helping design plans for a three sided plant pyramid?
Anyone bought the new Hafco BP-360 yet?
Anyone got any OSB in Perth??
Anyone have a *2.5hp* Harvey HW110HB-30?
Anyone heard of Bergin Bandsaw?
Anyone know what this is for? (random reinforced concrete under lawn)
anyone know where i can get one like this??
Anyone know where to buy Mallee Burl - have included pic of latest piece I have done
Anyone making Christmas gifts?
Anzac day 2016
Are these any good?
Art Deco.....all about symmetry
AS1684 vs NCC BCA?
Asian inspired document box
At the Bike Shop
Attaching bottom of verandah post to top of bearer?
Attempted bendy light
Aus Species
Aus Wood Review Back Issues 1-64
Australian Cedar Cupboard
Australian made Wood Lathe
Australian National Standards Laboratory
Australian Red Cedar slabs
Australian Woodturning Exhibition (AWTEX) - 2016
Automaton Project - working title "Grandpa"
Avan camper storage
AWR article
AWR Student Awards Popular Choice Award Vote on Facebook
B and C
Back plate
bad insructions
Bad news
Baileigh Industrial Table Saws
Baltic Birch Ply source in Brisbane?
Bandsaw - what the heck is this!?
Bandsaw blade woes
Bandsaw Sharpening
Bandsaws from Bunnings?
Bank on my account
Banksia pods
Bar Spirits dispenser
barn door - anyone done one?
Basic Mantle Clock
Basic question - What are my options for finishing a laminated pine beam?
basketball court area
Battery charging and fires
Bay Of Fires
Bay of Fires - Tasmania
BBQ Doors
Beautiful Beetroot Recipe
Beautiful examples from the V and A museum
Beautiful Firetail
Bedside Table WIP
Bee keepers in Melbourne?
Bees Wax is the BeesNess
Bench Grinder Outer Guards
Best Finish For a Camphor Laurel Slab Coffee Table ?
Best finish fro thin veneers?
Best joint for frame
best kichen solution
Best stone for chisels and plane blades
Best stuff to remove sap off hands?
Best way to cut dadoes in Laminex bench top
Best way to move 200+kg of saw
best wood from bunnings to use on a out door bench
Bethlehem OliveWood and Afzalia Xlay
between centre chucking
beware the buyer
Big Band Saw
Big Gulp
Big old McPhersons lathe
Big Stringy bark
Birch plywood
Birthday Greetings.
Biscuit quality
Bit Late For Halloween
Black ceiling mold or dust in bedroom
Black rust & molasses
Black Titanium
Blackbutt Burl from BlackbuttWA (Col)
Blackbutt stairs- how to treat
Blade alignment - Jet JPS 10" ProShop
Bless this water
BMP Open day
Boab timber slabs or slices information and location of wanted
Bokken wood noble Brasil - IPE
Book Machine Shop Work
Bookcase advice
Bought a new planer!
Bow knife blades
Bowed door
Bowl From Long Dead Tree
Bowl gouge size
Box joint jig
Boxes inside boxes
Boxing in under house
BRA200 assembly question
Brass drop candy rollers
Brass Hinges - getting the brushed look?
Brass screw identification
Bronze Bushes
bronze embellishment 2
bronze patina embelishment
Bugger Microsoft!!
Build a viking boat by hand!
Builders Bog query
building a BBQ bench
Building a fixed seat against a balustrade?
Building Bathroom Walls
Building table saw table or buy contractor saw
Builiding a built in wardrobe in a room with high ceiling!
Bullet Pen with a difference
Bunnings handsaw to rip red gum?
Bunnings Special
burl jewelery box....
bush fires and rain
Busy time of year
but get channel 94 - a bit weird
Butt chisel recommendations?
Buying etchants (nital
Buying wood online incl home delivery (Melbourne)?
By By Masters
Ca Finish
CA Lifted on the ends
Cabot water based stain help!!
Calendar ... oooohhh
Calling all electronic gurus
Calling all vice gurus
Calm retires and sells Stubby S750
Camel back
Camellia oil additives required?
Camera Collecting
Camphorr And Crows Ash Dining Table
Can Anyone Provide A Technical Explanation Of How Nova's DVR Motors Work ?
Can particle board be sealed?
Can you help identify this tool
Can't get the new TV Channel 90
Canadian Museum of Making
Canberra show 2015
Candle sticks
Cant decide - Carbatec spiral head cutter or buy Dewalt and retrofit with Byrd?!
Carba-tec long bed jointer
Carbatec 8" industrial Jointer CTJ-350X
Carbatec MC1100 variable speed lathe and stand
Carbatec RTS-1 router table insert? any thoughts?
Carcass Build - How to fix it Together !?!!
Carcass saw to suit ogre sized hands
Carpentry - House walls timber frame - bracing
Carpentry with a difference
Carter No C71 because .....
Cartridge Pen for The Ladies
Cast iron versus steel backing plates
Casting - paint for barrels and mould release
Castle Crenellations - how to make?
Cat run WIP
Caught Out!
Cavity Slider Crooked Wall
CBN Grinding Wheel
cedar vase
cement fibre
Certification Question
Chasing some dark timber in Vic
Cheap Bessey K Body Clamps
Cheap Biscuits
cheap recycled timber
Check here every week for a new antique item from Arthur's tool box!
Chest of drawers WIP
Chinese travel agent
Chisel Handles
Chisel Refurb
Choosing an air compressor
Christmas Closure
Christmas is getting closer!!!
Christmas Pallet Challenge 2015
christmas presents all done !!!!!!
Christmas Trees
Christmas Turnings
Chucking "oversized" tools in tailstock
Churchill Island
Cincinnati milling manual needed
Circular saw blades for TS
City of Stirling Men's Shed Open Day
Clamping a mitre for waterfall bench top whilst in-situ. How?
Clamps: Your recommendations on Types
Cleaning up two large slabs of wood. Suggestions?
Clear coating rusty steel
Clearvue blast gates
Closing external Gap between fibre wall & slab
CNC Laser Engraver
Cnc milling tooling
cnc spindle
Cockerill drill press
Cocoa smelling timber
Coffee Table
Coffee table build WIP - Blackwood
Coffin Plans?
collaborating at Adelaide auctions
College of Cambridge Kipp requirements of MBA applicants
Collet for tritom router
Coloured edging - cutting boards
Colouring with pigment
Colt Oxy Acetylene torch extra 'button'?
Competition Sydney Royal Easter Show
completed 924G cat loader
Complicated threading gadget - metric or imperial on any lathe
Compound Mitre Box
Compound mitre saw help needed
Computer program for toy and model design
Computer virus spread to human host - just joking.... new machine purchase
Concealed barrel hinge wars
Confused by new Carbatec Jointer
Contractor Saw - Blade Height adjustment very very difficult
Convert MKII to RV...
Copyright - Cassina Willow Chair
Coral bowl/platter
Cordless Drill Replacement
Cordless Hammer Drill
Corella Raid
Corner Unit Joinery - ideas?
Correct Router Bit
Could this be made by stamping or casting?
countershaft yoke
Couple of birds
Crack in coffee table
Cracking in back walls of old house.
Craftsmanship Museum - well worth a visit....
Cremation urn - silver ash & Australian red cedar
CTC Tools Reliability
Cubic Centimeter Of Timber Makes ? Cubic Centimeters Of Shavings
Curing process - boiling?
Curved Lighting - Attempt
Cute Little Bonsai'd Disston Saw.
Cute old machinist video
Cutting angled grooves in timber - low-tech
CX5 Drill/Driver
Cyclone Dust Separator Collector
Cyclone for home shed CNC questions
Cypress Pine finish to avoid cracking
Cyprus Pine
Dan Gelbart Videos - Laser centering Gadget
Dangers of breaking taps *GRAPHIC IMAGES*
Dark but soft timber?
Dark finish for pine
Day 1 of the 12 Days of Christmas Sale
DE Automation
Dec the halls
Decided to treat myself.
Decking - what side is up?
Decking Oil - Which one for Northern Box
Deep Drilling straight and on 90 degrees using a small 2mm drill bit and hand drill?
Deep Yellowwood
deliberately stiring it up
Delta drill press DP220 14" table
Delta Oscillating Orbital Sander - Drums and Disks
Delta Vfd help
Desert IronWood
Desert Storm
DeWalt DW625 Router
DEWALT DW745 table saw
Dewalt Plunge Saw setup
Diagnosis at last.
Diamond Plates Clogging?
Did someone order some timber?
Difference between Hercus 9" A
Dining tables
Dinner Blessing
Directions - (Only in the U.S)
Disposing shavings
distressed timber coffee table repair
DIY Drill Press
DIY drum thicknessing sander
DIY magnetic chuck
DIY sharpening GTG
DIY Smartphone charge station
DMT 3 inch files
dmt Diasharp
Do AD helmets work OK outdoors?
Does anyone here read Russian?
Does anyone in Australia stock Rousseau?
Does anyone know what bird this is
Does anyone own one of the new model H&F Drill presses?
Dog 'ole drilling - another technique
Dog Bone Chest Handles
dog intarsia
Domino shop vac connection?
Domino: What am i doing wrong
Don't fool with an Old Geezer
door jamb
double carport info
Dovetail Jig
Dovetail Jig - Leigh or Gifkin??
Dovetail saws for sale
Downsizing an External Door
draught seal for old double hung timber sash windows
Drawer Front question
Dremel 3D printer
Drill Bits.
Drill pad / work holder
Drill press - I Like this
Drill Press for $500 or under
Drill Press height
Drill Sharpeners
Drink driving
Drink driving #2
DRO for Hercus 260
Drum shells
drunken threads!!!
Drying large tree
Dual setup bore for house & retic
Dumb question - Chisel Roll
Durden Junior Joiner manual Wanted
Dust extraction for a small shop
Dust extraction from for mitre saws
Dust Extractor auto start-on power
Dust size with Arbortech power carving?
Dusty/cyclone in a cabinet
Dynaudio "Profile 4" 4 Way
Dynaudio Profile 3
E-mail virus.
Early Bridgeport Mill
Early christmas present for our farmers
East meets west
Easter Bunny
Eastern Spinebill
Easy hinges for beginner?
Ebara submersibles
Electric chainsaw sharpener
Electric motor question
Electricity Smartmeter Data Transfer
Electrode containers
Eltham & Districuit Woodworkers Club Exhibition
Elu 172 Belt Vibrating/Flapping
Embellished Norfolk Pine
End Grain Sealer for Green Sawn Wood
End of his kits & skills.
English oak
English Oak Bowl
English oak?
English wheel - work in progress - another sheet metal tool project....
Entry level router for first time user
etc) in Melbourne?
Etchant Tank.
even if I do say so myself.
Ever had one of those days?
Every now and then there's a win - win - win
Everything to do with woodwork
Excellent lathe stands.
exhaust fan as air filter?
Exterior house paint.
Extracting magnets from holes (no glue)
Extraction from small power tools - separate system?
Ezycut Combination Saw/Planer Manual HEEEEELP
Facelift front entry door / aluminium / laminex
Family Sailing / Goat and Sooty Tern sailing together
farm truck
Fastcap Kaizen foam
faulty switch box on lathe
Favourite Marking Knives
Feast Watson Clear Satin Varnish
Feedback Needed for Student-Made Wooden Shelf
Fellow gardeners
Fence Pickets - Melbourne area
Fence posts from cut logs - better set wet or seasoned?
Festool CT26E and Dust Deputy
festool ets150/3 eq brushes - when to get?
Festool guide rail
Festool in the UK - makes you want to cry
Festool Price Rises
Festool Site Radio
Fiddleback Tas Blackwood 75mm x 75mm
FIFA and the IOC
Fifty years on
Figured Blackwood
Figured Myrtle
Figured Tas Musk veneer pack
filleting issue in Rhino 3D
Filling in wood holes/cracks: product? technique?
Filling knots in Oak flooring
Filling pine knots and dings - wisdom needed
Final piece for 2015
Finally the Decal
Finding nylon slider/bearing for RHS
finger limes
finish 1931 model A Ford
Finish for a benchtop
Finish on different projects - Expand my experience
Finish on tight grain box - oil?
Finished outer island
Finishing Blackbutt Outdoor Furniture
finishing the inside of a cabinet
Fire sprinkler system for the shed and 2016 wishlist.
First and second toy builds
First attempt at a dovetail template
First crack at a CS Mill - Cypress Pine
First European Pen Question
First Festool purchase
First time on the lathe
Fish Tank Rack Project
Fitting curved box lid stays
fitting single phase motor to old 3 phase lathe
Fitzroy Street Art
Flattening a bowed / warped kauri pine benchtop
Fletty's new shed WIP ....or is it a retrospective??
Floating selves idea - feedback needed please!
Floor in progress ... calling Dirk
Food safe oil - polish?
For all the Toy makes that are after stuff to make for girls .
Fountain pens
Framing for guttering
FREE - blower fan
Free plan
Free Tassie Blackwood offcuts
Free timber pallets
French doors. How to get ventilation with security.
french polish fail
French woodturning video
Fresh stock for 2016
Front door open out?
FS 3D Printers - Makerbot
Function of button on Thunderlaser display
Functioning Nintendo table
G clamps that doesn't close
G'day From Brisbane
G'day from Gold Coast Hinterland
G'day from Queensland
G'day from Seymour VIC
G'Day from South Africa
G'day from WA... A rank beginner. Willing to learn!
Gaining height in basement reno
Gap at the bottom of the Roller Shutter Curtain
Gap between architrave and wall corner
Garden bed corners
Garden Bore
Gasless MIG revisit!
Gday from Brisbane.
General International Dust Collector
General Manager of Thunder Laser visited Beijing Reci Laser Technology Co.
Genuine Multifix holder comparable with new Chinese holders??
Getting back into it.
Getting back to wood.
Getting serious!
Gift Suggestions for the New Year
Gifted Blanks and Recieved MultiTool
GIS - Some random beginner questions
Glass louvers - adjustment to be able to open 90 degrees
glass panel fencing let go
Gloat - Tsushima Nagura & Kikuhiromaru Mentori Usu-nomi
Glue-less Domino Dowel for Festool
Glueing MDF - latest and greatest?
Gluing Tallow wood
Gmail - how to block from .xyz
Gmf lathe
Going old school
Going to have another go at MIG
GOING TO Sydney to Melbourne and back
Going to Tasmania-what to see?
Gold & Chrome
Gold Coast Hinterland
Gone Fishing
Good Bye to Yarloop
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen.
good news
Got me a
Got my scorp to work for me!
Gotta love a Lucas
Gotta love The Marines
Gotta Love this Auction Item
Graduated Circumfral markings
Grain filling with epoxy
Gramercy hold fasts
Granberg Alaskan Small Log Mill dimensions required
Granny flat - suggestions and experiences?
Great bar of cast iron - can anyone help cut it (and keep some)?
Great Going groeneaj
great video on kinetic motion of models
Greek Navy Biscuits
Greetings from Tokyo Japan
Grinder Heads
Grit Blasting Cabinet.
Gum Root
Gunk build up on bandsaw blades.
Gussstahl - Joiners Hammer?
H&F BP-360 Setup Questions
H&F T-13S - Thicknesser - Bench Mount (240V) 330 x 152mm Patented Helical Cutter Head
Hafco Bandsaw Issue
hafco pt-6 jointer query
Hafco Woodmaster B-18v Scrollsaw Information
Hafco WoodMaster WL-20 - Belt size?
Hamlet Masterflute vs normal bowl gouge?
HANDS on dvd
handtool Work bench timber selection
Happy Holidays?
hardie flex sheet
Hartley Vixen 17 Build
Harvey HW110LGE-30 Table Saw purchase and unboxing
Has anyone made the kerfing plane described by Tim Fidgen in the Unplugged Workshop
Has anyone tried re-handling f clamps before?
Has Aus Post been slow over Christmas?
Having a happy New Year
Having Fun
He's still got it.
Headlights on in the rain
Heads Up Bokken wood noble Brasil - IPE
Heads Up Don't miss the Sturt School 2015 Graduation exhibition
Heads Up Fryerstown Antiques Under the Trees.
Heads Up Fryerstown Under the Trees No.2. ???
Heads Up Garage Clearout
Heads Up Hare & Forbes 3-day sale
Heads Up Massive Timber Clearance Wauchope
Heads Up Nov 22nd SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE Demonstration Day - BENDIGO
Heavily Figured Blackwood Blocks x 3
Heavily figured Blocks for knife handles
Heavily Figured Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood Blocks x 3 some burl grain
Helical Plain Milling Cutter Sharpening - A Challenge
Hello -- I have questions!
Hello every one
Hello from Cape Town
Hello from Lithgow
Hello from Melbourne Australia
Hello from Perth. Just getting started
Hello from Sherwood nsw
Hello From Sydney - Taren Point
Hello from Tassie
Helmet Safety and Crepe Cleaning Block
Help finding hinges for thin wall box 5mm
Help mdf skirting board Filler
Help me expand my tool collection and woodworking skills
Help needed for vent space around dusty bags.
Help needed in RIGHT NOW!!
HELP PLEASE MS Office professional 2010
HELP PLEASE!!! design for dust extraction
Help required starting a compost heap
Help SOS chuck key
Help with eave support/strut to exterior of weatherboard house
Help with pallet furniture finish
Help with US tool
Hercus #12 grinder
hercus 9 parts manual
Hercus history?
Hi everyone
Hi from Adelaide
Hi from Myocum
Hi from Queanbeyan :)
Hi from Queanbeyan NSW
Hi newbie from WA
Hi to Admin and all Members
Hi. Five Thumbs is back after a long absence.
High End Kits
Highly Figured Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood 95mm x 95mm x 420mm
Highly Figured Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood Block
Highly Figured Tasmanian Blackwood Block
Highly Figured Tasmanian Blackwood Blocks
Hinge recommendations
Hinge suggestions for wall hung dining table
Hinges for trifold table
HM-45 Mill Drill
Holden Out
Holiday wanderings
Hollow grind bevel - 200mm or 150mm wheel?
Hollows and Rounds
Home built hot bush shower
Home Hardware
Home Made Swing Away Tailstock.
home-brew router table top
homemade router table in SA
Hommel Werke unusual micrometer
Honda ...... a very clever ad
Hoop& Silky
Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo
Hospital Bill
Hot Melt Edge bander for shed/garage set up
housing and casing for Jet AFS1000 air filtration
How cool is this?
How do I prime this bore pump
how does concrete hold posts in the one spot in the ground
how i make toy wheels
How is this window trim fixed
How long should it take to lap a plane iron
how much is this worth?
How much should I offer for Stringybark?
How to attach shade blind to brick work so removable
How to Fix Top of Table I Just Bought?
How To Improve My Technique
How To Install a Grinding Wheel on a Bench Grinder & How to Make it Run True ....
How to polish brass?
how to remove moss/algae from lawn
How to remove pain off metal door knobs
How to setup your mars laser machine from thunderlaser
How to setup your Thunder Mini60 laser system
how to spend 10k?
How to treat DIY log stool
How to zero a router cutter
howdy from newcastle
Huanyang 7.5 kw VFD
Hunter Forumites Get Together - Sun 15th November
Hybrid vs entry level table saw
Hyco Woodfast cast iron tool rests
Hydrowood Timber
I dig My Everlast 200T Tig
I don't want to bore you but
I hate this guy.
I inherited my Great Grandfather's complete kit including his carpenters bench!
I love taking a few snaps
I need a key drop box
I need an Entamologist
I never thought I'd start a quilting thread!
I posted this in the Triton but really my question needs to be here
I should of known
I'm looking for other Roy Bliss Oceaneer owners.
I'm not a politically motivated person
IAD from LAP
Ibis has left the building
Ideas for zinc castings
Ideas needed for mounting rest bar
Identify this timber
Important To sand parquetry floor corners?
Important Upgrade this weekend
Importing tariff classifications... AARRGGHH
In the marketplace
Incra Fence for Mitre saw Bench
Incra Fence for table saw/router table
Incra Fence question
Incra Positioner/Fence
Infill Playhouse
Injuries and accomplishments
inlays etc
Insanely high quality craftsmanship - Tube Roller
Installing Brusso butt hinges
Installing Room Air Filter
Interesting gadget
Internals of "Tree" boring tool
Internals of "Tree" boring tool revisited
Internals of "Tree" boring tool revisited attemp 2
Invisible fastening for corner shelf
Ipswich or Caboolture ???
Irish ghost story
Irrigation controllers
Is claret ash any good for turning
Is Festool worth the cost?
Is the law really an ass?
Is there such a thing as Jarrah sheets?
Is this ironic?
is this on my basil plant?
it arrived today
It fell off the back of a truck
It's the Details
Italic handwriting - Calligraphy
J. Sanderson hand saw
Jacaranda bowl and ebonising...
Jarrah birds
Jarrah chest of drawers
Jeff Beck & Imelda May
JET BANDSAW 14" extended
Jewlery box
Jig for slotted backs.
Job for a tasmanian forumite
Joining Top Plates
Jointer Bed flattening Adelaide?
Jointer Bed flattening in Adelaide?
Jointer for box making
Jointer for less than $1000
Jumping Spider
Junior Moments
Just a few new Toys
Just How many of our problems a really due to getting older?
Kant Twist Clamps and Forge and Foundry Burners on Gameco's Web Store
Kenworth revisited.
Kenworth T908 prime mover with sleeper
Kid stuff
kids question
Kit less pen parts ( fountain pens)
kitchen laundry benchtop painting
Korean Joinery
Kreg - Triton Router Plate Insert Holes Not Matching Up
Kreg Benchtop Router
Kreg Customer Service
Kreg jointer jig
Kreg K4 Master System and extras
Kreg Router Insert plate
L.S.Barker Combination Machine.
Large Fiddleback Tas Blackwood Block
Large gap between brickwork and window - how to remedy
Large Highly Figured Fiddleback Tas Blackwood Block
Large sanding belt?
Last cast for this Year so it was a big one
Last Minute Christmas Order
Last Turning of 2015
Lathe as dividing head using threadcounter
Lathe Dust Collector - a free design
lawn mower
lawn on lawn?
Layout Stain Review
Learning curve
Learning to Turn again!
Leather Sandals
LED lighting in the workshop?
Leda in Perth
Ledacraft pt-107 planer/thicknesser
Legal advice
Legs for heavy wood slab coffee table
LEST WE FORGET - the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month
Lid seperation
Light Duties
lincoln table saw - anyone know these
Line Shaft Speeds??
Linisher overheating
Linked V belts
Liquid Amber Pods
Little Box
Little turning job
Long stemmed Banksia nut goblets
Long time reader first time poster
Look at the market place for Smoothstepper USB
Look what I found in the garden. :)
Looking for 86x19 tallowood decking (Brisbane area) ...
Looking for advice
Looking for advice 12" SCMS
Looking for post recommendations
Looking for the ideal design for a 16' trailer-sailer.
Lopper review
Love seeing chips
Low-VOC finish for pressure treated pine beam?
Lower & Central Blue Mountains Men's Shed meeting: Sat 28 November
Lucas mill- camphor and red gum.
Lucky or mad skills?
Lynx/Pax Saws?
M35 5% Cobalt
Machine Table Restoration
Machine tester
Machinery Heads-up
Machining a D hole in a gear/pulley
Mackay Cedar
Mackay cedar jewellery box
Madurodam - Holland
Magnetic Bit Holders
Mahogany lead light doors for caravan kitchen
Make a disk sander
Make Your Own Bed
Making aeroplanes in Australia
Making do with old tools?
Making Lancaster bombers
making longbows
Making rolling shop carts for my L-Boxxes
Makita coil nailer
mallards hiking pole
MAMIYA C220 TLR medium-format
March 13th
Massive Timber Clearance Wauchope
Master PenManship the flip side of Pen Turning
Masterpiece saw
Masters to close
Mathematics and Woodies: Does it matter?
Maxim Toolboxes
MBS 250 riving knife
MBS 250 riving knife to fit a Sharkguard
McNaughton corer
Measurements Required for H & F BS-7L Bandsaw stand
Medical Jokes
Melbourne Builders
Melbourne Supply
Member list problem?
Members on Instagram
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Metalwork forum question
Mid Century Laminate??
Mig shrouds/nozzles
Mig Welder Problems
mill scale
mill tooling advice
Millers Falls
Milling floorboards
Milling Recycled Jarrah
Miss Beehaving
Mist Spray
Mit-a-mit hand drill question
Mitre Box Advice?
Mixing hardwood and softwood - bearers
Mobile Phone Apps.
Mobile Uke storage
Model A - black finish on apron
Modular Arithmetic
Monster Truck from the Christmas Pallet Toy Challenge 2015
More birds
More Falcon planes
More spice boxes
More Spoons
Mountain Ash Slab Dining Table
Mountain Lion
Movie stars
Moving a heavy machine!!!!!! HELP
Mrs Woodpecker
Mtn coach
Multiborer air supply
Multicraft 7016
Multiple motors from one VFD
Mumma with Mid Century on My Mind
Museum of the frogs
Music Box
Musk and Celery top Drawer box.
Musk and Huon Pine Blocks for re-saw box making etc
Musk and Tas oak
My Bike
My Collection of Detonator Crimp Pliers is Growing ...
My completed work bence - so far
My first attempt using a quadrant hinge
My first box
My first ornament ...
My First Segmented piece
My Great grandfather's workbench
My latest Guitar Build
My latest Nintendo Wii box
My Lathe
My new tool drawers / cabinet
My new toy 260 ATLM
My Sharpening Regime
My Shed
My Thoughts - Paris
my toymaking continued
My wife was impressed with this sail !.
My workshop is finally finished
myrtle and flame rosewood boxes
Myrtle and Silver Ash Jewellery Box
Nail-finding trick
NCF Accelerant-Where to Buy in Cairns?
ND filters - colour cast
Need A Part
need a Silver Sedona kit
Need a wood working machinist
need adaptor.
need help
Need help finding specialty castors
Need help sizing railing rods
Need help to machine timber and make bench top.
Need help with band saw ID & some advice please
Need help with two electrical issues - wiring a switch and adding variable speed
Need some help with equipment
Need some help with Joomla
Need someone with bandsaw (or power hacksaw)
need to feed 100mm ducting through the ceiling
Need to hire someone's jointer and thicknesser in Sydney
Needing some turning for a country style kitchen..
Negative thinking
New (to me) odd Biax scrapers
New Broken Welder
New building site. Can neighbour concrete to adjoining fenceline without drainage/ ap
New Camera Suggestions?
New entry
New fence and mitre slide for a table saw
New guy from the mountains in Pennsylvania
New H&F Band saws
New Hercus 40" beds
New Hobby
New iBox Jig from Incra
New jointer blades
New kid on the block
New library for my boss
New Listing Looking for Cedar Pencil (CEP) sawn timber to spore.
New Listing woodwork inspiration
New material for handtools
New Member
New mill
New Product Just Arrived
NEW resource for Incra wonderfence - generate custom joints
NEW Steve Hay's Woodworking Masterclass
new table saw
New table saw motor bounce
New table top for camera build - is this Cedar?
New tank for plasma
New to milling
new to photography
New tool
New toy motorbike design in progress
New turner after some advice
New twist
New Workbench build
Newbie needs wooden gear clock advice
NG Rosewood Bowl
Nice Contrast
nice rosewood knob and tode
Nifty use for busted tape measure / Drawing a big arc
No 1 bowl turniing woodlathe
No 4
No point waiting for a rainy day
Norfolk Island Pine
North QLD kit shed / garage crazy prices?!
Northern Rivers
Northern Silky/ Cardwellia
not a bad lump of wood
Not a joke. Just a bit of fun MK.XIV
Not Birds
Not Fit for Purpose
Not food miles.
Not Happy with a local distributor Perth
Not quite furnitire
Not receiving email notifications
Not so crazy
Not wood but still wow!
Nova Insert.
NS14 Northbridge Senior boat plans
NSW 1930 bedroom suite furniture
NSW 8mm by 32mm Fluted Dowels - Bulk Lot
NSW Assorted Wood Turning Tools
NSW Beall Pen Wizard and Dremel
NSW Birdseye redgum
NSW Brand new Hare & Forbes DC-7 excluding motor/blower
NSW Delta Oscillating Orbital Sander
NSW Delta Random Orbital Sander
NSW Disk Sander
NSW Drum sander on grays online
NSW Ezicut Planer
NSW Festool CT36 Long Life bag
NSW Free Lathe For Someone
NSW FS - Plastic Collection Bags for dust extractor
NSW FS 3D Printers - Makerbot
NSW Hare & Forbes T318 thicknesser $235 (Sydney)
NSW Hare and Forbes Lathe - W382
NSW Metal Lathe
NSW New Old Style Triton TRA001
NSW Old Model Clearvue CV06 Mini
NSW Oregon Bench top
NSW OzzieJig
NSW Pen Blank Cutting Jig
NSW Rail and Stile Set
NSW Record-Irwin 175mm Vice
NSW SCM Invincible Planer/thicknesser for sale Sydney.
NSW some hand planes
NSW Sorby Turning Chisels
NSW Stanley 45
NSW Taper cutting jig
NSW Thickness Some Blackbutt for me?
NSW Triton Woodpecker Router Plate
NSW Woodfast short bed lathe for sale Sydney.
NSW Workbench
NSW WTB - Outside Spring Calipers 3 &4"
NSW wtb Spoke shave with a flat base
NSW: Free Clamps and Chisels
NSW:Swap Free Timber - Gladesville 2111
Nylon Braid
O! Mighty keepers of timber knowledge
O/A kit - recommendation
O1 Steel
OB Building Surveyor (permitting services)
Odd tap
Odourless finish needed for tea box
Of despots
Offset eye bolts
Ohh Woolworths
Oil based polyurethane problem on pine
old canon stuff
old chap
Old info
Old motor & VFD
Old Triton TRA001 Parts for Free
Old variable diameter Circle cutter - wood or leather?
Old Walther GSP
Old Woodfast 6 inch jointer blades and gibs.
On The Bridge
Once upon a time.....
One off Milling job in perth WA
One Pic is Worth Rescuing?
One shot oiler
Options for high positioning accuracy?
Options for hollowing boxes/ornaments
or milled on site - Mackay Region - Queensland
or whatever other religious group you belong to.
Osage Orange
Oscillating edge sander - is there a "best"?
OT 59 Corvette revisited
OT likes are back
OT parcel news
Other Forums
Outdoor bench seat
Over Under
Overhead Lineshaft drives at BMP facility
Ozito Impact Driver
Pages freezing
Painful Arm
Pallet origin and safety
Pallet Toy Xmas Challenge
Panel Saw SCM Model S115F
paring slicks/ scarf slicks
paving paint colour to go with weatherboards and bricks
PC Items and Builder
Pebble paving over agg pipe drainage
Pen 1 Warts and All
Pen Descriptions
Performax 22-44 Pro & extra belts
Perfume Applicator
Pernambuco and Olive pen
Perth business selling used woodworking machinery
Petrol Water Pump vs Electric Water Pump with Generator
PhD who gave up his career to become self-employed all-round maker
photo attempt
Photography and Truth
pic and qustion heavy
Pickups from a combo belt/disc sander
Picture Framing Deals | Sander Kit & More
pine and fill pop top roof
Pine Sleeper as Ground Level Bearer?
Planer Thicknesser L'Invincible 1750
Playing with blanks
Pleasant surprise
Please recommend a Drill Press for hobbist
Plow (Plough) Planes
Plywood for furniture
Plywood suppliers NSW South Coast
Plywood work holding jigs for the mill
Poang chairs
Poor quality maple?
Positive Attitude
Post your end of year high note and salutation
posting to older threads
Postscript to purchase of a new vacuum cleaner
Power cable in concrete footing?
Power Cylindrical Grinder
POWER surface grinder - info requested
Prague - hints and tips for tourists
Pre-relieving cutting edges
preferrably clear?
Pressure Pots
Preston 30" Bandsaw Guides
Progress No 2G Drill Press
Project Binkey
Projects from MappleMans Timber Slabs
Prolong the life of my windows
provident funds and pay increases.
Pruning/training experiment
PTFE Melting
pulled my finger out and got it built
PURPLE GIDGEE from far nth Queensland.
Putting a centre in rough stock
QLD 10" Table saw Hare & Forbes
QLD 19" Bandsaw
QLD 3 1/2 Sash cramps for $50
QLD 3 x Marples In-cannal Gouges & 1 x 1/4" Pattern makers chisel.
QLD 38mm
QLD 3HP twin dusty
QLD 4 x E A Berg Heavy duty firmer chisels
QLD 8"Carba tec Jointer
QLD Atkins No.53 24" Panel saw fully restored.
QLD Australian Red Cedar boards dressed and edge jointed
QLD Big Boy Sander with Mobile Base
QLD Blackwood Turning Blanks
QLD Bulk Box making pack
QLD Camphor pen blanks
QLD Carba-Tec Workbench
QLD Cheap Blackwood slabs
QLD Cheap Blackwood Stacks
QLD Cheap Mango Slabs
QLD Cheap Silky Oak slabs and boards
QLD Cheap Slabs
QLD Curly Mango for turning
QLD David Charlesworth DVDs
QLD Delta ScrollSaw
QLD Disston D-95 26" Hand saw Hybrid with Spotted Gum handle
QLD Disston D-95 with hybrid Spotted Gum handle
QLD Disston D8 Thumbhole 4ppi rip saw
QLD Disston D8 Thumbhole ripsaw 5 1/2 ppi
QLD dust extractor 3hp
QLD English made Mitre Clamp and Bench hold-down clamp
QLD F27 hardwood 80 y/o
QLD Fiddleback Blackwood knife blanks
QLD Forest Red Gum Grinder Blanks
QLD Free Makita 9 volt battery drill (no battery) pick-up only
QLD Giveaway - 3 pairs of 600mm full extension ball bearing drawer runners
QLD Giveaway - Bowtie Routing template to create female part
QLD Harold and Saxon Titan inspired Mortice Chisels
QLD Heavy duty 10" Dawn G clamp.
QLD Highly Figured Mango Blanks for Box making and Turnery
QLD Highly Figured Mango Blanks for Box making/Salt and Pepper grinders
QLD Highly Figured Mango Blanks for Pen/Knife handles
QLD Highly Figured Mango Blanks for Salt and Pepper grinders
QLD Highly Figured Mango Boards/Blanks for Box making
QLD Highly Figured Mango Boards/Blanks for Box making and Turnery
QLD Highly Figured Medley of Knife Blocks
QLD JET JPT-260 M Planer Thicknesser
QLD JET JWB225 Wide Belt Sander (600+wide)
QLD Laguna 14suv Bandsaw
QLD linisher sander
QLD Mackay Red Cedar
QLD Maple
QLD Medley of Boards/Blanks for Box making
QLD Medley of Pen Blanks
QLD Northern Silky Oak 170 x 42
QLD Northern Silky Oak 250 x 34
QLD Off cuts and bits and pieces
QLD Pen Blanks
QLD Pen Blanks for Xmas
QLD Philippine Mahogany - Balau - Lauan
QLD Qld Maple
QLD Qtr Sawn Northern Silky Oak 220 x 41
QLD Quarter sawn Blackwood boards
QLD Quarter sawn Southern Silky Oak Knife/Pen Blocks
QLD Queensland Maple board for Box making
QLD Red ash/coopers wood/alphitonia excelsa
QLD Red Bean Wanted
QLD Reecycled Northern Silky Oak 67x 67mm
QLD Robert Sorby Kangaroo panel saw
QLD Router Table Auction
QLD Sawyer Tools Protractor Head for adjustable square
QLD Simonds No.62 Blue Ribbon 7ppi crosscut
QLD Simonds No.72 Blue Ribbon 7ppi crosscut
QLD Southern Silky Oak for Knife handles/Pen blanks
QLD Super heavy duty sash cramps 1400mm long
QLD Super heavy duty T bar cramp 2.4m long
QLD Table saw with sliding table
QLD Trade Tools Router table with aluminium sliding deck - includes Makita 1800 Router
QLD Triton Under Saw Table Dust Bag
QLD Veritas 4 Way Speed Frame Clamp
QLD WANTED: Sheoak Chisel Handle Blanks
QLD Warranted Superior 26" crosscut saw 7ppi
QLD Wood Lathe for Xmas
QLD Wood Workbench
QLD Woodworking vice mechanism
Quantities and Best Place to Buy?
quantiy of planner blades
Queensland Maple
Question for the VFD Experts
Question regarding jamb studs
Quick and easy Xmas trees
Quick Canoe sailing hack
Quick tips on storage for a non-miller
Quote to remove load bearing wall
QWAS Dogs for MFT/3 Table
R.I.P. David Bowie
R.I.P. Glen Frey
R.I.P. Stevie
Rack & pinion supplier help
Raised Wooden Letters
RBT Nightmare!!
Rebirthing old neglected planes.
rebuild of a milling machine
rebuilt headstock
Recipe for a jewlery box
Recommend an electric chainsaw?
Recommendation for hoop pine clear coat?
Recommendations for external oil finish please
Recycling at its best
Red Cedar
Red Gum Slab cost
Red Gum table joinery question
Red Hot Fire Engine
Red Mahogany info sought
Reduce noise from Dust Extractor
Refinishing table top
Rejuvenate and Protect Timber Windows - A Few Questions
religious zeal and that which we have created in the pursuit of peace.
Remember the happy day
Remove Front Lawn / Replace with Mulch?
removing load baring wall at the back of garage
Removing oil spots from timber
Repaint door
Repairing a repair to old red cedar dresser
Repairing Shash Window Frame
Replacing non-standard size fascia
Replacing rotten bargeboard on house
Require middle pulley for pedestal drill.
Researching old WW Machinery
Restored QLD Maple full size bed.
Restoring a clinker built Huon Pine dinghy
Restoring a Huon Pine dinghy
Restoring a queen anne blackwood piano stool?
Retirement Advice For Everyone
Retrofitting Dust Extraction To 14" Woodfast Bandsaw
Reviving the finish on a Piano
ride-on mower keeps dying
Rings Rings & More Rings
River Stroll
Rob Cosman Saw - How it's made
Robert Scoby Lathe chuck
Robinson Morticer Motor - how to remove spray paint
Rocket #7
Rockwell Model 5008 Manual
Roll Top Box
Root runs in Weld to Code
Rough cut 100 x 50 mmm pine wanted
Router bit climbs while cutting
Router Motor
Router problem - Hitachi TR-12
Router table - Build or buy?
Router table decision time
Router table recommendations for the BOSCH Router (RT0700CX)?
Rubber for car restoration
Rules of thumb for pulse?
Rural Hardwood Fence Posts
Rust and Fungii
Rust stains on concrete stepping stones
Rusted door frame.
Rustins danish oil stinks
Rusty chuck
SA 150mm pvc pieces suitable for DC ducting
SA bandsaw on gumtree
SA FREE: pipe clamps
SA Tasmanian Myrtle
SA Whiteside RC Eliminator quick change chuck
Safe internal box routing against fence on table
Safest way to do 60 deg mitre cut?
safety alert
Safety frustration at the mens shed
Safety with the use of the router
Salvaging wood from old furniture ... while respecting others good work of the others
Sand Blasting.
Sand paper- do you think this will work on the disc sander
Sander/Grinder advice needed.
Sanding Sealer & glue any conflict?
Santa with a Bear
Satin Flycatcher
Save my lawn!
Savoy Brown.. still got it!
Saw anvils
Saw blade tensioning for panel and hand saws
Saw Bolt Assemblies.
Saw Doctor Recommendations
Saw for composite sheets
Saw Report 7
Saw score or just junk - Disston
sawing support
Scheppach planer/thicknesser table adjustment
scrapers and cast surface plate.
Screw types
Scroll saw for occasional use.
Scroll work decoration on box
Sealing a table top
Season's Greetings from the UK!
Seasons Greetings & very heart felt thank you.
security warning
See Through Diamond Wheel
Segmented Curly Maple & Sapele Mahogany Vase
Segmented Sliding Cabinet Door
Selling second hand wood turn - Where?
Seniors Moment
Shadow Lettering
Shaftless Cast US Desert Ironwood Burl
Sharpening Brad Point type Drill bits
Sharpening Get Together (GTG)
Sharpening Mount Waverley
Sharpening Spring Loaded Centre Punch
Shed Cable Clips
Shed door ideas
Sheet Metal Tools
Sheeting gyprock directly onto single brick walls
Sheoak Timber
Sheriffs' Office
Sherwood 10in hybrid
Shiny plastic light ceiling material for pergola areas etc- looks like corflute..
shockies and struts - restoration
Shop line by jet 10" direct drive table saw model JSL-10TS
Shop Made Long Hole Boring Tools
Shop Vac died - what to replace with?
Should I be worried....
sight glass
Silver Ash
Silver Quandong and Brazilian Mahogany
Simple Desk Pen/cil Holder
Simple sushi mould (or is it mold)
Simple VFD connection for multiple switch locations
Simply Amazing.
Simulated Urushi black finishes?
Singapore Flower Dome.
Single revolution clutch- pin clutch or similar unit
sizing of cupboard doors?
Sketch up
skew practice !!!
Slab table metal legs
Slanting joists
slide drop saw
Slimline Blackwood?
Small Australian red cedar & Southern silky oak box
Small Box
Small Carving
Small coin/key bowl-what timber is it?
Small drill Sharpener !
Small home workshop
Small leg for a Three legged table
Small milling required - Brisbane area
Small Quantities Steel Supplier - Brisbane
Small wood turning lathe for pens - Wanted - second hand or new
SmoothStepper USB
Solar kiln
Solid or Engineered doors
Some advice needed
Some animal money boxes
Some bird photos
Some DIY tools
Some Folks Can Be Pretty Dumb ....... !
Some friendly advice needed for restoring beautiful old Victorian door
Some gnarly Blackwood
Some handy ideas for the shead
Some macro photos
Some more birds
Some of my favourite bird photos
some of sample made by thunder laser cutter
Some Recent Turnings
Some simple cars
Some steam machinery
Some thing to watch out for - angle grinder incident
Some Tip Puppies
Someone hit me
Sometimes the solution is so simple..
Sound insulation for garden shed setup
Sound proof the shed? Here are some ideas....
Source of creak on new bed
South Africa
Southern Right Whale
SPAM WARNING Microsoft Outlook Team fake E-mail
Spanish mahogany wood for sale
Spear & Jackson Backsaw Handle.
Spindle coolant additive recommendations
spindle oil - suggestions ranging from ISO 22 to ISO 100
Spindle oils
spindle question and oil flying everywhere
Spit roast
SQ 51- Why the gap
Squared Plate
Squaring Blank Ends
Squeaking Floor Board help please!!!!
Stain And Burnishing Oil.
Stairs and a Banana
Standard collet or obscure special?
Standard door size?
Stanhopea orchid for christmas
Stanley #4 (2)
Stanley bedrock 605 corrugated
Stanley Frog Adjustment Screw
Stanley No 7 and No 8 Planes
Stanley no 78 plane
Stanley No. 6 plane blade refurb - worth the effort?
Starrett Bandsaw Blades
startrite 275 with sliding carriage - Got one !
Steam cleaner ignition query
steel and mahogany antique shoulder planes to drool over!
Steel French Doors - good / cheap supplier Sydney
Sticks in water...... and other wet stuff
Still Practicing
Stirrup size for posts
Stone Saws
Straight edge or spirt level to set jointer tables co planar ?
strength of various woods under bending load?
Strong structural joints using a mitre saw? What is possible?
Structural Ply Bracing Installation Question
Struggling with dust
Stuck on Wedge Shape Jewellery Display Box (urgent)
Stunning photos from National Geographic
Suggestions for handles for large box
Suggestions for Timber Bending Iron
suitable for box making
Sun and Planet Mobile
Sunset On Fire
Superglue and baking soda
Suppliers in Melb
Support timbers
Switch contact coating wearing out
Systainer locking latch
T Track
T track Wanted
Table Saw - Absolute beginner
Table saw and wobble dado advice needed.
Table saw rust and scratches
Table saw slot
Tabletop - Can I avoid the warp?
Tacho .problem
Tail Stock Steady
TAS 48 Quality Takane clock movements with hands.
TAS Tiger Myrtle Figured Huon and Flame Myrtle blocks suit re-saw box making etc.
Tasmanian Blackwood Burl Bubble Figure Block
Tassie 5-axis
Tassie to Melbourne/Adelaide
Template guides for Makita RP2301fc router: help please
Temple Pilots
Ten Best Caddy Responses . .
Termite heart break... What to do now?
Test Run
Thank you for looking at my works on YouTube.
Thats New!
The 2015 Xmas Toy Pallet Challenge
The Christmas rush.
The Cleaning of Rusty Tools.
The Cormorant Fisherman
The Dust Deputy and Static Electricity
The Eastern Spinebill
The end of my world as I know it.
The Experiment
The Eye of the DRAGON!!!
The finished Flipper
The FOLEY Saw Equipment Thread
The Ford Sierra ???.
The function of menu button on thunderlaser machine
the last news
The law and regulations
The Lonely Slim at Black Palm Lathe
The making of a Holland and Holland shotgun - absolute perfection
The making of Lie-Nielsen hand planes - a nice video
The miracle of a sheet of toilet paper
The Most Beautiful Moonrise Time-Lapse You'll Ever See - 4 Min
The owner said "Take these machines or Im going to scrap them"
The penguin
The perfect woman??
THE rarest Stanley hand plane is up for sale
The Rest of the DRAGON
The Roentgens Berlin Secretary desk
The science of a crosscut saw
The stolen car
The truck
The Ultimate Roubos?
The wave
There Be DRAGONS!!!
There's something about bowsaws
Thermal Expansion of Table Tops
They live amongst us
Thickie Spiral Head Issues
Thicknesser blade adjustment
Thicknesser Question
Thicknesser VS Hand planes - Advice Needed!
Thicknessing Painted Timber
This is what happens when . . . .
This Mans Girlfriend Wanted Him to Get Rid of His Dog on Craigslist Heres the Ad
This morning i was reminded...
Those Blondes Again
Thoughts on Enclosing my Alfresco area
Three Student's Desks WIP
Thunder Laser machine training for new employees
Thunder Laser system EMC test by SGS
Thunderlaser news-Thunder Laser new staff learn photo engraving
Thunderlaser two-day trip to Taishan
Thx to Pittwater
Tide Clock
Tiger Myrtle. (small hand size)
Timbecon - ✪✪✪Christmas Sale on Next Weekend!✪✪✪
Timber choice for drum sticks
Timber ID
Timber ID please
Timber in south Australia
Timber rack on a brick wall - how much weight?
Timber Sash Window
Timber storage rack
Time to service your tabke saw
Times running out - to get your vote in for the challenge......
Tiny grasshoppers eating plants !
Tiwang Fir anyone heard of it?
To all my Liberal Friends
Toggle clamp failure/s
Tool grinding: Form cutter sharpening attachment
Tool Holder for HBM
Tool identification
Tool Storage Updates
tools for Christmas
Tormek T7 and roughing gouge
Torsion Box Dining Table
Torsion Box Dining Table - End Grain
Toy cars
Toy Steam Roller from Christmas toy pallet challenge
Toy stove
Toymaking Christmas pallet challenge
Toys and Joys?????
Tractors ?
Train sets
Transporting Lucas Mill
Treadle Metal Lathe and Post drill
Trend airshield pro - asbestos
Tri-point woodturning tool
Triton dust bag
Triton ETA100 Mini Sliding Table
Triton jigsaw attachment
Triton Respirator
Triton Router broken?
Triton spares in OZ are like Festool prices in OZ
truck and bobcat
Truck money box
Trupro EBAS-350
Turn off email notifications for "likes"?
turning a mango bowl........then oooppppsss !! and HELP !!
Turning A Set Of Bowls In China
Turning Brass.
Turning scale model wooden wheels
Turret mill transport Melbourne Vic.
TV Help
two identical townhouses except...
Type A Series 1
Type of chiseling technique.
types of glue
Ultimaker 2 extedend
Unbelievable guitar repair resource
Unconventional Time On Piece
UNI Assignment
Unusual problem with Steelmaster 12 x 36 lathe
URGENT: Recommendation on drill bit set?
Urticaria (hives)
US Desert Ironwood cast in Gold/Silver Polyester Resin
Use By Date
Used brake disks
using john walsh's digitizing board to help with horse build
Using Up Some Scrap Timber
Vac Clamps Arriving Soon
Vacupress vacuum pump and bag
Veneer questions
venieer repair piano
Venting a DC7 outside
Venting DC outside question
Verandah rafters
Verifying the Account
Veritas Mini Router Base
Veritas Mini Scraper
Veritas Scraper Plane
Vertex Anglock machine vices
Very duck
Very Festive
VFD for multi speed 3-phase motors
VIC 10" tablesaw and 10" planer/thicknesser for sale in Ocean Grove
VIC 100x100 DAR hardwood eoither tas oak or meranti
VIC 4-speed Bandsaw (Toolmac)
VIC A-Line it Deluxe
VIC Air Compressor
VIC air compressor belt drive this is not a auction
VIC American White Oak Furniture Timber Veneer - 15 lengths
Vic Ash & Oregan
Vic Ash table finish - advice appreciated
VIC Australian Red Cedar burl
VIC Bandsaw - Carbatec SBW-4300CE
VIC Bandsaw for sale
VIC Beautiful Red Gum Slab
VIC Board offcuts
VIC Books
VIC Camphor Laurel Blanks (Bowl/bandsaw box use)
VIC Carbatec 10" planer/thicknesser combination for sale
VIC Carbatec CT-2042 Dust Extractor 2 HP
VIC Crown Mini Turning Set
VIC Crown woodturing tools
VIC Crown woodturning tool sets (several)
VIC Cutter Head for Woodfast Planer Thicknesser
VIC Decorating Elf
VIC Early Stanley # 40 Scrub plane
VIC Falcon Pope # F 5 1/2
VIC Felder foKa ECO Edgebander
VIC Festool Backpack
VIC Festool CXS Cordless Drill
VIC Festool ETS 150/5
VIC FOR SALE: Pine (Treated & Untreated) & MDF/PLYWOOD SHEETS
VIC Free Jarrah
VIC Free Job Lot
VIC Free Odds & Sods
VIC FS - Music/Furniture grade African Padauk! Free Post!
VIC FS - Super Rare Music/Furniture grade African Wenge & African Paduak! Free Post!
VIC Gary Pye Chuck set
VIC Gifkin Dovetail Jig
VIC Hafco 16" Band Saw Model BS16A
VIC Hafco 16" bandsaw
VIC Hafco Drill Press Model SBD-20B with Woodpeckers Table Top
VIC Jarrah for Sale
VIC Jet performax drum sander 10-20 plus
VIC McPherson Power Hacksaw
VIC Mini max lab22 combination machine
VIC Mitre box
VIC More stuff- Electrical
VIC Neodymium rare earth magnets
VIC Nova 3000 lathe and GMC dust extractor (separately)
VIC Nova Chuck
VIC Nova Live Centre System
VIC Offcut clearout
VIC old hand tools pope falcon hand drill & bailey No 4 hand plane
VIC Omega Stubby S750 - NO 1 bowl turning lathe - on gumtree
VIC Power carving - King Arthur's Tools and Kutzall carbide sanding disc
VIC Powermatic 14" Bandsaw
VIC Record # 4 in very good condition
VIC Record 050 Improved Combination Plane
VIC record compass plane
VIC Redgum old Growth Furniture Timber - Pack of 9 lengths
VIC Robert Sorby Micro Spiraling System
VIC Robland X30 5 in 1 Combination Machine
VIC Router table - Triton Router MOF001 - Woodpeckers router plate
VIC Scroll chuck 95mm. Carbatec - very little use
VIC Sherwood 6" jointer
VIC Sherwood Scroll Saw - Not Auction
VIC Spindle moulder
VIC Squares
VIC Stanley # 3 plane in as new condition
VIC Stanley # 4 1/2
VIC Stanley # 5
VIC Stanley # 78 Rebate plane. Made in England
VIC Stanley #220 Block plane
VIC Stanley #4
VIC Stanley #4 (3)
VIC Stanley #4 (5)
VIC Stanley #71 Router Plane
VIC Stanley Tool Bag
VIC Stubby S750 Omega
VIC Tablesaw
VIC Tasmanian Myrtle Figured & Colourful Grained Boards - Pack of 12 boards
VIC Tasmanian Myrtle Old Growth furniture Timber - "Factory Seconds"
VIC Tasmanian Myrtle Old Growth Timber - Pack of 9 lengths
VIC Timber offcuts
VIC Triton Router and Jigsaw table with biscuit attachment.
VIC Turner # 220 Block plane
VIC Vicmar Collet Set
VIC Videos
VIC Wadkin Bursgreen 10" tablesaw
VIC wood lathe head stock
VIC Woodfast Lathe
VIC Work Bench Vise
VIC WTB: Mini Lathe
Vice for workbench
Vice Stop ( or why the vice is still not painted Michael )
Victorian style door frame and window
Vifa SA 130 Speakers
villa board
Vintage Car clip
Vinyl Wrapping .. Where to Buy???
VL240 differences to VL300
WA Carbatec CTJ-350 8" Long bed jointer with helical cutting head
WA CNC Seig 2 Mill
WA Double panel clamp kit
WA Framing gun
WA Franz Hermle 351-050 Clock Movement Kit $150
WA FREE built in cupboards
WA Gifkins Dovetail Jig
WA Girder Clamps
WA Paslode angle bradder
WA Paslode bradder
WA Ryobi Industrial 305mm Compound Mitre Saw
Wadkin PK - Can I fit a Single Phase Motor to a wadkin pk table saw?
Wadkin PK manual link and other wadkin manuals
Wagner XVLP FC3500
Waiting for Reboot
waldown workmax drill press
Wall Hung Tool Cabinet
Wall shelf bracket spacings
Walting Matilda
Want to change raised panel cabinet doors to flat/slab panel.
Wanted - cap & blade for a Falcon 151 spokeshave
Wanted - Disston 5 screw thumbhole Handle
Wanted: Jointer
Warning for Dewalt XR cordless tool owners.
Warped Lid
Was just given a wooden canoe
Wasted puns
Watcha Dooen @ Dooen GTG 23 - 26 Jan
Water Dragon
Waterfall bubinga
Wattyl Estapol Interior Polyurethane - Spray Can in Matt - Dry or Wet and Dry Sandpap
wedge shaped boards
Weed identification needed
Welding both ways.
welding to hydraulic ram
Weldon Countersink Sharpener.
Well it's finally happened
Went For A 3Hr Drive and Look What Followed Me Home.........
Westone Grinder
What a joke
what am I missing?
What are 100 x 200mm butt hinges used for?
what are the basics
What Fuse to Use
What internet speeds should I expect
What is the finish used on my floorboards? Stripped by dog urine!
What is this for?
What is this weed and how to get rid of it
What is this? Saw clamp for sharpening
What kind of creature makes this?
What order to apply flocking and danish oil?
what sort of plants would i put out here in this shaded area?
What sort of spacer
What Species Please
What to do with Cleared Logs ?
What to use to level my back lawn
What's this bolt for?
Whats Best?
whats difference???
Whats your anagram name
Wheeled Excavator Scale 1:20
Where to buy
Where to buy cast round
Where to buy Wooden Pins??
Where to find a acrylic base for a Makita Compact router
Where to get box stays
Where to get my Argon??
Where to get short length of ~80mm ID corrugated hose
where to post want to buy ads
Where to source branches?
Which blades for my new Bandsaw
Which Bosch ROS?
Which Dust Extractor would you buy?
Which Lucas Sawmill to purchase?
Which router table and fence???
Which veneer face to use ?
White Oak Plate Two
Why do they call it a flat?
Why get a Combo rather than separate Jointer and Planer/Thicknesser?
Why I use Photobucket!.
Why/how did I stuff this up?
Wide Thick Highly Figured Tasmanian Blackwood Block
Widest Chisel Blade Australia
will pay for it.
will untreated pine painted in enamel last for out side use? ( table legs & Body )
Window frames cracking
Window glazing
Windows 10
Winter is Coming
WIP - the new assembly table
WIP 1932 Packard model 904
WIP Rocking horse Scarlet
Woman driver
Women Drivers
Wompoo Pigeon
Wood clock plan help
Wood Lathe MC 1100 plusTru Grind sharpening jig Pick up SE Melbourne Area
Wood Machinists tool box
Wood working GetToGether
Woodcut CBN wheel whetstone tormek
Woodcut negative rake scraper ... as a lacer skew
Wooden Boat Magazine and The Boatman
Wooden flowers
Wooden Machinists Tool Box
Wooden Train Track Comparability Issue - Help Please!!
Woodfast TS250RC
Woodturning sale at Wallan Sat. 12th December
Woodwork Newbie
Woodworking Machinery in Australia - Manufacturers and Merchants
Woodworking newbie
WOOHOO IT'S HERE FS DJI INSPIRE 1 Pro Quadcopter Drone w/ 4K HD Camera (Zenmuse X5)
WOOHOO! Variable Jaw Opening Quick Release Clamps
Work bench - 6000x2800 - Upholsters don't make good chippies!
Work bench #1
work in progress 1931 model A Ford
Workshop Benches/Tables deceptively large
workshop FORK LIFT 1999 Shinko Electric Ace
Workshop Wet & Dry Vacuum
Would a 600mm x 17mm plywood disk self destruct at 1100RPM
WTB Table saw
WTB: Bed extension for Teknatool Nova 3000 series Wood Lathe
WTB: magnetic drill
X2 Mill Mods/Upgrade
Xmas came early - new machine tool
Xmas Presents
Yarloop fire
Yarloop Workshop Museum
Yet more birds
You know you're Australian when..
You see the funniest things on Facebook
you shouldn't have!
Your greatest achievement for 2015?
ZCI mod to assist dust control
Zebra Timber question....
Zinken compact 21
Blog Archive
VIC Bosch Green Multitool PMF 180 E
VIC GMC Biscuit Jointer BJ110M
VIC Ryobi Angle Grinder EAG9010K
VIC Sheppach Oscillating Vertical Bobbin Sander + ...
Mango, Brisbane
Hello from Brisbane
Wood fast M408S lathe manual Wynyard Community Men...
Lost Trades Fair - Kyneton Vic - Sat 7 and Sun 8 M...
Paulownia Trees / Fire Break ?
Milling after Marcia
A bit of fun with scale.
Rusty Old Iron n steel
Woodfast Woodlathes
New Product Limited Stock Available
Traditional Wax SPECIALS
QLD Brand new Sorby Diamond Parting tool - Last on...
Wind Turbine
bulls head
Advice on joins for cube wine rack design
Put Sunday 28th February 2016 in your diary for Sy...
Hello from the UK!
QLD Brush Box Hardwood Timber Slabs
The Window from which we look
What a bloody rippa!
Bought vs Homemade
Need Help with a Costa Drum sander
The Holy man and the lion
New Tool For Finding "Blank" Sticks
LVL - Will 2 x 300mm make a 600mm LVL?
Is this a good price?
Waldown Super Sensitive High Speed Drilling Machine.
Painting concrete ceiling
3 Holy men and 3 bears
Help drilling into end grain with forstner bits
Nail gun - worth getting?
Cleaning up two Disstons... or not?
Supermarket Scams
blade positioning
Expandable Hoses
Knurling for those without coolant.
Pictures of some classic Italian masterpieces.
D8 panel saw refurbishment.
3 Holy Men and 3 Bears
I deserved this one
Phone Conversations
QLD wanted 12'' table saw s/e queensland
My latest decorative cutting board.
My 1st work bench
CA + Paper Towel + Finger
QLD Giveaway - Shed clean out woodwork and metal w...
Shed full of hot air
A question on card scrapers
QLD Box Makers hardware - Hinges Bulk Lot
Sheoak Root
QLD Brand New Sorby Turning Tools in original pack...
Paint for plane restoration
Is This Any Good?
Wanted: Hull up to 24" to convert to "putt putt" o...
JET 310 thicknesser feed problem
Bevel Zero Clearance Insert
New Products
Supplier of Camphor Laurel
Intersecting word art
Air filters
Genset load balancing - help!!
Art Deco
Secret Weapon For Finding Curled Sticks
Hafco BS-16A pre 2006
New lightbox for my doughter
Rail Cart
Hand Scraping a Hand Plane to .0001" Accuracy
Yoga posture
Lever Action Bullet Pens and a Clutch Pencil
Two New Mortice/Cutting Gauges
Something new All this Wood.
NSW Wagga Wagga GARGAGE SALE. ex builder/woodworke...
Repair timber surface dry rot
removing downpipe
Engine light mystery solved
Hall Table
friends (and witches) you live with
QLD Highly Figured Camphor Laurel Blocks
..Bugnuggets, skulls and nudes
Getting the bus
Reversing Switch
shop made factory lights steam punk .
QLD 195 x 18 Figured Blackbean Boards
Three Tables - help required
fenderbelly's moving
Made a dresser
Hi from Rochester, NY
Makita RTO700CX
** NUMMINS ** Still have Mortise Pal for sale?
ACT Grintec K2 Sharpening guide
Fourni par
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10th Day Discount
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3 Piece 2 Compartment Mahogany Stash Cylinder
3 types of Mahogany & Cherry Spindle Table
308 and SHOTGUN
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4 x Pipe Clamps 1200mm
45 Mill drill belt conversion
45º Cuts in square tubing
4th day of Christmas Discount
5 silky logs too give away
5/8" bore table saw blades in melb?
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5yrs is to long
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6x4 bandsaw adjustment article
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8 footers plane for adults
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9x20 help
A bauble - the result of lazy time))
A big book drawer
A Bit of Horsing Around
A box for watches
A bricklayer's tale
A cabinet for my boss
A challenge
A clever man with a chainsaw - enjoy
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a couple of birds
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A Garage for the Christmas Raffle at the Boys & Girls Club...
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A Lathe For A Serious Turner!
A little bit of blackwood...
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A little huon pine bone.
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A load of bull.
A new door from old fence palings
A New Idea For a Combination Vertical & Horizontal Router Table
A new Photography Forum
A new way of making drawers.
A new year build
A pair of Waldown drill presses
A question on tools for making wheels
A resurrection exercise on an old saw
A sad and lonely workshop now.
A salute to Qld Maple
A saw for a tenner !
A Series of Victorys
A shed accessory I am thinking of
A simple commission
a simple repair...( should be)
A splendid quote from Lee Valley Newsletter - Nov 2015
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A Very Big Thank You....
A Walk Through Melbournes Lanes
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A weekend of Drill Watching
A word of advice
Aaaargh! Friggin online catalogues!
AC24L compressor
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ACT A Polishers Handbook by UBeaut
ACT Laguna Platinum Table saw
Adding a deadlock height
Adirondack chairs and table.
Advice please - do I need a router lifter with the big Triton router?
AE Herbert lathe
Aero / Diablo
After Christmas Thought
Aftermarket fence system
Aftermarket speed controller
Air Compressor receiver tank.
Air compressor woes
Air compressor wows
Air/Battery/Electric Nailers
airbrush embelishment
Airport Mistletoe
Airwolf AW3D HD
AKKO toolholder - Any reviews?
AL250G oil change
All from a pack of Blackbutt decking
Am I reading this right?
Amazing Value - Electronic Magazine Subscription - Model Eng and Model ENg Workshop
Ammer Gandad
An Addition to a Surface Gauge for Checking Squareness.
An eye Catcher for sure
An Oldie
and 24" "warranted superior" mitre saw
and life.
and needed advice
And the little woman does it again....
Anitque Auction
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Another Hand-Powered Woodworking Machine
Another interesting option for lathe/mill motor replacement
Another lidded box
Another Newbie VFD question
Another pallet timber table
Another slant on things
another toy
Antique Dealer
Antique Hand Plane.
Antique tablesaw and bandsaw
Any Chance of an Xmas challenge? Maybe children's toy?
Any ideas for Multifix tool holder storage / rack ?
Any interest in helping design plans for a three sided plant pyramid?
Anyone bought the new Hafco BP-360 yet?
Anyone got any OSB in Perth??
Anyone have a *2.5hp* Harvey HW110HB-30?
Anyone heard of Bergin Bandsaw?
Anyone know what this is for? (random reinforced concrete under lawn)
anyone know where i can get one like this??
Anyone know where to buy Mallee Burl - have included pic of latest piece I have done
Anyone making Christmas gifts?
Anzac day 2016
Are these any good?
Art Deco.....all about symmetry
AS1684 vs NCC BCA?
Asian inspired document box
At the Bike Shop
Attaching bottom of verandah post to top of bearer?
Attempted bendy light
Aus Species
Aus Wood Review Back Issues 1-64
Australian Cedar Cupboard
Australian made Wood Lathe
Australian National Standards Laboratory
Australian Red Cedar slabs
Australian Woodturning Exhibition (AWTEX) - 2016
Automaton Project - working title "Grandpa"
Avan camper storage
AWR article
AWR Student Awards Popular Choice Award Vote on Facebook
B and C
Back plate
bad insructions
Bad news
Baileigh Industrial Table Saws
Baltic Birch Ply source in Brisbane?
Bandsaw - what the heck is this!?
Bandsaw blade woes
Bandsaw Sharpening
Bandsaws from Bunnings?
Bank on my account
Banksia pods
Bar Spirits dispenser
barn door - anyone done one?
Basic Mantle Clock
Basic question - What are my options for finishing a laminated pine beam?
basketball court area
Battery charging and fires
Bay Of Fires
Bay of Fires - Tasmania
BBQ Doors
Beautiful Beetroot Recipe
Beautiful examples from the V and A museum
Beautiful Firetail
Bedside Table WIP
Bee keepers in Melbourne?
Bees Wax is the BeesNess
Bench Grinder Outer Guards
Best Finish For a Camphor Laurel Slab Coffee Table ?
Best finish fro thin veneers?
Best joint for frame
best kichen solution
Best stone for chisels and plane blades
Best stuff to remove sap off hands?
Best way to cut dadoes in Laminex bench top
Best way to move 200+kg of saw
best wood from bunnings to use on a out door bench
Bethlehem OliveWood and Afzalia Xlay
between centre chucking
beware the buyer
Big Band Saw
Big Gulp
Big old McPhersons lathe
Big Stringy bark
Birch plywood
Birthday Greetings.
Biscuit quality
Bit Late For Halloween
Black ceiling mold or dust in bedroom
Black rust & molasses
Black Titanium
Blackbutt Burl from BlackbuttWA (Col)
Blackbutt stairs- how to treat
Blade alignment - Jet JPS 10" ProShop
Bless this water
BMP Open day
Boab timber slabs or slices information and location of wanted
Bokken wood noble Brasil - IPE
Book Machine Shop Work
Bookcase advice
Bought a new planer!
Bow knife blades
Bowed door
Bowl From Long Dead Tree
Bowl gouge size
Box joint jig
Boxes inside boxes
Boxing in under house
BRA200 assembly question
Brass drop candy rollers
Brass Hinges - getting the brushed look?
Brass screw identification
Bronze Bushes
bronze embellishment 2
bronze patina embelishment
Bugger Microsoft!!
Build a viking boat by hand!
Builders Bog query
building a BBQ bench
Building a fixed seat against a balustrade?
Building Bathroom Walls
Building table saw table or buy contractor saw
Builiding a built in wardrobe in a room with high ceiling!
Bullet Pen with a difference
Bunnings handsaw to rip red gum?
Bunnings Special
burl jewelery box....
bush fires and rain
Busy time of year
but get channel 94 - a bit weird
Butt chisel recommendations?
Buying etchants (nital
Buying wood online incl home delivery (Melbourne)?
By By Masters
Ca Finish
CA Lifted on the ends
Cabot water based stain help!!
Calendar ... oooohhh
Calling all electronic gurus
Calling all vice gurus
Calm retires and sells Stubby S750
Camel back
Camellia oil additives required?
Camera Collecting
Camphorr And Crows Ash Dining Table
Can Anyone Provide A Technical Explanation Of How Nova's DVR Motors Work ?
Can particle board be sealed?
Can you help identify this tool
Can't get the new TV Channel 90
Canadian Museum of Making
Canberra show 2015
Candle sticks
Cant decide - Carbatec spiral head cutter or buy Dewalt and retrofit with Byrd?!
Carba-tec long bed jointer
Carbatec 8" industrial Jointer CTJ-350X
Carbatec MC1100 variable speed lathe and stand
Carbatec RTS-1 router table insert? any thoughts?
Carcass Build - How to fix it Together !?!!
Carcass saw to suit ogre sized hands
Carpentry - House walls timber frame - bracing
Carpentry with a difference
Carter No C71 because .....
Cartridge Pen for The Ladies
Cast iron versus steel backing plates
Casting - paint for barrels and mould release
Castle Crenellations - how to make?
Cat run WIP
Caught Out!
Cavity Slider Crooked Wall
CBN Grinding Wheel
cedar vase
cement fibre
Certification Question
Chasing some dark timber in Vic
Cheap Bessey K Body Clamps
Cheap Biscuits
cheap recycled timber
Check here every week for a new antique item from Arthur's tool box!
Chest of drawers WIP
Chinese travel agent
Chisel Handles
Chisel Refurb
Choosing an air compressor
Christmas Closure
Christmas is getting closer!!!
Christmas Pallet Challenge 2015
christmas presents all done !!!!!!
Christmas Trees
Christmas Turnings
Chucking "oversized" tools in tailstock
Churchill Island
Cincinnati milling manual needed
Circular saw blades for TS
City of Stirling Men's Shed Open Day
Clamping a mitre for waterfall bench top whilst in-situ. How?
Clamps: Your recommendations on Types
Cleaning up two large slabs of wood. Suggestions?
Clear coating rusty steel
Clearvue blast gates
Closing external Gap between fibre wall & slab
CNC Laser Engraver
Cnc milling tooling
cnc spindle
Cockerill drill press
Cocoa smelling timber
Coffee Table
Coffee table build WIP - Blackwood
Coffin Plans?
collaborating at Adelaide auctions
College of Cambridge Kipp requirements of MBA applicants
Collet for tritom router
Coloured edging - cutting boards
Colouring with pigment
Colt Oxy Acetylene torch extra 'button'?
Competition Sydney Royal Easter Show
completed 924G cat loader
Complicated threading gadget - metric or imperial on any lathe
Compound Mitre Box
Compound mitre saw help needed
Computer program for toy and model design
Computer virus spread to human host - just joking.... new machine purchase
Concealed barrel hinge wars
Confused by new Carbatec Jointer
Contractor Saw - Blade Height adjustment very very difficult
Convert MKII to RV...
Copyright - Cassina Willow Chair
Coral bowl/platter
Cordless Drill Replacement
Cordless Hammer Drill
Corella Raid
Corner Unit Joinery - ideas?
Correct Router Bit
Could this be made by stamping or casting?
countershaft yoke
Couple of birds
Crack in coffee table
Cracking in back walls of old house.
Craftsmanship Museum - well worth a visit....
Cremation urn - silver ash & Australian red cedar
CTC Tools Reliability
Cubic Centimeter Of Timber Makes ? Cubic Centimeters Of Shavings
Curing process - boiling?
Curved Lighting - Attempt
Cute Little Bonsai'd Disston Saw.
Cute old machinist video
Cutting angled grooves in timber - low-tech
CX5 Drill/Driver
Cyclone Dust Separator Collector
Cyclone for home shed CNC questions
Cypress Pine finish to avoid cracking
Cyprus Pine
Dan Gelbart Videos - Laser centering Gadget
Dangers of breaking taps *GRAPHIC IMAGES*
Dark but soft timber?
Dark finish for pine
Day 1 of the 12 Days of Christmas Sale
DE Automation
Dec the halls
Decided to treat myself.
Decking - what side is up?
Decking Oil - Which one for Northern Box
Deep Drilling straight and on 90 degrees using a small 2mm drill bit and hand drill?
Deep Yellowwood
deliberately stiring it up
Delta drill press DP220 14" table
Delta Oscillating Orbital Sander - Drums and Disks
Delta Vfd help
Desert IronWood
Desert Storm
DeWalt DW625 Router
DEWALT DW745 table saw
Dewalt Plunge Saw setup
Diagnosis at last.
Diamond Plates Clogging?
Did someone order some timber?
Difference between Hercus 9" A
Dining tables
Dinner Blessing
Directions - (Only in the U.S)
Disposing shavings
distressed timber coffee table repair
DIY Drill Press
DIY drum thicknessing sander
DIY magnetic chuck
DIY sharpening GTG
DIY Smartphone charge station
DMT 3 inch files
dmt Diasharp
Do AD helmets work OK outdoors?
Does anyone here read Russian?
Does anyone in Australia stock Rousseau?
Does anyone know what bird this is
Does anyone own one of the new model H&F Drill presses?
Dog 'ole drilling - another technique
Dog Bone Chest Handles
dog intarsia
Domino shop vac connection?
Domino: What am i doing wrong
Don't fool with an Old Geezer
door jamb
double carport info
Dovetail Jig
Dovetail Jig - Leigh or Gifkin??
Dovetail saws for sale
Downsizing an External Door
draught seal for old double hung timber sash windows
Drawer Front question
Dremel 3D printer
Drill Bits.
Drill pad / work holder
Drill press - I Like this
Drill Press for $500 or under
Drill Press height
Drill Sharpeners
Drink driving
Drink driving #2
DRO for Hercus 260
Drum shells
drunken threads!!!
Drying large tree
Dual setup bore for house & retic
Dumb question - Chisel Roll
Durden Junior Joiner manual Wanted
Dust extraction for a small shop
Dust extraction from for mitre saws
Dust Extractor auto start-on power
Dust size with Arbortech power carving?
Dusty/cyclone in a cabinet
Dynaudio "Profile 4" 4 Way
Dynaudio Profile 3
E-mail virus.
Early Bridgeport Mill
Early christmas present for our farmers
East meets west
Easter Bunny
Eastern Spinebill
Easy hinges for beginner?
Ebara submersibles
Electric chainsaw sharpener
Electric motor question
Electricity Smartmeter Data Transfer
Electrode containers
Eltham & Districuit Woodworkers Club Exhibition
Elu 172 Belt Vibrating/Flapping
Embellished Norfolk Pine
End Grain Sealer for Green Sawn Wood
End of his kits & skills.
English oak
English Oak Bowl
English oak?
English wheel - work in progress - another sheet metal tool project....
Entry level router for first time user
etc) in Melbourne?
Etchant Tank.
even if I do say so myself.
Ever had one of those days?
Every now and then there's a win - win - win
Everything to do with woodwork
Excellent lathe stands.
exhaust fan as air filter?
Exterior house paint.
Extracting magnets from holes (no glue)
Extraction from small power tools - separate system?
Ezycut Combination Saw/Planer Manual HEEEEELP
Facelift front entry door / aluminium / laminex
Family Sailing / Goat and Sooty Tern sailing together
farm truck
Fastcap Kaizen foam
faulty switch box on lathe
Favourite Marking Knives
Feast Watson Clear Satin Varnish
Feedback Needed for Student-Made Wooden Shelf
Fellow gardeners
Fence Pickets - Melbourne area
Fence posts from cut logs - better set wet or seasoned?
Festool CT26E and Dust Deputy
festool ets150/3 eq brushes - when to get?
Festool guide rail
Festool in the UK - makes you want to cry
Festool Price Rises
Festool Site Radio
Fiddleback Tas Blackwood 75mm x 75mm
FIFA and the IOC
Fifty years on
Figured Blackwood
Figured Myrtle
Figured Tas Musk veneer pack
filleting issue in Rhino 3D
Filling in wood holes/cracks: product? technique?
Filling knots in Oak flooring
Filling pine knots and dings - wisdom needed
Final piece for 2015
Finally the Decal
Finding nylon slider/bearing for RHS
finger limes
finish 1931 model A Ford
Finish for a benchtop
Finish on different projects - Expand my experience
Finish on tight grain box - oil?
Finished outer island
Finishing Blackbutt Outdoor Furniture
finishing the inside of a cabinet
Fire sprinkler system for the shed and 2016 wishlist.
First and second toy builds
First attempt at a dovetail template
First crack at a CS Mill - Cypress Pine
First European Pen Question
First Festool purchase
First time on the lathe
Fish Tank Rack Project
Fitting curved box lid stays
fitting single phase motor to old 3 phase lathe
Fitzroy Street Art
Flattening a bowed / warped kauri pine benchtop
Fletty's new shed WIP ....or is it a retrospective??
Floating selves idea - feedback needed please!
Floor in progress ... calling Dirk
Food safe oil - polish?
For all the Toy makes that are after stuff to make for girls .
Fountain pens
Framing for guttering
FREE - blower fan
Free plan
Free Tassie Blackwood offcuts
Free timber pallets
French doors. How to get ventilation with security.
french polish fail
French woodturning video
Fresh stock for 2016
Front door open out?
FS 3D Printers - Makerbot
Function of button on Thunderlaser display
Functioning Nintendo table
G clamps that doesn't close
G'day From Brisbane
G'day from Gold Coast Hinterland
G'day from Queensland
G'day from Seymour VIC
G'Day from South Africa
G'day from WA... A rank beginner. Willing to learn!
Gaining height in basement reno
Gap at the bottom of the Roller Shutter Curtain
Gap between architrave and wall corner
Garden bed corners
Garden Bore
Gasless MIG revisit!
Gday from Brisbane.
General International Dust Collector
General Manager of Thunder Laser visited Beijing Reci Laser Technology Co.
Genuine Multifix holder comparable with new Chinese holders??
Getting back into it.
Getting back to wood.
Getting serious!
Gift Suggestions for the New Year
Gifted Blanks and Recieved MultiTool
GIS - Some random beginner questions
Glass louvers - adjustment to be able to open 90 degrees
glass panel fencing let go
Gloat - Tsushima Nagura & Kikuhiromaru Mentori Usu-nomi
Glue-less Domino Dowel for Festool
Glueing MDF - latest and greatest?
Gluing Tallow wood
Gmail - how to block from .xyz
Gmf lathe
Going old school
Going to have another go at MIG
GOING TO Sydney to Melbourne and back
Going to Tasmania-what to see?
Gold & Chrome
Gold Coast Hinterland
Gone Fishing
Good Bye to Yarloop
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen.
good news
Got me a
Got my scorp to work for me!
Gotta love a Lucas
Gotta love The Marines
Gotta Love this Auction Item
Graduated Circumfral markings
Grain filling with epoxy
Gramercy hold fasts
Granberg Alaskan Small Log Mill dimensions required
Granny flat - suggestions and experiences?
Great bar of cast iron - can anyone help cut it (and keep some)?
Great Going groeneaj
great video on kinetic motion of models
Greek Navy Biscuits
Greetings from Tokyo Japan
Grinder Heads
Grit Blasting Cabinet.
Gum Root
Gunk build up on bandsaw blades.
Gussstahl - Joiners Hammer?
H&F BP-360 Setup Questions
H&F T-13S - Thicknesser - Bench Mount (240V) 330 x 152mm Patented Helical Cutter Head
Hafco Bandsaw Issue
hafco pt-6 jointer query
Hafco Woodmaster B-18v Scrollsaw Information
Hafco WoodMaster WL-20 - Belt size?
Hamlet Masterflute vs normal bowl gouge?
HANDS on dvd
handtool Work bench timber selection
Happy Holidays?
hardie flex sheet
Hartley Vixen 17 Build
Harvey HW110LGE-30 Table Saw purchase and unboxing
Has anyone made the kerfing plane described by Tim Fidgen in the Unplugged Workshop
Has anyone tried re-handling f clamps before?
Has Aus Post been slow over Christmas?
Having a happy New Year
Having Fun
He's still got it.
Headlights on in the rain
Heads Up Bokken wood noble Brasil - IPE
Heads Up Don't miss the Sturt School 2015 Graduation exhibition
Heads Up Fryerstown Antiques Under the Trees.
Heads Up Fryerstown Under the Trees No.2. ???
Heads Up Garage Clearout
Heads Up Hare & Forbes 3-day sale
Heads Up Massive Timber Clearance Wauchope
Heads Up Nov 22nd SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE Demonstration Day - BENDIGO
Heavily Figured Blackwood Blocks x 3
Heavily figured Blocks for knife handles
Heavily Figured Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood Blocks x 3 some burl grain
Helical Plain Milling Cutter Sharpening - A Challenge
Hello -- I have questions!
Hello every one
Hello from Cape Town
Hello from Lithgow
Hello from Melbourne Australia
Hello from Perth. Just getting started
Hello from Sherwood nsw
Hello From Sydney - Taren Point
Hello from Tassie
Helmet Safety and Crepe Cleaning Block
Help finding hinges for thin wall box 5mm
Help mdf skirting board Filler
Help me expand my tool collection and woodworking skills
Help needed for vent space around dusty bags.
Help needed in RIGHT NOW!!
HELP PLEASE MS Office professional 2010
HELP PLEASE!!! design for dust extraction
Help required starting a compost heap
Help SOS chuck key
Help with eave support/strut to exterior of weatherboard house
Help with pallet furniture finish
Help with US tool
Hercus #12 grinder
hercus 9 parts manual
Hercus history?
Hi everyone
Hi from Adelaide
Hi from Myocum
Hi from Queanbeyan :)
Hi from Queanbeyan NSW
Hi newbie from WA
Hi to Admin and all Members
Hi. Five Thumbs is back after a long absence.
High End Kits
Highly Figured Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood 95mm x 95mm x 420mm
Highly Figured Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood Block
Highly Figured Tasmanian Blackwood Block
Highly Figured Tasmanian Blackwood Blocks
Hinge recommendations
Hinge suggestions for wall hung dining table
Hinges for trifold table
HM-45 Mill Drill
Holden Out
Holiday wanderings
Hollow grind bevel - 200mm or 150mm wheel?
Hollows and Rounds
Home built hot bush shower
Home Hardware
Home Made Swing Away Tailstock.
home-brew router table top
homemade router table in SA
Hommel Werke unusual micrometer
Honda ...... a very clever ad
Hoop& Silky
Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo
Hospital Bill
Hot Melt Edge bander for shed/garage set up
housing and casing for Jet AFS1000 air filtration
How cool is this?
How do I prime this bore pump
how does concrete hold posts in the one spot in the ground
how i make toy wheels
How is this window trim fixed
How long should it take to lap a plane iron
how much is this worth?
How much should I offer for Stringybark?
How to attach shade blind to brick work so removable
How to Fix Top of Table I Just Bought?
How To Improve My Technique
How To Install a Grinding Wheel on a Bench Grinder & How to Make it Run True ....
How to polish brass?
how to remove moss/algae from lawn
How to remove pain off metal door knobs
How to setup your mars laser machine from thunderlaser
How to setup your Thunder Mini60 laser system
how to spend 10k?
How to treat DIY log stool
How to zero a router cutter
howdy from newcastle
Huanyang 7.5 kw VFD
Hunter Forumites Get Together - Sun 15th November
Hybrid vs entry level table saw
Hyco Woodfast cast iron tool rests
Hydrowood Timber
I dig My Everlast 200T Tig
I don't want to bore you but
I hate this guy.
I inherited my Great Grandfather's complete kit including his carpenters bench!
I love taking a few snaps
I need a key drop box
I need an Entamologist
I never thought I'd start a quilting thread!
I posted this in the Triton but really my question needs to be here
I should of known
I'm looking for other Roy Bliss Oceaneer owners.
I'm not a politically motivated person
IAD from LAP
Ibis has left the building
Ideas for zinc castings
Ideas needed for mounting rest bar
Identify this timber
Important To sand parquetry floor corners?
Important Upgrade this weekend
Importing tariff classifications... AARRGGHH
In the marketplace
Incra Fence for Mitre saw Bench
Incra Fence for table saw/router table
Incra Fence question
Incra Positioner/Fence
Infill Playhouse
Injuries and accomplishments
inlays etc
Insanely high quality craftsmanship - Tube Roller
Installing Brusso butt hinges
Installing Room Air Filter
Interesting gadget
Internals of "Tree" boring tool
Internals of "Tree" boring tool revisited
Internals of "Tree" boring tool revisited attemp 2
Invisible fastening for corner shelf
Ipswich or Caboolture ???
Irish ghost story
Irrigation controllers
Is claret ash any good for turning
Is Festool worth the cost?
Is the law really an ass?
Is there such a thing as Jarrah sheets?
Is this ironic?
is this on my basil plant?
it arrived today
It fell off the back of a truck
It's the Details
Italic handwriting - Calligraphy
J. Sanderson hand saw
Jacaranda bowl and ebonising...
Jarrah birds
Jarrah chest of drawers
Jeff Beck & Imelda May
JET BANDSAW 14" extended
Jewlery box
Jig for slotted backs.
Job for a tasmanian forumite
Joining Top Plates
Jointer Bed flattening Adelaide?
Jointer Bed flattening in Adelaide?
Jointer for box making
Jointer for less than $1000
Jumping Spider
Junior Moments
Just a few new Toys
Just How many of our problems a really due to getting older?
Kant Twist Clamps and Forge and Foundry Burners on Gameco's Web Store
Kenworth revisited.
Kenworth T908 prime mover with sleeper
Kid stuff
kids question
Kit less pen parts ( fountain pens)
kitchen laundry benchtop painting
Korean Joinery
Kreg - Triton Router Plate Insert Holes Not Matching Up
Kreg Benchtop Router
Kreg Customer Service
Kreg jointer jig
Kreg K4 Master System and extras
Kreg Router Insert plate
L.S.Barker Combination Machine.
Large Fiddleback Tas Blackwood Block
Large gap between brickwork and window - how to remedy
Large Highly Figured Fiddleback Tas Blackwood Block
Large sanding belt?
Last cast for this Year so it was a big one
Last Minute Christmas Order
Last Turning of 2015
Lathe as dividing head using threadcounter
Lathe Dust Collector - a free design
lawn mower
lawn on lawn?
Layout Stain Review
Learning curve
Learning to Turn again!
Leather Sandals
LED lighting in the workshop?
Leda in Perth
Ledacraft pt-107 planer/thicknesser
Legal advice
Legs for heavy wood slab coffee table
LEST WE FORGET - the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month
Lid seperation
Light Duties
lincoln table saw - anyone know these
Line Shaft Speeds??
Linisher overheating
Linked V belts
Liquid Amber Pods
Little Box
Little turning job
Long stemmed Banksia nut goblets
Long time reader first time poster
Look at the market place for Smoothstepper USB
Look what I found in the garden. :)
Looking for 86x19 tallowood decking (Brisbane area) ...
Looking for advice
Looking for advice 12" SCMS
Looking for post recommendations
Looking for the ideal design for a 16' trailer-sailer.
Lopper review
Love seeing chips
Low-VOC finish for pressure treated pine beam?
Lower & Central Blue Mountains Men's Shed meeting: Sat 28 November
Lucas mill- camphor and red gum.
Lucky or mad skills?
Lynx/Pax Saws?
M35 5% Cobalt
Machine Table Restoration
Machine tester
Machinery Heads-up
Machining a D hole in a gear/pulley
Mackay Cedar
Mackay cedar jewellery box
Madurodam - Holland
Magnetic Bit Holders
Mahogany lead light doors for caravan kitchen
Make a disk sander
Make Your Own Bed
Making aeroplanes in Australia
Making do with old tools?
Making Lancaster bombers
making longbows
Making rolling shop carts for my L-Boxxes
Makita coil nailer
mallards hiking pole
MAMIYA C220 TLR medium-format
March 13th
Massive Timber Clearance Wauchope
Master PenManship the flip side of Pen Turning
Masterpiece saw
Masters to close
Mathematics and Woodies: Does it matter?
Maxim Toolboxes
MBS 250 riving knife
MBS 250 riving knife to fit a Sharkguard
McNaughton corer
Measurements Required for H & F BS-7L Bandsaw stand
Medical Jokes
Melbourne Builders
Melbourne Supply
Member list problem?
Members on Instagram
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Metalwork forum question
Mid Century Laminate??
Mig shrouds/nozzles
Mig Welder Problems
mill scale
mill tooling advice
Millers Falls
Milling floorboards
Milling Recycled Jarrah
Miss Beehaving
Mist Spray
Mit-a-mit hand drill question
Mitre Box Advice?
Mixing hardwood and softwood - bearers
Mobile Phone Apps.
Mobile Uke storage
Model A - black finish on apron
Modular Arithmetic
Monster Truck from the Christmas Pallet Toy Challenge 2015
More birds
More Falcon planes
More spice boxes
More Spoons
Mountain Ash Slab Dining Table
Mountain Lion
Movie stars
Moving a heavy machine!!!!!! HELP
Mrs Woodpecker
Mtn coach
Multiborer air supply
Multicraft 7016
Multiple motors from one VFD
Mumma with Mid Century on My Mind
Museum of the frogs
Music Box
Musk and Celery top Drawer box.
Musk and Huon Pine Blocks for re-saw box making etc
Musk and Tas oak
My Bike
My Collection of Detonator Crimp Pliers is Growing ...
My completed work bence - so far
My first attempt using a quadrant hinge
My first box
My first ornament ...
My First Segmented piece
My Great grandfather's workbench
My latest Guitar Build
My latest Nintendo Wii box
My Lathe
My new tool drawers / cabinet
My new toy 260 ATLM
My Sharpening Regime
My Shed
My Thoughts - Paris
my toymaking continued
My wife was impressed with this sail !.
My workshop is finally finished
myrtle and flame rosewood boxes
Myrtle and Silver Ash Jewellery Box
Nail-finding trick
NCF Accelerant-Where to Buy in Cairns?
ND filters - colour cast
Need A Part
need a Silver Sedona kit
Need a wood working machinist
need adaptor.
need help
Need help finding specialty castors
Need help sizing railing rods
Need help to machine timber and make bench top.
Need help with band saw ID & some advice please
Need help with two electrical issues - wiring a switch and adding variable speed
Need some help with equipment
Need some help with Joomla
Need someone with bandsaw (or power hacksaw)
need to feed 100mm ducting through the ceiling
Need to hire someone's jointer and thicknesser in Sydney
Needing some turning for a country style kitchen..
Negative thinking
New (to me) odd Biax scrapers
New Broken Welder
New building site. Can neighbour concrete to adjoining fenceline without drainage/ ap
New Camera Suggestions?
New entry
New fence and mitre slide for a table saw
New guy from the mountains in Pennsylvania
New H&F Band saws
New Hercus 40" beds
New Hobby
New iBox Jig from Incra
New jointer blades
New kid on the block
New library for my boss
New Listing Looking for Cedar Pencil (CEP) sawn timber to spore.
New Listing woodwork inspiration
New material for handtools
New Member
New mill
New Product Just Arrived
NEW resource for Incra wonderfence - generate custom joints
NEW Steve Hay's Woodworking Masterclass
new table saw
New table saw motor bounce
New table top for camera build - is this Cedar?
New tank for plasma
New to milling
new to photography
New tool
New toy motorbike design in progress
New turner after some advice
New twist
New Workbench build
Newbie needs wooden gear clock advice
NG Rosewood Bowl
Nice Contrast
nice rosewood knob and tode
Nifty use for busted tape measure / Drawing a big arc
No 1 bowl turniing woodlathe
No 4
No point waiting for a rainy day
Norfolk Island Pine
North QLD kit shed / garage crazy prices?!
Northern Rivers
Northern Silky/ Cardwellia
not a bad lump of wood
Not a joke. Just a bit of fun MK.XIV
Not Birds
Not Fit for Purpose
Not food miles.
Not Happy with a local distributor Perth
Not quite furnitire
Not receiving email notifications
Not so crazy
Not wood but still wow!
Nova Insert.
NS14 Northbridge Senior boat plans
NSW 1930 bedroom suite furniture
NSW 8mm by 32mm Fluted Dowels - Bulk Lot
NSW Assorted Wood Turning Tools
NSW Beall Pen Wizard and Dremel
NSW Birdseye redgum
NSW Brand new Hare & Forbes DC-7 excluding motor/blower
NSW Delta Oscillating Orbital Sander
NSW Delta Random Orbital Sander
NSW Disk Sander
NSW Drum sander on grays online
NSW Ezicut Planer
NSW Festool CT36 Long Life bag
NSW Free Lathe For Someone
NSW FS - Plastic Collection Bags for dust extractor
NSW FS 3D Printers - Makerbot
NSW Hare & Forbes T318 thicknesser $235 (Sydney)
NSW Hare and Forbes Lathe - W382
NSW Metal Lathe
NSW New Old Style Triton TRA001
NSW Old Model Clearvue CV06 Mini
NSW Oregon Bench top
NSW OzzieJig
NSW Pen Blank Cutting Jig
NSW Rail and Stile Set
NSW Record-Irwin 175mm Vice
NSW SCM Invincible Planer/thicknesser for sale Sydney.
NSW some hand planes
NSW Sorby Turning Chisels
NSW Stanley 45
NSW Taper cutting jig
NSW Thickness Some Blackbutt for me?
NSW Triton Woodpecker Router Plate
NSW Woodfast short bed lathe for sale Sydney.
NSW Workbench
NSW WTB - Outside Spring Calipers 3 &4"
NSW wtb Spoke shave with a flat base
NSW: Free Clamps and Chisels
NSW:Swap Free Timber - Gladesville 2111
Nylon Braid
O! Mighty keepers of timber knowledge
O/A kit - recommendation
O1 Steel
OB Building Surveyor (permitting services)
Odd tap
Odourless finish needed for tea box
Of despots
Offset eye bolts
Ohh Woolworths
Oil based polyurethane problem on pine
old canon stuff
old chap
Old info
Old motor & VFD
Old Triton TRA001 Parts for Free
Old variable diameter Circle cutter - wood or leather?
Old Walther GSP
Old Woodfast 6 inch jointer blades and gibs.
On The Bridge
Once upon a time.....
One off Milling job in perth WA
One Pic is Worth Rescuing?
One shot oiler
Options for high positioning accuracy?
Options for hollowing boxes/ornaments
or milled on site - Mackay Region - Queensland
or whatever other religious group you belong to.
Osage Orange
Oscillating edge sander - is there a "best"?
OT 59 Corvette revisited
OT likes are back
OT parcel news
Other Forums
Outdoor bench seat
Over Under
Overhead Lineshaft drives at BMP facility
Ozito Impact Driver
Pages freezing
Painful Arm
Pallet origin and safety
Pallet Toy Xmas Challenge
Panel Saw SCM Model S115F
paring slicks/ scarf slicks
paving paint colour to go with weatherboards and bricks
PC Items and Builder
Pebble paving over agg pipe drainage
Pen 1 Warts and All
Pen Descriptions
Performax 22-44 Pro & extra belts
Perfume Applicator
Pernambuco and Olive pen
Perth business selling used woodworking machinery
Petrol Water Pump vs Electric Water Pump with Generator
PhD who gave up his career to become self-employed all-round maker
photo attempt
Photography and Truth
pic and qustion heavy
Pickups from a combo belt/disc sander
Picture Framing Deals | Sander Kit & More
pine and fill pop top roof
Pine Sleeper as Ground Level Bearer?
Planer Thicknesser L'Invincible 1750
Playing with blanks
Pleasant surprise
Please recommend a Drill Press for hobbist
Plow (Plough) Planes
Plywood for furniture
Plywood suppliers NSW South Coast
Plywood work holding jigs for the mill
Poang chairs
Poor quality maple?
Positive Attitude
Post your end of year high note and salutation
posting to older threads
Postscript to purchase of a new vacuum cleaner
Power cable in concrete footing?
Power Cylindrical Grinder
POWER surface grinder - info requested
Prague - hints and tips for tourists
Pre-relieving cutting edges
preferrably clear?
Pressure Pots
Preston 30" Bandsaw Guides
Progress No 2G Drill Press
Project Binkey
Projects from MappleMans Timber Slabs
Prolong the life of my windows
provident funds and pay increases.
Pruning/training experiment
PTFE Melting
pulled my finger out and got it built
PURPLE GIDGEE from far nth Queensland.
Putting a centre in rough stock
QLD 10" Table saw Hare & Forbes
QLD 19" Bandsaw
QLD 3 1/2 Sash cramps for $50
QLD 3 x Marples In-cannal Gouges & 1 x 1/4" Pattern makers chisel.
QLD 38mm
QLD 3HP twin dusty
QLD 4 x E A Berg Heavy duty firmer chisels
QLD 8"Carba tec Jointer
QLD Atkins No.53 24" Panel saw fully restored.
QLD Australian Red Cedar boards dressed and edge jointed
QLD Big Boy Sander with Mobile Base
QLD Blackwood Turning Blanks
QLD Bulk Box making pack
QLD Camphor pen blanks
QLD Carba-Tec Workbench
QLD Cheap Blackwood slabs
QLD Cheap Blackwood Stacks
QLD Cheap Mango Slabs
QLD Cheap Silky Oak slabs and boards
QLD Cheap Slabs
QLD Curly Mango for turning
QLD David Charlesworth DVDs
QLD Delta ScrollSaw
QLD Disston D-95 26" Hand saw Hybrid with Spotted Gum handle
QLD Disston D-95 with hybrid Spotted Gum handle
QLD Disston D8 Thumbhole 4ppi rip saw
QLD Disston D8 Thumbhole ripsaw 5 1/2 ppi
QLD dust extractor 3hp
QLD English made Mitre Clamp and Bench hold-down clamp
QLD F27 hardwood 80 y/o
QLD Fiddleback Blackwood knife blanks
QLD Forest Red Gum Grinder Blanks
QLD Free Makita 9 volt battery drill (no battery) pick-up only
QLD Giveaway - 3 pairs of 600mm full extension ball bearing drawer runners
QLD Giveaway - Bowtie Routing template to create female part
QLD Harold and Saxon Titan inspired Mortice Chisels
QLD Heavy duty 10" Dawn G clamp.
QLD Highly Figured Mango Blanks for Box making and Turnery
QLD Highly Figured Mango Blanks for Box making/Salt and Pepper grinders
QLD Highly Figured Mango Blanks for Pen/Knife handles
QLD Highly Figured Mango Blanks for Salt and Pepper grinders
QLD Highly Figured Mango Boards/Blanks for Box making
QLD Highly Figured Mango Boards/Blanks for Box making and Turnery
QLD Highly Figured Medley of Knife Blocks
QLD JET JPT-260 M Planer Thicknesser
QLD JET JWB225 Wide Belt Sander (600+wide)
QLD Laguna 14suv Bandsaw
QLD linisher sander
QLD Mackay Red Cedar
QLD Maple
QLD Medley of Boards/Blanks for Box making
QLD Medley of Pen Blanks
QLD Northern Silky Oak 170 x 42
QLD Northern Silky Oak 250 x 34
QLD Off cuts and bits and pieces
QLD Pen Blanks
QLD Pen Blanks for Xmas
QLD Philippine Mahogany - Balau - Lauan
QLD Qld Maple
QLD Qtr Sawn Northern Silky Oak 220 x 41
QLD Quarter sawn Blackwood boards
QLD Quarter sawn Southern Silky Oak Knife/Pen Blocks
QLD Queensland Maple board for Box making
QLD Red ash/coopers wood/alphitonia excelsa
QLD Red Bean Wanted
QLD Reecycled Northern Silky Oak 67x 67mm
QLD Robert Sorby Kangaroo panel saw
QLD Router Table Auction
QLD Sawyer Tools Protractor Head for adjustable square
QLD Simonds No.62 Blue Ribbon 7ppi crosscut
QLD Simonds No.72 Blue Ribbon 7ppi crosscut
QLD Southern Silky Oak for Knife handles/Pen blanks
QLD Super heavy duty sash cramps 1400mm long
QLD Super heavy duty T bar cramp 2.4m long
QLD Table saw with sliding table
QLD Trade Tools Router table with aluminium sliding deck - includes Makita 1800 Router
QLD Triton Under Saw Table Dust Bag
QLD Veritas 4 Way Speed Frame Clamp
QLD WANTED: Sheoak Chisel Handle Blanks
QLD Warranted Superior 26" crosscut saw 7ppi
QLD Wood Lathe for Xmas
QLD Wood Workbench
QLD Woodworking vice mechanism
Quantities and Best Place to Buy?
quantiy of planner blades
Queensland Maple
Question for the VFD Experts
Question regarding jamb studs
Quick and easy Xmas trees
Quick Canoe sailing hack
Quick tips on storage for a non-miller
Quote to remove load bearing wall
QWAS Dogs for MFT/3 Table
R.I.P. David Bowie
R.I.P. Glen Frey
R.I.P. Stevie
Rack & pinion supplier help
Raised Wooden Letters
RBT Nightmare!!
Rebirthing old neglected planes.
rebuild of a milling machine
rebuilt headstock
Recipe for a jewlery box
Recommend an electric chainsaw?
Recommendation for hoop pine clear coat?
Recommendations for external oil finish please
Recycling at its best
Red Cedar
Red Gum Slab cost
Red Gum table joinery question
Red Hot Fire Engine
Red Mahogany info sought
Reduce noise from Dust Extractor
Refinishing table top
Rejuvenate and Protect Timber Windows - A Few Questions
religious zeal and that which we have created in the pursuit of peace.
Remember the happy day
Remove Front Lawn / Replace with Mulch?
removing load baring wall at the back of garage
Removing oil spots from timber
Repaint door
Repairing a repair to old red cedar dresser
Repairing Shash Window Frame
Replacing non-standard size fascia
Replacing rotten bargeboard on house
Require middle pulley for pedestal drill.
Researching old WW Machinery
Restored QLD Maple full size bed.
Restoring a clinker built Huon Pine dinghy
Restoring a Huon Pine dinghy
Restoring a queen anne blackwood piano stool?
Retirement Advice For Everyone
Retrofitting Dust Extraction To 14" Woodfast Bandsaw
Reviving the finish on a Piano
ride-on mower keeps dying
Rings Rings & More Rings
River Stroll
Rob Cosman Saw - How it's made
Robert Scoby Lathe chuck
Robinson Morticer Motor - how to remove spray paint
Rocket #7
Rockwell Model 5008 Manual
Roll Top Box
Root runs in Weld to Code
Rough cut 100 x 50 mmm pine wanted
Router bit climbs while cutting
Router Motor
Router problem - Hitachi TR-12
Router table - Build or buy?
Router table decision time
Router table recommendations for the BOSCH Router (RT0700CX)?
Rubber for car restoration
Rules of thumb for pulse?
Rural Hardwood Fence Posts
Rust and Fungii
Rust stains on concrete stepping stones
Rusted door frame.
Rustins danish oil stinks
Rusty chuck
SA 150mm pvc pieces suitable for DC ducting
SA bandsaw on gumtree
SA FREE: pipe clamps
SA Tasmanian Myrtle
SA Whiteside RC Eliminator quick change chuck
Safe internal box routing against fence on table
Safest way to do 60 deg mitre cut?
safety alert
Safety frustration at the mens shed
Safety with the use of the router
Salvaging wood from old furniture ... while respecting others good work of the others
Sand Blasting.
Sand paper- do you think this will work on the disc sander
Sander/Grinder advice needed.
Sanding Sealer & glue any conflict?
Santa with a Bear
Satin Flycatcher
Save my lawn!
Savoy Brown.. still got it!
Saw anvils
Saw blade tensioning for panel and hand saws
Saw Bolt Assemblies.
Saw Doctor Recommendations
Saw for composite sheets
Saw Report 7
Saw score or just junk - Disston
sawing support
Scheppach planer/thicknesser table adjustment
scrapers and cast surface plate.
Screw types
Scroll saw for occasional use.
Scroll work decoration on box
Sealing a table top
Season's Greetings from the UK!
Seasons Greetings & very heart felt thank you.
security warning
See Through Diamond Wheel
Segmented Curly Maple & Sapele Mahogany Vase
Segmented Sliding Cabinet Door
Selling second hand wood turn - Where?
Seniors Moment
Shadow Lettering
Shaftless Cast US Desert Ironwood Burl
Sharpening Brad Point type Drill bits
Sharpening Get Together (GTG)
Sharpening Mount Waverley
Sharpening Spring Loaded Centre Punch
Shed Cable Clips
Shed door ideas
Sheet Metal Tools
Sheeting gyprock directly onto single brick walls
Sheoak Timber
Sheriffs' Office
Sherwood 10in hybrid
Shiny plastic light ceiling material for pergola areas etc- looks like corflute..
shockies and struts - restoration
Shop line by jet 10" direct drive table saw model JSL-10TS
Shop Made Long Hole Boring Tools
Shop Vac died - what to replace with?
Should I be worried....
sight glass
Silver Ash
Silver Quandong and Brazilian Mahogany
Simple Desk Pen/cil Holder
Simple sushi mould (or is it mold)
Simple VFD connection for multiple switch locations
Simply Amazing.
Simulated Urushi black finishes?
Singapore Flower Dome.
Single revolution clutch- pin clutch or similar unit
sizing of cupboard doors?
Sketch up
skew practice !!!
Slab table metal legs
Slanting joists
slide drop saw
Slimline Blackwood?
Small Australian red cedar & Southern silky oak box
Small Box
Small Carving
Small coin/key bowl-what timber is it?
Small drill Sharpener !
Small home workshop
Small leg for a Three legged table
Small milling required - Brisbane area
Small Quantities Steel Supplier - Brisbane
Small wood turning lathe for pens - Wanted - second hand or new
SmoothStepper USB
Solar kiln
Solid or Engineered doors
Some advice needed
Some animal money boxes
Some bird photos
Some DIY tools
Some Folks Can Be Pretty Dumb ....... !
Some friendly advice needed for restoring beautiful old Victorian door
Some gnarly Blackwood
Some handy ideas for the shead
Some macro photos
Some more birds
Some of my favourite bird photos
some of sample made by thunder laser cutter
Some Recent Turnings
Some simple cars
Some steam machinery
Some thing to watch out for - angle grinder incident
Some Tip Puppies
Someone hit me
Sometimes the solution is so simple..
Sound insulation for garden shed setup
Sound proof the shed? Here are some ideas....
Source of creak on new bed
South Africa
Southern Right Whale
SPAM WARNING Microsoft Outlook Team fake E-mail
Spanish mahogany wood for sale
Spear & Jackson Backsaw Handle.
Spindle coolant additive recommendations
spindle oil - suggestions ranging from ISO 22 to ISO 100
Spindle oils
spindle question and oil flying everywhere
Spit roast
SQ 51- Why the gap
Squared Plate
Squaring Blank Ends
Squeaking Floor Board help please!!!!
Stain And Burnishing Oil.
Stairs and a Banana
Standard collet or obscure special?
Standard door size?
Stanhopea orchid for christmas
Stanley #4 (2)
Stanley bedrock 605 corrugated
Stanley Frog Adjustment Screw
Stanley No 7 and No 8 Planes
Stanley no 78 plane
Stanley No. 6 plane blade refurb - worth the effort?
Starrett Bandsaw Blades
startrite 275 with sliding carriage - Got one !
Steam cleaner ignition query
steel and mahogany antique shoulder planes to drool over!
Steel French Doors - good / cheap supplier Sydney
Sticks in water...... and other wet stuff
Still Practicing
Stirrup size for posts
Stone Saws
Straight edge or spirt level to set jointer tables co planar ?
strength of various woods under bending load?
Strong structural joints using a mitre saw? What is possible?
Structural Ply Bracing Installation Question
Struggling with dust
Stuck on Wedge Shape Jewellery Display Box (urgent)
Stunning photos from National Geographic
Suggestions for handles for large box
Suggestions for Timber Bending Iron
suitable for box making
Sun and Planet Mobile
Sunset On Fire
Superglue and baking soda
Suppliers in Melb
Support timbers
Switch contact coating wearing out
Systainer locking latch
T Track
T track Wanted
Table Saw - Absolute beginner
Table saw and wobble dado advice needed.
Table saw rust and scratches
Table saw slot
Tabletop - Can I avoid the warp?
Tacho .problem
Tail Stock Steady
TAS 48 Quality Takane clock movements with hands.
TAS Tiger Myrtle Figured Huon and Flame Myrtle blocks suit re-saw box making etc.
Tasmanian Blackwood Burl Bubble Figure Block
Tassie 5-axis
Tassie to Melbourne/Adelaide
Template guides for Makita RP2301fc router: help please
Temple Pilots
Ten Best Caddy Responses . .
Termite heart break... What to do now?
Test Run
Thank you for looking at my works on YouTube.
Thats New!
The 2015 Xmas Toy Pallet Challenge
The Christmas rush.
The Cleaning of Rusty Tools.
The Cormorant Fisherman
The Dust Deputy and Static Electricity
The Eastern Spinebill
The end of my world as I know it.
The Experiment
The Eye of the DRAGON!!!
The finished Flipper
The FOLEY Saw Equipment Thread
The Ford Sierra ???.
The function of menu button on thunderlaser machine
the last news
The law and regulations
The Lonely Slim at Black Palm Lathe
The making of a Holland and Holland shotgun - absolute perfection
The making of Lie-Nielsen hand planes - a nice video
The miracle of a sheet of toilet paper
The Most Beautiful Moonrise Time-Lapse You'll Ever See - 4 Min
The owner said "Take these machines or Im going to scrap them"
The penguin
The perfect woman??
THE rarest Stanley hand plane is up for sale
The Rest of the DRAGON
The Roentgens Berlin Secretary desk
The science of a crosscut saw
The stolen car
The truck
The Ultimate Roubos?
The wave
There Be DRAGONS!!!
There's something about bowsaws
Thermal Expansion of Table Tops
They live amongst us
Thickie Spiral Head Issues
Thicknesser blade adjustment
Thicknesser Question
Thicknesser VS Hand planes - Advice Needed!
Thicknessing Painted Timber
This is what happens when . . . .
This Mans Girlfriend Wanted Him to Get Rid of His Dog on Craigslist Heres the Ad
This morning i was reminded...
Those Blondes Again
Thoughts on Enclosing my Alfresco area
Three Student's Desks WIP
Thunder Laser machine training for new employees
Thunder Laser system EMC test by SGS
Thunderlaser news-Thunder Laser new staff learn photo engraving
Thunderlaser two-day trip to Taishan
Thx to Pittwater
Tide Clock
Tiger Myrtle. (small hand size)
Timbecon - ✪✪✪Christmas Sale on Next Weekend!✪✪✪
Timber choice for drum sticks
Timber ID
Timber ID please
Timber in south Australia
Timber rack on a brick wall - how much weight?
Timber Sash Window
Timber storage rack
Time to service your tabke saw
Times running out - to get your vote in for the challenge......
Tiny grasshoppers eating plants !
Tiwang Fir anyone heard of it?
To all my Liberal Friends
Toggle clamp failure/s
Tool grinding: Form cutter sharpening attachment
Tool Holder for HBM
Tool identification
Tool Storage Updates
tools for Christmas
Tormek T7 and roughing gouge
Torsion Box Dining Table
Torsion Box Dining Table - End Grain
Toy cars
Toy Steam Roller from Christmas toy pallet challenge
Toy stove
Toymaking Christmas pallet challenge
Toys and Joys?????
Tractors ?
Train sets
Transporting Lucas Mill
Treadle Metal Lathe and Post drill
Trend airshield pro - asbestos
Tri-point woodturning tool
Triton dust bag
Triton ETA100 Mini Sliding Table
Triton jigsaw attachment
Triton Respirator
Triton Router broken?
Triton spares in OZ are like Festool prices in OZ
truck and bobcat
Truck money box
Trupro EBAS-350
Turn off email notifications for "likes"?
turning a mango bowl........then oooppppsss !! and HELP !!
Turning A Set Of Bowls In China
Turning Brass.
Turning scale model wooden wheels
Turret mill transport Melbourne Vic.
TV Help
two identical townhouses except...
Type A Series 1
Type of chiseling technique.
types of glue
Ultimaker 2 extedend
Unbelievable guitar repair resource
Unconventional Time On Piece
UNI Assignment
Unusual problem with Steelmaster 12 x 36 lathe
URGENT: Recommendation on drill bit set?
Urticaria (hives)
US Desert Ironwood cast in Gold/Silver Polyester Resin
Use By Date
Used brake disks
using john walsh's digitizing board to help with horse build
Using Up Some Scrap Timber
Vac Clamps Arriving Soon
Vacupress vacuum pump and bag
Veneer questions
venieer repair piano
Venting a DC7 outside
Venting DC outside question
Verandah rafters
Verifying the Account
Veritas Mini Router Base
Veritas Mini Scraper
Veritas Scraper Plane
Vertex Anglock machine vices
Very duck
Very Festive
VFD for multi speed 3-phase motors
VIC 10" tablesaw and 10" planer/thicknesser for sale in Ocean Grove
VIC 100x100 DAR hardwood eoither tas oak or meranti
VIC 4-speed Bandsaw (Toolmac)
VIC A-Line it Deluxe
VIC Air Compressor
VIC air compressor belt drive this is not a auction
VIC American White Oak Furniture Timber Veneer - 15 lengths
Vic Ash & Oregan
Vic Ash table finish - advice appreciated
VIC Australian Red Cedar burl
VIC Bandsaw - Carbatec SBW-4300CE
VIC Bandsaw for sale
VIC Beautiful Red Gum Slab
VIC Board offcuts
VIC Books
VIC Camphor Laurel Blanks (Bowl/bandsaw box use)
VIC Carbatec 10" planer/thicknesser combination for sale
VIC Carbatec CT-2042 Dust Extractor 2 HP
VIC Crown Mini Turning Set
VIC Crown woodturing tools
VIC Crown woodturning tool sets (several)
VIC Cutter Head for Woodfast Planer Thicknesser
VIC Decorating Elf
VIC Early Stanley # 40 Scrub plane
VIC Falcon Pope # F 5 1/2
VIC Felder foKa ECO Edgebander
VIC Festool Backpack
VIC Festool CXS Cordless Drill
VIC Festool ETS 150/5
VIC FOR SALE: Pine (Treated & Untreated) & MDF/PLYWOOD SHEETS
VIC Free Jarrah
VIC Free Job Lot
VIC Free Odds & Sods
VIC FS - Music/Furniture grade African Padauk! Free Post!
VIC FS - Super Rare Music/Furniture grade African Wenge & African Paduak! Free Post!
VIC Gary Pye Chuck set
VIC Gifkin Dovetail Jig
VIC Hafco 16" Band Saw Model BS16A
VIC Hafco 16" bandsaw
VIC Hafco Drill Press Model SBD-20B with Woodpeckers Table Top
VIC Jarrah for Sale
VIC Jet performax drum sander 10-20 plus
VIC McPherson Power Hacksaw
VIC Mini max lab22 combination machine
VIC Mitre box
VIC More stuff- Electrical
VIC Neodymium rare earth magnets
VIC Nova 3000 lathe and GMC dust extractor (separately)
VIC Nova Chuck
VIC Nova Live Centre System
VIC Offcut clearout
VIC old hand tools pope falcon hand drill & bailey No 4 hand plane
VIC Omega Stubby S750 - NO 1 bowl turning lathe - on gumtree
VIC Power carving - King Arthur's Tools and Kutzall carbide sanding disc
VIC Powermatic 14" Bandsaw
VIC Record # 4 in very good condition
VIC Record 050 Improved Combination Plane
VIC record compass plane
VIC Redgum old Growth Furniture Timber - Pack of 9 lengths
VIC Robert Sorby Micro Spiraling System
VIC Robland X30 5 in 1 Combination Machine
VIC Router table - Triton Router MOF001 - Woodpeckers router plate
VIC Scroll chuck 95mm. Carbatec - very little use
VIC Sherwood 6" jointer
VIC Sherwood Scroll Saw - Not Auction
VIC Spindle moulder
VIC Squares
VIC Stanley # 3 plane in as new condition
VIC Stanley # 4 1/2
VIC Stanley # 5
VIC Stanley # 78 Rebate plane. Made in England
VIC Stanley #220 Block plane
VIC Stanley #4
VIC Stanley #4 (3)
VIC Stanley #4 (5)
VIC Stanley #71 Router Plane
VIC Stanley Tool Bag
VIC Stubby S750 Omega
VIC Tablesaw
VIC Tasmanian Myrtle Figured & Colourful Grained Boards - Pack of 12 boards
VIC Tasmanian Myrtle Old Growth furniture Timber - "Factory Seconds"
VIC Tasmanian Myrtle Old Growth Timber - Pack of 9 lengths
VIC Timber offcuts
VIC Triton Router and Jigsaw table with biscuit attachment.
VIC Turner # 220 Block plane
VIC Vicmar Collet Set
VIC Videos
VIC Wadkin Bursgreen 10" tablesaw
VIC wood lathe head stock
VIC Woodfast Lathe
VIC Work Bench Vise
VIC WTB: Mini Lathe
Vice for workbench
Vice Stop ( or why the vice is still not painted Michael )
Victorian style door frame and window
Vifa SA 130 Speakers
villa board
Vintage Car clip
Vinyl Wrapping .. Where to Buy???
VL240 differences to VL300
WA Carbatec CTJ-350 8" Long bed jointer with helical cutting head
WA CNC Seig 2 Mill
WA Double panel clamp kit
WA Framing gun
WA Franz Hermle 351-050 Clock Movement Kit $150
WA FREE built in cupboards
WA Gifkins Dovetail Jig
WA Girder Clamps
WA Paslode angle bradder
WA Paslode bradder
WA Ryobi Industrial 305mm Compound Mitre Saw
Wadkin PK - Can I fit a Single Phase Motor to a wadkin pk table saw?
Wadkin PK manual link and other wadkin manuals
Wagner XVLP FC3500
Waiting for Reboot
waldown workmax drill press
Wall Hung Tool Cabinet
Wall shelf bracket spacings
Walting Matilda
Want to change raised panel cabinet doors to flat/slab panel.
Wanted - cap & blade for a Falcon 151 spokeshave
Wanted - Disston 5 screw thumbhole Handle
Wanted: Jointer
Warning for Dewalt XR cordless tool owners.
Warped Lid
Was just given a wooden canoe
Wasted puns
Watcha Dooen @ Dooen GTG 23 - 26 Jan
Water Dragon
Waterfall bubinga
Wattyl Estapol Interior Polyurethane - Spray Can in Matt - Dry or Wet and Dry Sandpap
wedge shaped boards
Weed identification needed
Welding both ways.
welding to hydraulic ram
Weldon Countersink Sharpener.
Well it's finally happened
Went For A 3Hr Drive and Look What Followed Me Home.........
Westone Grinder
What a joke
what am I missing?
What are 100 x 200mm butt hinges used for?
what are the basics
What Fuse to Use
What internet speeds should I expect
What is the finish used on my floorboards? Stripped by dog urine!
What is this for?
What is this weed and how to get rid of it
What is this? Saw clamp for sharpening
What kind of creature makes this?
What order to apply flocking and danish oil?
what sort of plants would i put out here in this shaded area?
What sort of spacer
What Species Please
What to do with Cleared Logs ?
What to use to level my back lawn
What's this bolt for?
Whats Best?
whats difference???
Whats your anagram name
Wheeled Excavator Scale 1:20
Where to buy
Where to buy cast round
Where to buy Wooden Pins??
Where to find a acrylic base for a Makita Compact router
Where to get box stays
Where to get my Argon??
Where to get short length of ~80mm ID corrugated hose
where to post want to buy ads
Where to source branches?
Which blades for my new Bandsaw
Which Bosch ROS?
Which Dust Extractor would you buy?
Which Lucas Sawmill to purchase?
Which router table and fence???
Which veneer face to use ?
White Oak Plate Two
Why do they call it a flat?
Why get a Combo rather than separate Jointer and Planer/Thicknesser?
Why I use Photobucket!.
Why/how did I stuff this up?
Wide Thick Highly Figured Tasmanian Blackwood Block
Widest Chisel Blade Australia
will pay for it.
will untreated pine painted in enamel last for out side use? ( table legs & Body )
Window frames cracking
Window glazing
Windows 10
Winter is Coming
WIP - the new assembly table
WIP 1932 Packard model 904
WIP Rocking horse Scarlet
Woman driver
Women Drivers
Wompoo Pigeon
Wood clock plan help
Wood Lathe MC 1100 plusTru Grind sharpening jig Pick up SE Melbourne Area
Wood Machinists tool box
Wood working GetToGether
Woodcut CBN wheel whetstone tormek
Woodcut negative rake scraper ... as a lacer skew
Wooden Boat Magazine and The Boatman
Wooden flowers
Wooden Machinists Tool Box
Wooden Train Track Comparability Issue - Help Please!!
Woodfast TS250RC
Woodturning sale at Wallan Sat. 12th December
Woodwork Newbie
Woodworking Machinery in Australia - Manufacturers and Merchants
Woodworking newbie
WOOHOO IT'S HERE FS DJI INSPIRE 1 Pro Quadcopter Drone w/ 4K HD Camera (Zenmuse X5)
WOOHOO! Variable Jaw Opening Quick Release Clamps
Work bench - 6000x2800 - Upholsters don't make good chippies!
Work bench #1
work in progress 1931 model A Ford
Workshop Benches/Tables deceptively large
workshop FORK LIFT 1999 Shinko Electric Ace
Workshop Wet & Dry Vacuum
Would a 600mm x 17mm plywood disk self destruct at 1100RPM
WTB Table saw
WTB: Bed extension for Teknatool Nova 3000 series Wood Lathe
WTB: magnetic drill
X2 Mill Mods/Upgrade
Xmas came early - new machine tool
Xmas Presents
Yarloop fire
Yarloop Workshop Museum
Yet more birds
You know you're Australian when..
You see the funniest things on Facebook
you shouldn't have!
Your greatest achievement for 2015?
ZCI mod to assist dust control
Zebra Timber question....
Zinken compact 21
? Screws for Securing Jaws to Teknatool Nova Chucks ?'s that time of year again..
[OT] Off Grid Workshop Led Lighting
*College of Cambridge Kipp Principles of distance-learning
#8A Half back saw
~1900 Nicholson
✪✪✪Christmas Sale on Next Weekend!✪✪✪
$3 saws
1 month pause of house build before roofing can go on. Ideas to protect framing?
1/4" router bit to level uneven timber?
10" with sliding table
100 plus year barn board Half Round Oak Table
100 year old rafters on the Slabmaster
10th Day Discount
11th day of Christmas discount code
12" Cherry Plate
12" White Oak Plate
12M10 - Great saw
12th day of Christmas discount code
13" Thicknesser Ryobi
13" White Oak Plate
14 inch Bandsaw advice
14" TAUCO comes back home to daddy
150mm blast gates
16 TPI thread
17" bandsaw blades.
1926 union fees
1927 Harley Davidson
1928 Linn logging tractor
1945 Dewalt Radial Arm Saw.
1948 Ford Monster Truck with a Peterbilt twist.....
19mm E A Berg Chisels
1st Christmas present
1st contribution to the forum
2 beautiful brass
2 bedsides
2 Fiddleback Tas Blackwood Blocks burl grain
2 Heavily Figured Fiddleback Tas Blackwood Wide Blocks burl grain
2 Highly Figured Fiddleback Tas Blackwood Blocks
2 Large Highly Figured Myrtle Blocks Suit Re-saw Box making etc.
2 other dump trailers
2 questions
2 Wide Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood blocks
2 x 290x45 How to Join?
2 x Burl Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood Wide Thick Blocks Very Rare
2.2Kw Water cooled spindle
2.3m high ceilings - how bad?
2/3 scale Brough Superior
2015 Christmas Pens
2015 Christmas Toy Pallet Challenge
2015 Japan Miki Tool Festival
2015 Sawmill Shootout
2016 Australia Day Pen swap
2016 Australia Day Pen Swap - Invitation to Participate
2016 pen swap?
260atm gearbox handle
2nd day of Christmas discounts
3 Highly Figured Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood Blocks
3 phase options?
3 Phase Star and Delta
3 Piece 2 Compartment Mahogany Stash Cylinder
3 types of Mahogany & Cherry Spindle Table
308 and SHOTGUN
33rd Wedding Anniversary
3rd Day of Christmas Discount
3rd hands
4 x Pipe Clamps 1200mm
45 Mill drill belt conversion
45º Cuts in square tubing
4th day of Christmas Discount
5 silky logs too give away
5/8" bore table saw blades in melb?
5th Day Discount
5yrs is to long
6th Day Discount
6x4 bandsaw adjustment article
7 "Nature" Photographs
7th Day Discount
8 footers plane for adults
8th day Discount
924G Cat work in progress
9th day of Christmas
9x20 help
A bauble - the result of lazy time))
A big book drawer
A Bit of Horsing Around
A box for watches
A bricklayer's tale
A cabinet for my boss
A challenge
A clever man with a chainsaw - enjoy
A concreting question.
a couple of birds
A deck from fence palings
A few old saws
A few other Christmas gifts.
A few Year 10 woodwork Class Photos
A Garage for the Christmas Raffle at the Boys & Girls Club...
A La Snodgrass
A Lathe For A Serious Turner!
A little bit of blackwood...
A little dovetail and panel saw
A little huon pine bone.
A little rattled
A load of bull.
A new door from old fence palings
A New Idea For a Combination Vertical & Horizontal Router Table
A new Photography Forum
A new way of making drawers.
A new year build
A pair of Waldown drill presses
A question on tools for making wheels
A resurrection exercise on an old saw
A sad and lonely workshop now.
A salute to Qld Maple
A saw for a tenner !
A Series of Victorys
A shed accessory I am thinking of
A simple commission
a simple repair...( should be)
A splendid quote from Lee Valley Newsletter - Nov 2015
A true treasure
A Very Big Thank You....
A Walk Through Melbournes Lanes
A wee bit chiily
A weekend of Drill Watching
A word of advice
Aaaargh! Friggin online catalogues!
AC24L compressor
Acid resistant brass screws
Acoustic enclosure for a DC
ACT A Polishers Handbook by UBeaut
ACT Laguna Platinum Table saw
Adding a deadlock height
Adirondack chairs and table.
Advice please - do I need a router lifter with the big Triton router?
AE Herbert lathe
Aero / Diablo
After Christmas Thought
Aftermarket fence system
Aftermarket speed controller
Air Compressor receiver tank.
Air compressor woes
Air compressor wows
Air/Battery/Electric Nailers
airbrush embelishment
Airport Mistletoe
Airwolf AW3D HD
AKKO toolholder - Any reviews?
AL250G oil change
All from a pack of Blackbutt decking
Am I reading this right?
Amazing Value - Electronic Magazine Subscription - Model Eng and Model ENg Workshop
Ammer Gandad
An Addition to a Surface Gauge for Checking Squareness.
An eye Catcher for sure
An Oldie
and 24" "warranted superior" mitre saw
and life.
and needed advice
And the little woman does it again....
Anitque Auction
Another blonde
Another Found Object
Another Hand-Powered Woodworking Machine
Another interesting option for lathe/mill motor replacement
Another lidded box
Another Newbie VFD question
Another pallet timber table
Another slant on things
another toy
Antique Dealer
Antique Hand Plane.
Antique tablesaw and bandsaw
Any Chance of an Xmas challenge? Maybe children's toy?
Any ideas for Multifix tool holder storage / rack ?
Any interest in helping design plans for a three sided plant pyramid?
Anyone bought the new Hafco BP-360 yet?
Anyone got any OSB in Perth??
Anyone have a *2.5hp* Harvey HW110HB-30?
Anyone heard of Bergin Bandsaw?
Anyone know what this is for? (random reinforced concrete under lawn)
anyone know where i can get one like this??
Anyone know where to buy Mallee Burl - have included pic of latest piece I have done
Anyone making Christmas gifts?
Anzac day 2016
Are these any good?
Art Deco.....all about symmetry
AS1684 vs NCC BCA?
Asian inspired document box
At the Bike Shop
Attaching bottom of verandah post to top of bearer?
Attempted bendy light
Aus Species
Aus Wood Review Back Issues 1-64
Australian Cedar Cupboard
Australian made Wood Lathe
Australian National Standards Laboratory
Australian Red Cedar slabs
Australian Woodturning Exhibition (AWTEX) - 2016
Automaton Project - working title "Grandpa"
Avan camper storage
AWR article
AWR Student Awards Popular Choice Award Vote on Facebook
B and C
Back plate
bad insructions
Bad news
Baileigh Industrial Table Saws
Baltic Birch Ply source in Brisbane?
Bandsaw - what the heck is this!?
Bandsaw blade woes
Bandsaw Sharpening
Bandsaws from Bunnings?
Bank on my account
Banksia pods
Bar Spirits dispenser
barn door - anyone done one?
Basic Mantle Clock
Basic question - What are my options for finishing a laminated pine beam?
basketball court area
Battery charging and fires
Bay Of Fires
Bay of Fires - Tasmania
BBQ Doors
Beautiful Beetroot Recipe
Beautiful examples from the V and A museum
Beautiful Firetail
Bedside Table WIP
Bee keepers in Melbourne?
Bees Wax is the BeesNess
Bench Grinder Outer Guards
Best Finish For a Camphor Laurel Slab Coffee Table ?
Best finish fro thin veneers?
Best joint for frame
best kichen solution
Best stone for chisels and plane blades
Best stuff to remove sap off hands?
Best way to cut dadoes in Laminex bench top
Best way to move 200+kg of saw
best wood from bunnings to use on a out door bench
Bethlehem OliveWood and Afzalia Xlay
between centre chucking
beware the buyer
Big Band Saw
Big Gulp
Big old McPhersons lathe
Big Stringy bark
Birch plywood
Birthday Greetings.
Biscuit quality
Bit Late For Halloween
Black ceiling mold or dust in bedroom
Black rust & molasses
Black Titanium
Blackbutt Burl from BlackbuttWA (Col)
Blackbutt stairs- how to treat
Blade alignment - Jet JPS 10" ProShop
Bless this water
BMP Open day
Boab timber slabs or slices information and location of wanted
Bokken wood noble Brasil - IPE
Book Machine Shop Work
Bookcase advice
Bought a new planer!
Bow knife blades
Bowed door
Bowl From Long Dead Tree
Bowl gouge size
Box joint jig
Boxes inside boxes
Boxing in under house
BRA200 assembly question
Brass drop candy rollers
Brass Hinges - getting the brushed look?
Brass screw identification
Bronze Bushes
bronze embellishment 2
bronze patina embelishment
Bugger Microsoft!!
Build a viking boat by hand!
Builders Bog query
building a BBQ bench
Building a fixed seat against a balustrade?
Building Bathroom Walls
Building table saw table or buy contractor saw
Builiding a built in wardrobe in a room with high ceiling!
Bullet Pen with a difference
Bunnings handsaw to rip red gum?
Bunnings Special
burl jewelery box....
bush fires and rain
Busy time of year
but get channel 94 - a bit weird
Butt chisel recommendations?
Buying etchants (nital
Buying wood online incl home delivery (Melbourne)?
By By Masters
Ca Finish
CA Lifted on the ends
Cabot water based stain help!!
Calendar ... oooohhh
Calling all electronic gurus
Calling all vice gurus
Calm retires and sells Stubby S750
Camel back
Camellia oil additives required?
Camera Collecting
Camphorr And Crows Ash Dining Table
Can Anyone Provide A Technical Explanation Of How Nova's DVR Motors Work ?
Can particle board be sealed?
Can you help identify this tool
Can't get the new TV Channel 90
Canadian Museum of Making
Canberra show 2015
Candle sticks
Cant decide - Carbatec spiral head cutter or buy Dewalt and retrofit with Byrd?!
Carba-tec long bed jointer
Carbatec 8" industrial Jointer CTJ-350X
Carbatec MC1100 variable speed lathe and stand
Carbatec RTS-1 router table insert? any thoughts?
Carcass Build - How to fix it Together !?!!
Carcass saw to suit ogre sized hands
Carpentry - House walls timber frame - bracing
Carpentry with a difference
Carter No C71 because .....
Cartridge Pen for The Ladies
Cast iron versus steel backing plates
Casting - paint for barrels and mould release
Castle Crenellations - how to make?
Cat run WIP
Caught Out!
Cavity Slider Crooked Wall
CBN Grinding Wheel
cedar vase
cement fibre
Certification Question
Chasing some dark timber in Vic
Cheap Bessey K Body Clamps
Cheap Biscuits
cheap recycled timber
Check here every week for a new antique item from Arthur's tool box!
Chest of drawers WIP
Chinese travel agent
Chisel Handles
Chisel Refurb
Choosing an air compressor
Christmas Closure
Christmas is getting closer!!!
Christmas Pallet Challenge 2015
christmas presents all done !!!!!!
Christmas Trees
Christmas Turnings
Chucking "oversized" tools in tailstock
Churchill Island
Cincinnati milling manual needed
Circular saw blades for TS
City of Stirling Men's Shed Open Day
Clamping a mitre for waterfall bench top whilst in-situ. How?
Clamps: Your recommendations on Types
Cleaning up two large slabs of wood. Suggestions?
Clear coating rusty steel
Clearvue blast gates
Closing external Gap between fibre wall & slab
CNC Laser Engraver
Cnc milling tooling
cnc spindle
Cockerill drill press
Cocoa smelling timber
Coffee Table
Coffee table build WIP - Blackwood
Coffin Plans?
collaborating at Adelaide auctions
College of Cambridge Kipp requirements of MBA applicants
Collet for tritom router
Coloured edging - cutting boards
Colouring with pigment
Colt Oxy Acetylene torch extra 'button'?
Competition Sydney Royal Easter Show
completed 924G cat loader
Complicated threading gadget - metric or imperial on any lathe
Compound Mitre Box
Compound mitre saw help needed
Computer program for toy and model design
Computer virus spread to human host - just joking.... new machine purchase
Concealed barrel hinge wars
Confused by new Carbatec Jointer
Contractor Saw - Blade Height adjustment very very difficult
Convert MKII to RV...
Copyright - Cassina Willow Chair
Coral bowl/platter
Cordless Drill Replacement
Cordless Hammer Drill
Corella Raid
Corner Unit Joinery - ideas?
Correct Router Bit
Could this be made by stamping or casting?
countershaft yoke
Couple of birds
Crack in coffee table
Cracking in back walls of old house.
Craftsmanship Museum - well worth a visit....
Cremation urn - silver ash & Australian red cedar
CTC Tools Reliability
Cubic Centimeter Of Timber Makes ? Cubic Centimeters Of Shavings
Curing process - boiling?
Curved Lighting - Attempt
Cute Little Bonsai'd Disston Saw.
Cute old machinist video
Cutting angled grooves in timber - low-tech
CX5 Drill/Driver
Cyclone Dust Separator Collector
Cyclone for home shed CNC questions
Cypress Pine finish to avoid cracking
Cyprus Pine
Dan Gelbart Videos - Laser centering Gadget
Dangers of breaking taps *GRAPHIC IMAGES*
Dark but soft timber?
Dark finish for pine
Day 1 of the 12 Days of Christmas Sale
DE Automation
Dec the halls
Decided to treat myself.
Decking - what side is up?
Decking Oil - Which one for Northern Box
Deep Drilling straight and on 90 degrees using a small 2mm drill bit and hand drill?
Deep Yellowwood
deliberately stiring it up
Delta drill press DP220 14" table
Delta Oscillating Orbital Sander - Drums and Disks
Delta Vfd help
Desert IronWood
Desert Storm
DeWalt DW625 Router
DEWALT DW745 table saw
Dewalt Plunge Saw setup
Diagnosis at last.
Diamond Plates Clogging?
Did someone order some timber?
Difference between Hercus 9" A
Dining tables
Dinner Blessing
Directions - (Only in the U.S)
Disposing shavings
distressed timber coffee table repair
DIY Drill Press
DIY drum thicknessing sander
DIY magnetic chuck
DIY sharpening GTG
DIY Smartphone charge station
DMT 3 inch files
dmt Diasharp
Do AD helmets work OK outdoors?
Does anyone here read Russian?
Does anyone in Australia stock Rousseau?
Does anyone know what bird this is
Does anyone own one of the new model H&F Drill presses?
Dog 'ole drilling - another technique
Dog Bone Chest Handles
dog intarsia
Domino shop vac connection?
Domino: What am i doing wrong
Don't fool with an Old Geezer
door jamb
double carport info
Dovetail Jig
Dovetail Jig - Leigh or Gifkin??
Dovetail saws for sale
Downsizing an External Door
draught seal for old double hung timber sash windows
Drawer Front question
Dremel 3D printer
Drill Bits.
Drill pad / work holder
Drill press - I Like this
Drill Press for $500 or under
Drill Press height
Drill Sharpeners
Drink driving
Drink driving #2
DRO for Hercus 260
Drum shells
drunken threads!!!
Drying large tree
Dual setup bore for house & retic
Dumb question - Chisel Roll
Durden Junior Joiner manual Wanted
Dust extraction for a small shop
Dust extraction from for mitre saws
Dust Extractor auto start-on power
Dust size with Arbortech power carving?
Dusty/cyclone in a cabinet
Dynaudio "Profile 4" 4 Way
Dynaudio Profile 3
E-mail virus.
Early Bridgeport Mill
Early christmas present for our farmers
East meets west
Easter Bunny
Eastern Spinebill
Easy hinges for beginner?
Ebara submersibles
Electric chainsaw sharpener
Electric motor question
Electricity Smartmeter Data Transfer
Electrode containers
Eltham & Districuit Woodworkers Club Exhibition
Elu 172 Belt Vibrating/Flapping
Embellished Norfolk Pine
End Grain Sealer for Green Sawn Wood
End of his kits & skills.
English oak
English Oak Bowl
English oak?
English wheel - work in progress - another sheet metal tool project....
Entry level router for first time user
etc) in Melbourne?
Etchant Tank.
even if I do say so myself.
Ever had one of those days?
Every now and then there's a win - win - win
Everything to do with woodwork
Excellent lathe stands.
exhaust fan as air filter?
Exterior house paint.
Extracting magnets from holes (no glue)
Extraction from small power tools - separate system?
Ezycut Combination Saw/Planer Manual HEEEEELP
Facelift front entry door / aluminium / laminex
Family Sailing / Goat and Sooty Tern sailing together
farm truck
Fastcap Kaizen foam
faulty switch box on lathe
Favourite Marking Knives
Feast Watson Clear Satin Varnish
Feedback Needed for Student-Made Wooden Shelf
Fellow gardeners
Fence Pickets - Melbourne area
Fence posts from cut logs - better set wet or seasoned?
Festool CT26E and Dust Deputy
festool ets150/3 eq brushes - when to get?
Festool guide rail
Festool in the UK - makes you want to cry
Festool Price Rises
Festool Site Radio
Fiddleback Tas Blackwood 75mm x 75mm
FIFA and the IOC
Fifty years on
Figured Blackwood
Figured Myrtle
Figured Tas Musk veneer pack
filleting issue in Rhino 3D
Filling in wood holes/cracks: product? technique?
Filling knots in Oak flooring
Filling pine knots and dings - wisdom needed
Final piece for 2015
Finally the Decal
Finding nylon slider/bearing for RHS
finger limes
finish 1931 model A Ford
Finish for a benchtop
Finish on different projects - Expand my experience
Finish on tight grain box - oil?
Finished outer island
Finishing Blackbutt Outdoor Furniture
finishing the inside of a cabinet
Fire sprinkler system for the shed and 2016 wishlist.
First and second toy builds
First attempt at a dovetail template
First crack at a CS Mill - Cypress Pine
First European Pen Question
First Festool purchase
First time on the lathe
Fish Tank Rack Project
Fitting curved box lid stays
fitting single phase motor to old 3 phase lathe
Fitzroy Street Art
Flattening a bowed / warped kauri pine benchtop
Fletty's new shed WIP ....or is it a retrospective??
Floating selves idea - feedback needed please!
Floor in progress ... calling Dirk
Food safe oil - polish?
For all the Toy makes that are after stuff to make for girls .
Fountain pens
Framing for guttering
FREE - blower fan
Free plan
Free Tassie Blackwood offcuts
Free timber pallets
French doors. How to get ventilation with security.
french polish fail
French woodturning video
Fresh stock for 2016
Front door open out?
FS 3D Printers - Makerbot
Function of button on Thunderlaser display
Functioning Nintendo table
G clamps that doesn't close
G'day From Brisbane
G'day from Gold Coast Hinterland
G'day from Queensland
G'day from Seymour VIC
G'Day from South Africa
G'day from WA... A rank beginner. Willing to learn!
Gaining height in basement reno
Gap at the bottom of the Roller Shutter Curtain
Gap between architrave and wall corner
Garden bed corners
Garden Bore
Gasless MIG revisit!
Gday from Brisbane.
General International Dust Collector
General Manager of Thunder Laser visited Beijing Reci Laser Technology Co.
Genuine Multifix holder comparable with new Chinese holders??
Getting back into it.
Getting back to wood.
Getting serious!
Gift Suggestions for the New Year
Gifted Blanks and Recieved MultiTool
GIS - Some random beginner questions
Glass louvers - adjustment to be able to open 90 degrees
glass panel fencing let go
Gloat - Tsushima Nagura & Kikuhiromaru Mentori Usu-nomi
Glue-less Domino Dowel for Festool
Glueing MDF - latest and greatest?
Gluing Tallow wood
Gmail - how to block from .xyz
Gmf lathe
Going old school
Going to have another go at MIG
GOING TO Sydney to Melbourne and back
Going to Tasmania-what to see?
Gold & Chrome
Gold Coast Hinterland
Gone Fishing
Good Bye to Yarloop
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen.
good news
Got me a
Got my scorp to work for me!
Gotta love a Lucas
Gotta love The Marines
Gotta Love this Auction Item
Graduated Circumfral markings
Grain filling with epoxy
Gramercy hold fasts
Granberg Alaskan Small Log Mill dimensions required
Granny flat - suggestions and experiences?
Great bar of cast iron - can anyone help cut it (and keep some)?
Great Going groeneaj
great video on kinetic motion of models
Greek Navy Biscuits
Greetings from Tokyo Japan
Grinder Heads
Grit Blasting Cabinet.
Gum Root
Gunk build up on bandsaw blades.
Gussstahl - Joiners Hammer?
H&F BP-360 Setup Questions
H&F T-13S - Thicknesser - Bench Mount (240V) 330 x 152mm Patented Helical Cutter Head
Hafco Bandsaw Issue
hafco pt-6 jointer query
Hafco Woodmaster B-18v Scrollsaw Information
Hafco WoodMaster WL-20 - Belt size?
Hamlet Masterflute vs normal bowl gouge?
HANDS on dvd
handtool Work bench timber selection
Happy Holidays?
hardie flex sheet
Hartley Vixen 17 Build
Harvey HW110LGE-30 Table Saw purchase and unboxing
Has anyone made the kerfing plane described by Tim Fidgen in the Unplugged Workshop
Has anyone tried re-handling f clamps before?
Has Aus Post been slow over Christmas?
Having a happy New Year
Having Fun
He's still got it.
Headlights on in the rain
Heads Up Bokken wood noble Brasil - IPE
Heads Up Don't miss the Sturt School 2015 Graduation exhibition
Heads Up Fryerstown Antiques Under the Trees.
Heads Up Fryerstown Under the Trees No.2. ???
Heads Up Garage Clearout
Heads Up Hare & Forbes 3-day sale
Heads Up Massive Timber Clearance Wauchope
Heads Up Nov 22nd SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE Demonstration Day - BENDIGO
Heavily Figured Blackwood Blocks x 3
Heavily figured Blocks for knife handles
Heavily Figured Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood Blocks x 3 some burl grain
Helical Plain Milling Cutter Sharpening - A Challenge
Hello -- I have questions!
Hello every one
Hello from Cape Town
Hello from Lithgow
Hello from Melbourne Australia
Hello from Perth. Just getting started
Hello from Sherwood nsw
Hello From Sydney - Taren Point
Hello from Tassie
Helmet Safety and Crepe Cleaning Block
Help finding hinges for thin wall box 5mm
Help mdf skirting board Filler
Help me expand my tool collection and woodworking skills
Help needed for vent space around dusty bags.
Help needed in RIGHT NOW!!
HELP PLEASE MS Office professional 2010
HELP PLEASE!!! design for dust extraction
Help required starting a compost heap
Help SOS chuck key
Help with eave support/strut to exterior of weatherboard house
Help with pallet furniture finish
Help with US tool
Hercus #12 grinder
hercus 9 parts manual
Hercus history?
Hi everyone
Hi from Adelaide
Hi from Myocum
Hi from Queanbeyan :)
Hi from Queanbeyan NSW
Hi newbie from WA
Hi to Admin and all Members
Hi. Five Thumbs is back after a long absence.
High End Kits
Highly Figured Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood 95mm x 95mm x 420mm
Highly Figured Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood Block
Highly Figured Tasmanian Blackwood Block
Highly Figured Tasmanian Blackwood Blocks
Hinge recommendations
Hinge suggestions for wall hung dining table
Hinges for trifold table
HM-45 Mill Drill
Holden Out
Holiday wanderings
Hollow grind bevel - 200mm or 150mm wheel?
Hollows and Rounds
Home built hot bush shower
Home Hardware
Home Made Swing Away Tailstock.
home-brew router table top
homemade router table in SA
Hommel Werke unusual micrometer
Honda ...... a very clever ad
Hoop& Silky
Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo
Hospital Bill
Hot Melt Edge bander for shed/garage set up
housing and casing for Jet AFS1000 air filtration
How cool is this?
How do I prime this bore pump
how does concrete hold posts in the one spot in the ground
how i make toy wheels
How is this window trim fixed
How long should it take to lap a plane iron
how much is this worth?
How much should I offer for Stringybark?
How to attach shade blind to brick work so removable
How to Fix Top of Table I Just Bought?
How To Improve My Technique
How To Install a Grinding Wheel on a Bench Grinder & How to Make it Run True ....
How to polish brass?
how to remove moss/algae from lawn
How to remove pain off metal door knobs
How to setup your mars laser machine from thunderlaser
How to setup your Thunder Mini60 laser system
how to spend 10k?
How to treat DIY log stool
How to zero a router cutter
howdy from newcastle
Huanyang 7.5 kw VFD
Hunter Forumites Get Together - Sun 15th November
Hybrid vs entry level table saw
Hyco Woodfast cast iron tool rests
Hydrowood Timber
I dig My Everlast 200T Tig
I don't want to bore you but
I hate this guy.
I inherited my Great Grandfather's complete kit including his carpenters bench!
I love taking a few snaps
I need a key drop box
I need an Entamologist
I never thought I'd start a quilting thread!
I posted this in the Triton but really my question needs to be here
I should of known
I'm looking for other Roy Bliss Oceaneer owners.
I'm not a politically motivated person
IAD from LAP
Ibis has left the building
Ideas for zinc castings
Ideas needed for mounting rest bar
Identify this timber
Important To sand parquetry floor corners?
Important Upgrade this weekend
Importing tariff classifications... AARRGGHH
In the marketplace
Incra Fence for Mitre saw Bench
Incra Fence for table saw/router table
Incra Fence question
Incra Positioner/Fence
Infill Playhouse
Injuries and accomplishments
inlays etc
Insanely high quality craftsmanship - Tube Roller
Installing Brusso butt hinges
Installing Room Air Filter
Interesting gadget
Internals of "Tree" boring tool
Internals of "Tree" boring tool revisited
Internals of "Tree" boring tool revisited attemp 2
Invisible fastening for corner shelf
Ipswich or Caboolture ???
Irish ghost story
Irrigation controllers
Is claret ash any good for turning
Is Festool worth the cost?
Is the law really an ass?
Is there such a thing as Jarrah sheets?
Is this ironic?
is this on my basil plant?
it arrived today
It fell off the back of a truck
It's the Details
Italic handwriting - Calligraphy
J. Sanderson hand saw
Jacaranda bowl and ebonising...
Jarrah birds
Jarrah chest of drawers
Jeff Beck & Imelda May
JET BANDSAW 14" extended
Jewlery box
Jig for slotted backs.
Job for a tasmanian forumite
Joining Top Plates
Jointer Bed flattening Adelaide?
Jointer Bed flattening in Adelaide?
Jointer for box making
Jointer for less than $1000
Jumping Spider
Junior Moments
Just a few new Toys
Just How many of our problems a really due to getting older?
Kant Twist Clamps and Forge and Foundry Burners on Gameco's Web Store
Kenworth revisited.
Kenworth T908 prime mover with sleeper
Kid stuff
kids question
Kit less pen parts ( fountain pens)
kitchen laundry benchtop painting
Korean Joinery
Kreg - Triton Router Plate Insert Holes Not Matching Up
Kreg Benchtop Router
Kreg Customer Service
Kreg jointer jig
Kreg K4 Master System and extras
Kreg Router Insert plate
L.S.Barker Combination Machine.
Large Fiddleback Tas Blackwood Block
Large gap between brickwork and window - how to remedy
Large Highly Figured Fiddleback Tas Blackwood Block
Large sanding belt?
Last cast for this Year so it was a big one
Last Minute Christmas Order
Last Turning of 2015
Lathe as dividing head using threadcounter
Lathe Dust Collector - a free design
lawn mower
lawn on lawn?
Layout Stain Review
Learning curve
Learning to Turn again!
Leather Sandals
LED lighting in the workshop?
Leda in Perth
Ledacraft pt-107 planer/thicknesser
Legal advice
Legs for heavy wood slab coffee table
LEST WE FORGET - the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month
Lid seperation
Light Duties
lincoln table saw - anyone know these
Line Shaft Speeds??
Linisher overheating
Linked V belts
Liquid Amber Pods
Little Box
Little turning job
Long stemmed Banksia nut goblets
Long time reader first time poster
Look at the market place for Smoothstepper USB
Look what I found in the garden. :)
Looking for 86x19 tallowood decking (Brisbane area) ...
Looking for advice
Looking for advice 12" SCMS
Looking for post recommendations
Looking for the ideal design for a 16' trailer-sailer.
Lopper review
Love seeing chips
Low-VOC finish for pressure treated pine beam?
Lower & Central Blue Mountains Men's Shed meeting: Sat 28 November
Lucas mill- camphor and red gum.
Lucky or mad skills?
Lynx/Pax Saws?
M35 5% Cobalt
Machine Table Restoration
Machine tester
Machinery Heads-up
Machining a D hole in a gear/pulley
Mackay Cedar
Mackay cedar jewellery box
Madurodam - Holland
Magnetic Bit Holders
Mahogany lead light doors for caravan kitchen
Make a disk sander
Make Your Own Bed
Making aeroplanes in Australia
Making do with old tools?
Making Lancaster bombers
making longbows
Making rolling shop carts for my L-Boxxes
Makita coil nailer
mallards hiking pole
MAMIYA C220 TLR medium-format
March 13th
Massive Timber Clearance Wauchope
Master PenManship the flip side of Pen Turning
Masterpiece saw
Masters to close
Mathematics and Woodies: Does it matter?
Maxim Toolboxes
MBS 250 riving knife
MBS 250 riving knife to fit a Sharkguard
McNaughton corer
Measurements Required for H & F BS-7L Bandsaw stand
Medical Jokes
Melbourne Builders
Melbourne Supply
Member list problem?
Members on Instagram
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Metalwork forum question
Mid Century Laminate??
Mig shrouds/nozzles
Mig Welder Problems
mill scale
mill tooling advice
Millers Falls
Milling floorboards
Milling Recycled Jarrah
Miss Beehaving
Mist Spray
Mit-a-mit hand drill question
Mitre Box Advice?
Mixing hardwood and softwood - bearers
Mobile Phone Apps.
Mobile Uke storage
Model A - black finish on apron
Modular Arithmetic
Monster Truck from the Christmas Pallet Toy Challenge 2015
More birds
More Falcon planes
More spice boxes
More Spoons
Mountain Ash Slab Dining Table
Mountain Lion
Movie stars
Moving a heavy machine!!!!!! HELP
Mrs Woodpecker
Mtn coach
Multiborer air supply
Multicraft 7016
Multiple motors from one VFD
Mumma with Mid Century on My Mind
Museum of the frogs
Music Box
Musk and Celery top Drawer box.
Musk and Huon Pine Blocks for re-saw box making etc
Musk and Tas oak
My Bike
My Collection of Detonator Crimp Pliers is Growing ...
My completed work bence - so far
My first attempt using a quadrant hinge
My first box
My first ornament ...
My First Segmented piece
My Great grandfather's workbench
My latest Guitar Build
My latest Nintendo Wii box
My Lathe
My new tool drawers / cabinet
My new toy 260 ATLM
My Sharpening Regime
My Shed
My Thoughts - Paris
my toymaking continued
My wife was impressed with this sail !.
My workshop is finally finished
myrtle and flame rosewood boxes
Myrtle and Silver Ash Jewellery Box
Nail-finding trick
NCF Accelerant-Where to Buy in Cairns?
ND filters - colour cast
Need A Part
need a Silver Sedona kit
Need a wood working machinist
need adaptor.
need help
Need help finding specialty castors
Need help sizing railing rods
Need help to machine timber and make bench top.
Need help with band saw ID & some advice please
Need help with two electrical issues - wiring a switch and adding variable speed
Need some help with equipment
Need some help with Joomla
Need someone with bandsaw (or power hacksaw)
need to feed 100mm ducting through the ceiling
Need to hire someone's jointer and thicknesser in Sydney
Needing some turning for a country style kitchen..
Negative thinking
New (to me) odd Biax scrapers
New Broken Welder
New building site. Can neighbour concrete to adjoining fenceline without drainage/ ap
New Camera Suggestions?
New entry
New fence and mitre slide for a table saw
New guy from the mountains in Pennsylvania
New H&F Band saws
New Hercus 40" beds
New Hobby
New iBox Jig from Incra
New jointer blades
New kid on the block
New library for my boss
New Listing Looking for Cedar Pencil (CEP) sawn timber to spore.
New Listing woodwork inspiration
New material for handtools
New Member
New mill
New Product Just Arrived
NEW resource for Incra wonderfence - generate custom joints
NEW Steve Hay's Woodworking Masterclass
new table saw
New table saw motor bounce
New table top for camera build - is this Cedar?
New tank for plasma
New to milling
new to photography
New tool
New toy motorbike design in progress
New turner after some advice
New twist
New Workbench build
Newbie needs wooden gear clock advice
NG Rosewood Bowl
Nice Contrast
nice rosewood knob and tode
Nifty use for busted tape measure / Drawing a big arc
No 1 bowl turniing woodlathe
No 4
No point waiting for a rainy day
Norfolk Island Pine
North QLD kit shed / garage crazy prices?!
Northern Rivers
Northern Silky/ Cardwellia
not a bad lump of wood
Not a joke. Just a bit of fun MK.XIV
Not Birds
Not Fit for Purpose
Not food miles.
Not Happy with a local distributor Perth
Not quite furnitire
Not receiving email notifications
Not so crazy
Not wood but still wow!
Nova Insert.
NS14 Northbridge Senior boat plans
NSW 1930 bedroom suite furniture
NSW 8mm by 32mm Fluted Dowels - Bulk Lot
NSW Assorted Wood Turning Tools
NSW Beall Pen Wizard and Dremel
NSW Birdseye redgum
NSW Brand new Hare & Forbes DC-7 excluding motor/blower
NSW Delta Oscillating Orbital Sander
NSW Delta Random Orbital Sander
NSW Disk Sander
NSW Drum sander on grays online
NSW Ezicut Planer
NSW Festool CT36 Long Life bag
NSW Free Lathe For Someone
NSW FS - Plastic Collection Bags for dust extractor
NSW FS 3D Printers - Makerbot
NSW Hare & Forbes T318 thicknesser $235 (Sydney)
NSW Hare and Forbes Lathe - W382
NSW Metal Lathe
NSW New Old Style Triton TRA001
NSW Old Model Clearvue CV06 Mini
NSW Oregon Bench top
NSW OzzieJig
NSW Pen Blank Cutting Jig
NSW Rail and Stile Set
NSW Record-Irwin 175mm Vice
NSW SCM Invincible Planer/thicknesser for sale Sydney.
NSW some hand planes
NSW Sorby Turning Chisels
NSW Stanley 45
NSW Taper cutting jig
NSW Thickness Some Blackbutt for me?
NSW Triton Woodpecker Router Plate
NSW Woodfast short bed lathe for sale Sydney.
NSW Workbench
NSW WTB - Outside Spring Calipers 3 &4"
NSW wtb Spoke shave with a flat base
NSW: Free Clamps and Chisels
NSW:Swap Free Timber - Gladesville 2111
Nylon Braid
O! Mighty keepers of timber knowledge
O/A kit - recommendation
O1 Steel
OB Building Surveyor (permitting services)
Odd tap
Odourless finish needed for tea box
Of despots
Offset eye bolts
Ohh Woolworths
Oil based polyurethane problem on pine
old canon stuff
old chap
Old info
Old motor & VFD
Old Triton TRA001 Parts for Free
Old variable diameter Circle cutter - wood or leather?
Old Walther GSP
Old Woodfast 6 inch jointer blades and gibs.
On The Bridge
Once upon a time.....
One off Milling job in perth WA
One Pic is Worth Rescuing?
One shot oiler
Options for high positioning accuracy?
Options for hollowing boxes/ornaments
or milled on site - Mackay Region - Queensland
or whatever other religious group you belong to.
Osage Orange
Oscillating edge sander - is there a "best"?
OT 59 Corvette revisited
OT likes are back
OT parcel news
Other Forums
Outdoor bench seat
Over Under
Overhead Lineshaft drives at BMP facility
Ozito Impact Driver
Pages freezing
Painful Arm
Pallet origin and safety
Pallet Toy Xmas Challenge
Panel Saw SCM Model S115F
paring slicks/ scarf slicks
paving paint colour to go with weatherboards and bricks
PC Items and Builder
Pebble paving over agg pipe drainage
Pen 1 Warts and All
Pen Descriptions
Performax 22-44 Pro & extra belts
Perfume Applicator
Pernambuco and Olive pen
Perth business selling used woodworking machinery
Petrol Water Pump vs Electric Water Pump with Generator
PhD who gave up his career to become self-employed all-round maker
photo attempt
Photography and Truth
pic and qustion heavy
Pickups from a combo belt/disc sander
Picture Framing Deals | Sander Kit & More
pine and fill pop top roof
Pine Sleeper as Ground Level Bearer?
Planer Thicknesser L'Invincible 1750
Playing with blanks
Pleasant surprise
Please recommend a Drill Press for hobbist
Plow (Plough) Planes
Plywood for furniture
Plywood suppliers NSW South Coast
Plywood work holding jigs for the mill
Poang chairs
Poor quality maple?
Positive Attitude
Post your end of year high note and salutation
posting to older threads
Postscript to purchase of a new vacuum cleaner
Power cable in concrete footing?
Power Cylindrical Grinder
POWER surface grinder - info requested
Prague - hints and tips for tourists
Pre-relieving cutting edges
preferrably clear?
Pressure Pots
Preston 30" Bandsaw Guides
Progress No 2G Drill Press
Project Binkey
Projects from MappleMans Timber Slabs
Prolong the life of my windows
provident funds and pay increases.
Pruning/training experiment
PTFE Melting
pulled my finger out and got it built
PURPLE GIDGEE from far nth Queensland.
Putting a centre in rough stock
QLD 10" Table saw Hare & Forbes
QLD 19" Bandsaw
QLD 3 1/2 Sash cramps for $50
QLD 3 x Marples In-cannal Gouges & 1 x 1/4" Pattern makers chisel.
QLD 38mm
QLD 3HP twin dusty
QLD 4 x E A Berg Heavy duty firmer chisels
QLD 8"Carba tec Jointer
QLD Atkins No.53 24" Panel saw fully restored.
QLD Australian Red Cedar boards dressed and edge jointed
QLD Big Boy Sander with Mobile Base
QLD Blackwood Turning Blanks
QLD Bulk Box making pack
QLD Camphor pen blanks
QLD Carba-Tec Workbench
QLD Cheap Blackwood slabs
QLD Cheap Blackwood Stacks
QLD Cheap Mango Slabs
QLD Cheap Silky Oak slabs and boards
QLD Cheap Slabs
QLD Curly Mango for turning
QLD David Charlesworth DVDs
QLD Delta ScrollSaw
QLD Disston D-95 26" Hand saw Hybrid with Spotted Gum handle
QLD Disston D-95 with hybrid Spotted Gum handle
QLD Disston D8 Thumbhole 4ppi rip saw
QLD Disston D8 Thumbhole ripsaw 5 1/2 ppi
QLD dust extractor 3hp
QLD English made Mitre Clamp and Bench hold-down clamp
QLD F27 hardwood 80 y/o
QLD Fiddleback Blackwood knife blanks
QLD Forest Red Gum Grinder Blanks
QLD Free Makita 9 volt battery drill (no battery) pick-up only
QLD Giveaway - 3 pairs of 600mm full extension ball bearing drawer runners
QLD Giveaway - Bowtie Routing template to create female part
QLD Harold and Saxon Titan inspired Mortice Chisels
QLD Heavy duty 10" Dawn G clamp.
QLD Highly Figured Mango Blanks for Box making and Turnery
QLD Highly Figured Mango Blanks for Box making/Salt and Pepper grinders
QLD Highly Figured Mango Blanks for Pen/Knife handles
QLD Highly Figured Mango Blanks for Salt and Pepper grinders
QLD Highly Figured Mango Boards/Blanks for Box making
QLD Highly Figured Mango Boards/Blanks for Box making and Turnery
QLD Highly Figured Medley of Knife Blocks
QLD JET JPT-260 M Planer Thicknesser
QLD JET JWB225 Wide Belt Sander (600+wide)
QLD Laguna 14suv Bandsaw
QLD linisher sander
QLD Mackay Red Cedar
QLD Maple
QLD Medley of Boards/Blanks for Box making
QLD Medley of Pen Blanks
QLD Northern Silky Oak 170 x 42
QLD Northern Silky Oak 250 x 34
QLD Off cuts and bits and pieces
QLD Pen Blanks
QLD Pen Blanks for Xmas
QLD Philippine Mahogany - Balau - Lauan
QLD Qld Maple
QLD Qtr Sawn Northern Silky Oak 220 x 41
QLD Quarter sawn Blackwood boards
QLD Quarter sawn Southern Silky Oak Knife/Pen Blocks
QLD Queensland Maple board for Box making
QLD Red ash/coopers wood/alphitonia excelsa
QLD Red Bean Wanted
QLD Reecycled Northern Silky Oak 67x 67mm
QLD Robert Sorby Kangaroo panel saw
QLD Router Table Auction
QLD Sawyer Tools Protractor Head for adjustable square
QLD Simonds No.62 Blue Ribbon 7ppi crosscut
QLD Simonds No.72 Blue Ribbon 7ppi crosscut
QLD Southern Silky Oak for Knife handles/Pen blanks
QLD Super heavy duty sash cramps 1400mm long
QLD Super heavy duty T bar cramp 2.4m long
QLD Table saw with sliding table
QLD Trade Tools Router table with aluminium sliding deck - includes Makita 1800 Router
QLD Triton Under Saw Table Dust Bag
QLD Veritas 4 Way Speed Frame Clamp
QLD WANTED: Sheoak Chisel Handle Blanks
QLD Warranted Superior 26" crosscut saw 7ppi
QLD Wood Lathe for Xmas
QLD Wood Workbench
QLD Woodworking vice mechanism
Quantities and Best Place to Buy?
quantiy of planner blades
Queensland Maple
Question for the VFD Experts
Question regarding jamb studs
Quick and easy Xmas trees
Quick Canoe sailing hack
Quick tips on storage for a non-miller
Quote to remove load bearing wall
QWAS Dogs for MFT/3 Table
R.I.P. David Bowie
R.I.P. Glen Frey
R.I.P. Stevie
Rack & pinion supplier help
Raised Wooden Letters
RBT Nightmare!!
Rebirthing old neglected planes.
rebuild of a milling machine
rebuilt headstock
Recipe for a jewlery box
Recommend an electric chainsaw?
Recommendation for hoop pine clear coat?
Recommendations for external oil finish please
Recycling at its best
Red Cedar
Red Gum Slab cost
Red Gum table joinery question
Red Hot Fire Engine
Red Mahogany info sought
Reduce noise from Dust Extractor
Refinishing table top
Rejuvenate and Protect Timber Windows - A Few Questions
religious zeal and that which we have created in the pursuit of peace.
Remember the happy day
Remove Front Lawn / Replace with Mulch?
removing load baring wall at the back of garage
Removing oil spots from timber
Repaint door
Repairing a repair to old red cedar dresser
Repairing Shash Window Frame
Replacing non-standard size fascia
Replacing rotten bargeboard on house
Require middle pulley for pedestal drill.
Researching old WW Machinery
Restored QLD Maple full size bed.
Restoring a clinker built Huon Pine dinghy
Restoring a Huon Pine dinghy
Restoring a queen anne blackwood piano stool?
Retirement Advice For Everyone
Retrofitting Dust Extraction To 14" Woodfast Bandsaw
Reviving the finish on a Piano
ride-on mower keeps dying
Rings Rings & More Rings
River Stroll
Rob Cosman Saw - How it's made
Robert Scoby Lathe chuck
Robinson Morticer Motor - how to remove spray paint
Rocket #7
Rockwell Model 5008 Manual
Roll Top Box
Root runs in Weld to Code
Rough cut 100 x 50 mmm pine wanted
Router bit climbs while cutting
Router Motor
Router problem - Hitachi TR-12
Router table - Build or buy?
Router table decision time
Router table recommendations for the BOSCH Router (RT0700CX)?
Rubber for car restoration
Rules of thumb for pulse?
Rural Hardwood Fence Posts
Rust and Fungii
Rust stains on concrete stepping stones
Rusted door frame.
Rustins danish oil stinks
Rusty chuck
SA 150mm pvc pieces suitable for DC ducting
SA bandsaw on gumtree
SA FREE: pipe clamps
SA Tasmanian Myrtle
SA Whiteside RC Eliminator quick change chuck
Safe internal box routing against fence on table
Safest way to do 60 deg mitre cut?
safety alert
Safety frustration at the mens shed
Safety with the use of the router
Salvaging wood from old furniture ... while respecting others good work of the others
Sand Blasting.
Sand paper- do you think this will work on the disc sander
Sander/Grinder advice needed.
Sanding Sealer & glue any conflict?
Santa with a Bear
Satin Flycatcher
Save my lawn!
Savoy Brown.. still got it!
Saw anvils
Saw blade tensioning for panel and hand saws
Saw Bolt Assemblies.
Saw Doctor Recommendations
Saw for composite sheets
Saw Report 7
Saw score or just junk - Disston
sawing support
Scheppach planer/thicknesser table adjustment
scrapers and cast surface plate.
Screw types
Scroll saw for occasional use.
Scroll work decoration on box
Sealing a table top
Season's Greetings from the UK!
Seasons Greetings & very heart felt thank you.
security warning
See Through Diamond Wheel
Segmented Curly Maple & Sapele Mahogany Vase
Segmented Sliding Cabinet Door
Selling second hand wood turn - Where?
Seniors Moment
Shadow Lettering
Shaftless Cast US Desert Ironwood Burl
Sharpening Brad Point type Drill bits
Sharpening Get Together (GTG)
Sharpening Mount Waverley
Sharpening Spring Loaded Centre Punch
Shed Cable Clips
Shed door ideas
Sheet Metal Tools
Sheeting gyprock directly onto single brick walls
Sheoak Timber
Sheriffs' Office
Sherwood 10in hybrid
Shiny plastic light ceiling material for pergola areas etc- looks like corflute..
shockies and struts - restoration
Shop line by jet 10" direct drive table saw model JSL-10TS
Shop Made Long Hole Boring Tools
Shop Vac died - what to replace with?
Should I be worried....
sight glass
Silver Ash
Silver Quandong and Brazilian Mahogany
Simple Desk Pen/cil Holder
Simple sushi mould (or is it mold)
Simple VFD connection for multiple switch locations
Simply Amazing.
Simulated Urushi black finishes?
Singapore Flower Dome.
Single revolution clutch- pin clutch or similar unit
sizing of cupboard doors?
Sketch up
skew practice !!!
Slab table metal legs
Slanting joists
slide drop saw
Slimline Blackwood?
Small Australian red cedar & Southern silky oak box
Small Box
Small Carving
Small coin/key bowl-what timber is it?
Small drill Sharpener !
Small home workshop
Small leg for a Three legged table
Small milling required - Brisbane area
Small Quantities Steel Supplier - Brisbane
Small wood turning lathe for pens - Wanted - second hand or new
SmoothStepper USB
Solar kiln
Solid or Engineered doors
Some advice needed
Some animal money boxes
Some bird photos
Some DIY tools
Some Folks Can Be Pretty Dumb ....... !
Some friendly advice needed for restoring beautiful old Victorian door
Some gnarly Blackwood
Some handy ideas for the shead
Some macro photos
Some more birds
Some of my favourite bird photos
some of sample made by thunder laser cutter
Some Recent Turnings
Some simple cars
Some steam machinery
Some thing to watch out for - angle grinder incident
Some Tip Puppies
Someone hit me
Sometimes the solution is so simple..
Sound insulation for garden shed setup
Sound proof the shed? Here are some ideas....
Source of creak on new bed
South Africa
Southern Right Whale
SPAM WARNING Microsoft Outlook Team fake E-mail
Spanish mahogany wood for sale
Spear & Jackson Backsaw Handle.
Spindle coolant additive recommendations
spindle oil - suggestions ranging from ISO 22 to ISO 100
Spindle oils
spindle question and oil flying everywhere
Spit roast
SQ 51- Why the gap
Squared Plate
Squaring Blank Ends
Squeaking Floor Board help please!!!!
Stain And Burnishing Oil.
Stairs and a Banana
Standard collet or obscure special?
Standard door size?
Stanhopea orchid for christmas
Stanley #4 (2)
Stanley bedrock 605 corrugated
Stanley Frog Adjustment Screw
Stanley No 7 and No 8 Planes
Stanley no 78 plane
Stanley No. 6 plane blade refurb - worth the effort?
Starrett Bandsaw Blades
startrite 275 with sliding carriage - Got one !
Steam cleaner ignition query
steel and mahogany antique shoulder planes to drool over!
Steel French Doors - good / cheap supplier Sydney
Sticks in water...... and other wet stuff
Still Practicing
Stirrup size for posts
Stone Saws
Straight edge or spirt level to set jointer tables co planar ?
strength of various woods under bending load?
Strong structural joints using a mitre saw? What is possible?
Structural Ply Bracing Installation Question
Struggling with dust
Stuck on Wedge Shape Jewellery Display Box (urgent)
Stunning photos from National Geographic
Suggestions for handles for large box
Suggestions for Timber Bending Iron
suitable for box making
Sun and Planet Mobile
Sunset On Fire
Superglue and baking soda
Suppliers in Melb
Support timbers
Switch contact coating wearing out
Systainer locking latch
T Track
T track Wanted
Table Saw - Absolute beginner
Table saw and wobble dado advice needed.
Table saw rust and scratches
Table saw slot
Tabletop - Can I avoid the warp?
Tacho .problem
Tail Stock Steady
TAS 48 Quality Takane clock movements with hands.
TAS Tiger Myrtle Figured Huon and Flame Myrtle blocks suit re-saw box making etc.
Tasmanian Blackwood Burl Bubble Figure Block
Tassie 5-axis
Tassie to Melbourne/Adelaide
Template guides for Makita RP2301fc router: help please
Temple Pilots
Ten Best Caddy Responses . .
Termite heart break... What to do now?
Test Run
Thank you for looking at my works on YouTube.
Thats New!
The 2015 Xmas Toy Pallet Challenge
The Christmas rush.
The Cleaning of Rusty Tools.
The Cormorant Fisherman
The Dust Deputy and Static Electricity
The Eastern Spinebill
The end of my world as I know it.
The Experiment
The Eye of the DRAGON!!!
The finished Flipper
The FOLEY Saw Equipment Thread
The Ford Sierra ???.
The function of menu button on thunderlaser machine
the last news
The law and regulations
The Lonely Slim at Black Palm Lathe
The making of a Holland and Holland shotgun - absolute perfection
The making of Lie-Nielsen hand planes - a nice video
The miracle of a sheet of toilet paper
The Most Beautiful Moonrise Time-Lapse You'll Ever See - 4 Min
The owner said "Take these machines or Im going to scrap them"
The penguin
The perfect woman??
THE rarest Stanley hand plane is up for sale
The Rest of the DRAGON
The Roentgens Berlin Secretary desk
The science of a crosscut saw
The stolen car
The truck
The Ultimate Roubos?
The wave
There Be DRAGONS!!!
There's something about bowsaws
Thermal Expansion of Table Tops
They live amongst us
Thickie Spiral Head Issues
Thicknesser blade adjustment
Thicknesser Question
Thicknesser VS Hand planes - Advice Needed!
Thicknessing Painted Timber
This is what happens when . . . .
This Mans Girlfriend Wanted Him to Get Rid of His Dog on Craigslist Heres the Ad
This morning i was reminded...
Those Blondes Again
Thoughts on Enclosing my Alfresco area
Three Student's Desks WIP
Thunder Laser machine training for new employees
Thunder Laser system EMC test by SGS
Thunderlaser news-Thunder Laser new staff learn photo engraving
Thunderlaser two-day trip to Taishan
Thx to Pittwater
Tide Clock
Tiger Myrtle. (small hand size)
Timbecon - ✪✪✪Christmas Sale on Next Weekend!✪✪✪
Timber choice for drum sticks
Timber ID
Timber ID please
Timber in south Australia
Timber rack on a brick wall - how much weight?
Timber Sash Window
Timber storage rack
Time to service your tabke saw
Times running out - to get your vote in for the challenge......
Tiny grasshoppers eating plants !
Tiwang Fir anyone heard of it?
To all my Liberal Friends
Toggle clamp failure/s
Tool grinding: Form cutter sharpening attachment
Tool Holder for HBM
Tool identification
Tool Storage Updates
tools for Christmas
Tormek T7 and roughing gouge
Torsion Box Dining Table
Torsion Box Dining Table - End Grain
Toy cars
Toy Steam Roller from Christmas toy pallet challenge
Toy stove
Toymaking Christmas pallet challenge
Toys and Joys?????
Tractors ?
Train sets
Transporting Lucas Mill
Treadle Metal Lathe and Post drill
Trend airshield pro - asbestos
Tri-point woodturning tool
Triton dust bag
Triton ETA100 Mini Sliding Table
Triton jigsaw attachment
Triton Respirator
Triton Router broken?
Triton spares in OZ are like Festool prices in OZ
truck and bobcat
Truck money box
Trupro EBAS-350
Turn off email notifications for "likes"?
turning a mango bowl........then oooppppsss !! and HELP !!
Turning A Set Of Bowls In China
Turning Brass.
Turning scale model wooden wheels
Turret mill transport Melbourne Vic.
TV Help
two identical townhouses except...
Type A Series 1
Type of chiseling technique.
types of glue
Ultimaker 2 extedend
Unbelievable guitar repair resource
Unconventional Time On Piece
UNI Assignment
Unusual problem with Steelmaster 12 x 36 lathe
URGENT: Recommendation on drill bit set?
Urticaria (hives)
US Desert Ironwood cast in Gold/Silver Polyester Resin
Use By Date
Used brake disks
using john walsh's digitizing board to help with horse build
Using Up Some Scrap Timber
Vac Clamps Arriving Soon
Vacupress vacuum pump and bag
Veneer questions
venieer repair piano
Venting a DC7 outside
Venting DC outside question
Verandah rafters
Verifying the Account
Veritas Mini Router Base
Veritas Mini Scraper
Veritas Scraper Plane
Vertex Anglock machine vices
Very duck
Very Festive
VFD for multi speed 3-phase motors
VIC 10" tablesaw and 10" planer/thicknesser for sale in Ocean Grove
VIC 100x100 DAR hardwood eoither tas oak or meranti
VIC 4-speed Bandsaw (Toolmac)
VIC A-Line it Deluxe
VIC Air Compressor
VIC air compressor belt drive this is not a auction
VIC American White Oak Furniture Timber Veneer - 15 lengths
Vic Ash & Oregan
Vic Ash table finish - advice appreciated
VIC Australian Red Cedar burl
VIC Bandsaw - Carbatec SBW-4300CE
VIC Bandsaw for sale
VIC Beautiful Red Gum Slab
VIC Board offcuts
VIC Books
VIC Camphor Laurel Blanks (Bowl/bandsaw box use)
VIC Carbatec 10" planer/thicknesser combination for sale
VIC Carbatec CT-2042 Dust Extractor 2 HP
VIC Crown Mini Turning Set
VIC Crown woodturing tools
VIC Crown woodturning tool sets (several)
VIC Cutter Head for Woodfast Planer Thicknesser
VIC Decorating Elf
VIC Early Stanley # 40 Scrub plane
VIC Falcon Pope # F 5 1/2
VIC Felder foKa ECO Edgebander
VIC Festool Backpack
VIC Festool CXS Cordless Drill
VIC Festool ETS 150/5
VIC FOR SALE: Pine (Treated & Untreated) & MDF/PLYWOOD SHEETS
VIC Free Jarrah
VIC Free Job Lot
VIC Free Odds & Sods
VIC FS - Music/Furniture grade African Padauk! Free Post!
VIC FS - Super Rare Music/Furniture grade African Wenge & African Paduak! Free Post!
VIC Gary Pye Chuck set
VIC Gifkin Dovetail Jig
VIC Hafco 16" Band Saw Model BS16A
VIC Hafco 16" bandsaw
VIC Hafco Drill Press Model SBD-20B with Woodpeckers Table Top
VIC Jarrah for Sale
VIC Jet performax drum sander 10-20 plus
VIC McPherson Power Hacksaw
VIC Mini max lab22 combination machine
VIC Mitre box
VIC More stuff- Electrical
VIC Neodymium rare earth magnets
VIC Nova 3000 lathe and GMC dust extractor (separately)
VIC Nova Chuck
VIC Nova Live Centre System
VIC Offcut clearout
VIC old hand tools pope falcon hand drill & bailey No 4 hand plane
VIC Omega Stubby S750 - NO 1 bowl turning lathe - on gumtree
VIC Power carving - King Arthur's Tools and Kutzall carbide sanding disc
VIC Powermatic 14" Bandsaw
VIC Record # 4 in very good condition
VIC Record 050 Improved Combination Plane
VIC record compass plane
VIC Redgum old Growth Furniture Timber - Pack of 9 lengths
VIC Robert Sorby Micro Spiraling System
VIC Robland X30 5 in 1 Combination Machine
VIC Router table - Triton Router MOF001 - Woodpeckers router plate
VIC Scroll chuck 95mm. Carbatec - very little use
VIC Sherwood 6" jointer
VIC Sherwood Scroll Saw - Not Auction
VIC Spindle moulder
VIC Squares
VIC Stanley # 3 plane in as new condition
VIC Stanley # 4 1/2
VIC Stanley # 5
VIC Stanley # 78 Rebate plane. Made in England
VIC Stanley #220 Block plane
VIC Stanley #4
VIC Stanley #4 (3)
VIC Stanley #4 (5)
VIC Stanley #71 Router Plane
VIC Stanley Tool Bag
VIC Stubby S750 Omega
VIC Tablesaw
VIC Tasmanian Myrtle Figured & Colourful Grained Boards - Pack of 12 boards
VIC Tasmanian Myrtle Old Growth furniture Timber - "Factory Seconds"
VIC Tasmanian Myrtle Old Growth Timber - Pack of 9 lengths
VIC Timber offcuts
VIC Triton Router and Jigsaw table with biscuit attachment.
VIC Turner # 220 Block plane
VIC Vicmar Collet Set
VIC Videos
VIC Wadkin Bursgreen 10" tablesaw
VIC wood lathe head stock
VIC Woodfast Lathe
VIC Work Bench Vise
VIC WTB: Mini Lathe
Vice for workbench
Vice Stop ( or why the vice is still not painted Michael )
Victorian style door frame and window
Vifa SA 130 Speakers
villa board
Vintage Car clip
Vinyl Wrapping .. Where to Buy???
VL240 differences to VL300
WA Carbatec CTJ-350 8" Long bed jointer with helical cutting head
WA CNC Seig 2 Mill
WA Double panel clamp kit
WA Framing gun
WA Franz Hermle 351-050 Clock Movement Kit $150
WA FREE built in cupboards
WA Gifkins Dovetail Jig
WA Girder Clamps
WA Paslode angle bradder
WA Paslode bradder
WA Ryobi Industrial 305mm Compound Mitre Saw
Wadkin PK - Can I fit a Single Phase Motor to a wadkin pk table saw?
Wadkin PK manual link and other wadkin manuals
Wagner XVLP FC3500
Waiting for Reboot
waldown workmax drill press
Wall Hung Tool Cabinet
Wall shelf bracket spacings
Walting Matilda
Want to change raised panel cabinet doors to flat/slab panel.
Wanted - cap & blade for a Falcon 151 spokeshave
Wanted - Disston 5 screw thumbhole Handle
Wanted: Jointer
Warning for Dewalt XR cordless tool owners.
Warped Lid
Was just given a wooden canoe
Wasted puns
Watcha Dooen @ Dooen GTG 23 - 26 Jan
Water Dragon
Waterfall bubinga
Wattyl Estapol Interior Polyurethane - Spray Can in Matt - Dry or Wet and Dry Sandpap
wedge shaped boards
Weed identification needed
Welding both ways.
welding to hydraulic ram
Weldon Countersink Sharpener.
Well it's finally happened
Went For A 3Hr Drive and Look What Followed Me Home.........
Westone Grinder
What a joke
what am I missing?
What are 100 x 200mm butt hinges used for?
what are the basics
What Fuse to Use
What internet speeds should I expect
What is the finish used on my floorboards? Stripped by dog urine!
What is this for?
What is this weed and how to get rid of it
What is this? Saw clamp for sharpening
What kind of creature makes this?
What order to apply flocking and danish oil?
what sort of plants would i put out here in this shaded area?
What sort of spacer
What Species Please
What to do with Cleared Logs ?
What to use to level my back lawn
What's this bolt for?
Whats Best?
whats difference???
Whats your anagram name
Wheeled Excavator Scale 1:20
Where to buy
Where to buy cast round
Where to buy Wooden Pins??
Where to find a acrylic base for a Makita Compact router
Where to get box stays
Where to get my Argon??
Where to get short length of ~80mm ID corrugated hose
where to post want to buy ads
Where to source branches?
Which blades for my new Bandsaw
Which Bosch ROS?
Which Dust Extractor would you buy?
Which Lucas Sawmill to purchase?
Which router table and fence???
Which veneer face to use ?
White Oak Plate Two
Why do they call it a flat?
Why get a Combo rather than separate Jointer and Planer/Thicknesser?
Why I use Photobucket!.
Why/how did I stuff this up?
Wide Thick Highly Figured Tasmanian Blackwood Block
Widest Chisel Blade Australia
will pay for it.
will untreated pine painted in enamel last for out side use? ( table legs & Body )
Window frames cracking
Window glazing
Windows 10
Winter is Coming
WIP - the new assembly table
WIP 1932 Packard model 904
WIP Rocking horse Scarlet
Woman driver
Women Drivers
Wompoo Pigeon
Wood clock plan help
Wood Lathe MC 1100 plusTru Grind sharpening jig Pick up SE Melbourne Area
Wood Machinists tool box
Wood working GetToGether
Woodcut CBN wheel whetstone tormek
Woodcut negative rake scraper ... as a lacer skew
Wooden Boat Magazine and The Boatman
Wooden flowers
Wooden Machinists Tool Box
Wooden Train Track Comparability Issue - Help Please!!
Woodfast TS250RC
Woodturning sale at Wallan Sat. 12th December
Woodwork Newbie
Woodworking Machinery in Australia - Manufacturers and Merchants
Woodworking newbie
WOOHOO IT'S HERE FS DJI INSPIRE 1 Pro Quadcopter Drone w/ 4K HD Camera (Zenmuse X5)
WOOHOO! Variable Jaw Opening Quick Release Clamps
Work bench - 6000x2800 - Upholsters don't make good chippies!
Work bench #1
work in progress 1931 model A Ford
Workshop Benches/Tables deceptively large
workshop FORK LIFT 1999 Shinko Electric Ace
Workshop Wet & Dry Vacuum
Would a 600mm x 17mm plywood disk self destruct at 1100RPM
WTB Table saw
WTB: Bed extension for Teknatool Nova 3000 series Wood Lathe
WTB: magnetic drill
X2 Mill Mods/Upgrade
Xmas came early - new machine tool
Xmas Presents
Yarloop fire
Yarloop Workshop Museum
Yet more birds
You know you're Australian when..
You see the funniest things on Facebook
you shouldn't have!
Your greatest achievement for 2015?
ZCI mod to assist dust control
Zebra Timber question....
Zinken compact 21
? Screws for Securing Jaws to Teknatool Nova Chucks ?'s that time of year again..
[OT] Off Grid Workshop Led Lighting
*College of Cambridge Kipp Principles of distance-learning
#8A Half back saw
~1900 Nicholson
✪✪✪Christmas Sale on Next Weekend!✪✪✪
$3 saws
1 month pause of house build before roofing can go on. Ideas to protect framing?
1/4" router bit to level uneven timber?
10" with sliding table
100 plus year barn board Half Round Oak Table
100 year old rafters on the Slabmaster
10th Day Discount
11th day of Christmas discount code
12" Cherry Plate
12" White Oak Plate
12M10 - Great saw
12th day of Christmas discount code
13" Thicknesser Ryobi
13" White Oak Plate
14 inch Bandsaw advice
14" TAUCO comes back home to daddy
150mm blast gates
16 TPI thread
17" bandsaw blades.
1926 union fees
1927 Harley Davidson
1928 Linn logging tractor
1945 Dewalt Radial Arm Saw.
1948 Ford Monster Truck with a Peterbilt twist.....
19mm E A Berg Chisels
1st Christmas present
1st contribution to the forum
2 beautiful brass
2 bedsides
2 Fiddleback Tas Blackwood Blocks burl grain
2 Heavily Figured Fiddleback Tas Blackwood Wide Blocks burl grain
2 Highly Figured Fiddleback Tas Blackwood Blocks
2 Large Highly Figured Myrtle Blocks Suit Re-saw Box making etc.
2 other dump trailers
2 questions
2 Wide Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood blocks
2 x 290x45 How to Join?
2 x Burl Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood Wide Thick Blocks Very Rare
2.2Kw Water cooled spindle
2.3m high ceilings - how bad?
2/3 scale Brough Superior
2015 Christmas Pens
2015 Christmas Toy Pallet Challenge
2015 Japan Miki Tool Festival
2015 Sawmill Shootout
2016 Australia Day Pen swap
2016 Australia Day Pen Swap - Invitation to Participate
2016 pen swap?
260atm gearbox handle
2nd day of Christmas discounts
3 Highly Figured Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood Blocks
3 phase options?
3 Phase Star and Delta
3 Piece 2 Compartment Mahogany Stash Cylinder
3 types of Mahogany & Cherry Spindle Table
308 and SHOTGUN
33rd Wedding Anniversary
3rd Day of Christmas Discount
3rd hands
4 x Pipe Clamps 1200mm
45 Mill drill belt conversion
45º Cuts in square tubing
4th day of Christmas Discount
5 silky logs too give away
5/8" bore table saw blades in melb?
5th Day Discount
5yrs is to long
6th Day Discount
6x4 bandsaw adjustment article
7 "Nature" Photographs
7th Day Discount
8 footers plane for adults
8th day Discount
924G Cat work in progress
9th day of Christmas
9x20 help
A bauble - the result of lazy time))
A big book drawer
A Bit of Horsing Around
A box for watches
A bricklayer's tale
A cabinet for my boss
A challenge
A clever man with a chainsaw - enjoy
A concreting question.
a couple of birds
A deck from fence palings
A few old saws
A few other Christmas gifts.
A few Year 10 woodwork Class Photos
A Garage for the Christmas Raffle at the Boys & Girls Club...
A La Snodgrass
A Lathe For A Serious Turner!
A little bit of blackwood...
A little dovetail and panel saw
A little huon pine bone.
A little rattled
A load of bull.
A new door from old fence palings
A New Idea For a Combination Vertical & Horizontal Router Table
A new Photography Forum
A new way of making drawers.
A new year build
A pair of Waldown drill presses
A question on tools for making wheels
A resurrection exercise on an old saw
A sad and lonely workshop now.
A salute to Qld Maple
A saw for a tenner !
A Series of Victorys
A shed accessory I am thinking of
A simple commission
a simple repair...( should be)
A splendid quote from Lee Valley Newsletter - Nov 2015
A true treasure
A Very Big Thank You....
A Walk Through Melbournes Lanes
A wee bit chiily
A weekend of Drill Watching
A word of advice
Aaaargh! Friggin online catalogues!
AC24L compressor
Acid resistant brass screws
Acoustic enclosure for a DC
ACT A Polishers Handbook by UBeaut
ACT Laguna Platinum Table saw
Adding a deadlock height
Adirondack chairs and table.
Advice please - do I need a router lifter with the big Triton router?
AE Herbert lathe
Aero / Diablo
After Christmas Thought
Aftermarket fence system
Aftermarket speed controller
Air Compressor receiver tank.
Air compressor woes
Air compressor wows
Air/Battery/Electric Nailers
airbrush embelishment
Airport Mistletoe
Airwolf AW3D HD
AKKO toolholder - Any reviews?
AL250G oil change
All from a pack of Blackbutt decking
Am I reading this right?
Amazing Value - Electronic Magazine Subscription - Model Eng and Model ENg Workshop
Ammer Gandad
An Addition to a Surface Gauge for Checking Squareness.
An eye Catcher for sure
An Oldie
and 24" "warranted superior" mitre saw
and life.
and needed advice
And the little woman does it again....
Anitque Auction
Another blonde
Another Found Object
Another Hand-Powered Woodworking Machine
Another interesting option for lathe/mill motor replacement
Another lidded box
Another Newbie VFD question
Another pallet timber table
Another slant on things
another toy
Antique Dealer
Antique Hand Plane.
Antique tablesaw and bandsaw
Any Chance of an Xmas challenge? Maybe children's toy?
Any ideas for Multifix tool holder storage / rack ?
Any interest in helping design plans for a three sided plant pyramid?
Anyone bought the new Hafco BP-360 yet?
Anyone got any OSB in Perth??
Anyone have a *2.5hp* Harvey HW110HB-30?
Anyone heard of Bergin Bandsaw?
Anyone know what this is for? (random reinforced concrete under lawn)
anyone know where i can get one like this??
Anyone know where to buy Mallee Burl - have included pic of latest piece I have done
Anyone making Christmas gifts?
Anzac day 2016
Are these any good?
Art Deco.....all about symmetry
AS1684 vs NCC BCA?
Asian inspired document box
At the Bike Shop
Attaching bottom of verandah post to top of bearer?
Attempted bendy light
Aus Species
Aus Wood Review Back Issues 1-64
Australian Cedar Cupboard
Australian made Wood Lathe
Australian National Standards Laboratory
Australian Red Cedar slabs
Australian Woodturning Exhibition (AWTEX) - 2016
Automaton Project - working title "Grandpa"
Avan camper storage
AWR article
AWR Student Awards Popular Choice Award Vote on Facebook
B and C
Back plate
bad insructions
Bad news
Baileigh Industrial Table Saws
Baltic Birch Ply source in Brisbane?
Bandsaw - what the heck is this!?
Bandsaw blade woes
Bandsaw Sharpening
Bandsaws from Bunnings?
Bank on my account
Banksia pods
Bar Spirits dispenser
barn door - anyone done one?
Basic Mantle Clock
Basic question - What are my options for finishing a laminated pine beam?
basketball court area
Battery charging and fires
Bay Of Fires
Bay of Fires - Tasmania
BBQ Doors
Beautiful Beetroot Recipe
Beautiful examples from the V and A museum
Beautiful Firetail
Bedside Table WIP
Bee keepers in Melbourne?
Bees Wax is the BeesNess
Bench Grinder Outer Guards
Best Finish For a Camphor Laurel Slab Coffee Table ?
Best finish fro thin veneers?
Best joint for frame
best kichen solution
Best stone for chisels and plane blades
Best stuff to remove sap off hands?
Best way to cut dadoes in Laminex bench top
Best way to move 200+kg of saw
best wood from bunnings to use on a out door bench
Bethlehem OliveWood and Afzalia Xlay
between centre chucking
beware the buyer
Big Band Saw
Big Gulp
Big old McPhersons lathe
Big Stringy bark
Birch plywood
Birthday Greetings.
Biscuit quality
Bit Late For Halloween
Black ceiling mold or dust in bedroom
Black rust & molasses
Black Titanium
Blackbutt Burl from BlackbuttWA (Col)
Blackbutt stairs- how to treat
Blade alignment - Jet JPS 10" ProShop
Bless this water
BMP Open day
Boab timber slabs or slices information and location of wanted
Bokken wood noble Brasil - IPE
Book Machine Shop Work
Bookcase advice
Bought a new planer!
Bow knife blades
Bowed door
Bowl From Long Dead Tree
Bowl gouge size
Box joint jig
Boxes inside boxes
Boxing in under house
BRA200 assembly question
Brass drop candy rollers
Brass Hinges - getting the brushed look?
Brass screw identification
Bronze Bushes
bronze embellishment 2
bronze patina embelishment
Bugger Microsoft!!
Build a viking boat by hand!
Builders Bog query
building a BBQ bench
Building a fixed seat against a balustrade?
Building Bathroom Walls
Building table saw table or buy contractor saw
Builiding a built in wardrobe in a room with high ceiling!
Bullet Pen with a difference
Bunnings handsaw to rip red gum?
Bunnings Special
burl jewelery box....
bush fires and rain
Busy time of year
but get channel 94 - a bit weird
Butt chisel recommendations?
Buying etchants (nital
Buying wood online incl home delivery (Melbourne)?
By By Masters
Ca Finish
CA Lifted on the ends
Cabot water based stain help!!
Calendar ... oooohhh
Calling all electronic gurus
Calling all vice gurus
Calm retires and sells Stubby S750
Camel back
Camellia oil additives required?
Camera Collecting
Camphorr And Crows Ash Dining Table
Can Anyone Provide A Technical Explanation Of How Nova's DVR Motors Work ?
Can particle board be sealed?
Can you help identify this tool
Can't get the new TV Channel 90
Canadian Museum of Making
Canberra show 2015
Candle sticks
Cant decide - Carbatec spiral head cutter or buy Dewalt and retrofit with Byrd?!
Carba-tec long bed jointer
Carbatec 8" industrial Jointer CTJ-350X
Carbatec MC1100 variable speed lathe and stand
Carbatec RTS-1 router table insert? any thoughts?
Carcass Build - How to fix it Together !?!!
Carcass saw to suit ogre sized hands
Carpentry - House walls timber frame - bracing
Carpentry with a difference
Carter No C71 because .....
Cartridge Pen for The Ladies
Cast iron versus steel backing plates
Casting - paint for barrels and mould release
Castle Crenellations - how to make?
Cat run WIP
Caught Out!
Cavity Slider Crooked Wall
CBN Grinding Wheel
cedar vase
cement fibre
Certification Question
Chasing some dark timber in Vic
Cheap Bessey K Body Clamps
Cheap Biscuits
cheap recycled timber
Check here every week for a new antique item from Arthur's tool box!
Chest of drawers WIP
Chinese travel agent
Chisel Handles
Chisel Refurb
Choosing an air compressor
Christmas Closure
Christmas is getting closer!!!
Christmas Pallet Challenge 2015
christmas presents all done !!!!!!
Christmas Trees
Christmas Turnings
Chucking "oversized" tools in tailstock
Churchill Island
Cincinnati milling manual needed
Circular saw blades for TS
City of Stirling Men's Shed Open Day
Clamping a mitre for waterfall bench top whilst in-situ. How?
Clamps: Your recommendations on Types
Cleaning up two large slabs of wood. Suggestions?
Clear coating rusty steel
Clearvue blast gates
Closing external Gap between fibre wall & slab
CNC Laser Engraver
Cnc milling tooling
cnc spindle
Cockerill drill press
Cocoa smelling timber
Coffee Table
Coffee table build WIP - Blackwood
Coffin Plans?
collaborating at Adelaide auctions
College of Cambridge Kipp requirements of MBA applicants
Collet for tritom router
Coloured edging - cutting boards
Colouring with pigment
Colt Oxy Acetylene torch extra 'button'?
Competition Sydney Royal Easter Show
completed 924G cat loader
Complicated threading gadget - metric or imperial on any lathe
Compound Mitre Box
Compound mitre saw help needed
Computer program for toy and model design
Computer virus spread to human host - just joking.... new machine purchase
Concealed barrel hinge wars
Confused by new Carbatec Jointer
Contractor Saw - Blade Height adjustment very very difficult
Convert MKII to RV...
Copyright - Cassina Willow Chair
Coral bowl/platter
Cordless Drill Replacement
Cordless Hammer Drill
Corella Raid
Corner Unit Joinery - ideas?
Correct Router Bit
Could this be made by stamping or casting?
countershaft yoke
Couple of birds
Crack in coffee table
Cracking in back walls of old house.
Craftsmanship Museum - well worth a visit....
Cremation urn - silver ash & Australian red cedar
CTC Tools Reliability
Cubic Centimeter Of Timber Makes ? Cubic Centimeters Of Shavings
Curing process - boiling?
Curved Lighting - Attempt
Cute Little Bonsai'd Disston Saw.
Cute old machinist video
Cutting angled grooves in timber - low-tech
CX5 Drill/Driver
Cyclone Dust Separator Collector
Cyclone for home shed CNC questions
Cypress Pine finish to avoid cracking
Cyprus Pine
Dan Gelbart Videos - Laser centering Gadget
Dangers of breaking taps *GRAPHIC IMAGES*
Dark but soft timber?
Dark finish for pine
Day 1 of the 12 Days of Christmas Sale
DE Automation
Dec the halls
Decided to treat myself.
Decking - what side is up?
Decking Oil - Which one for Northern Box
Deep Drilling straight and on 90 degrees using a small 2mm drill bit and hand drill?
Deep Yellowwood
deliberately stiring it up
Delta drill press DP220 14" table
Delta Oscillating Orbital Sander - Drums and Disks
Delta Vfd help
Desert IronWood
Desert Storm
DeWalt DW625 Router
DEWALT DW745 table saw
Dewalt Plunge Saw setup
Diagnosis at last.
Diamond Plates Clogging?
Did someone order some timber?
Difference between Hercus 9" A
Dining tables
Dinner Blessing
Directions - (Only in the U.S)
Disposing shavings
distressed timber coffee table repair
DIY Drill Press
DIY drum thicknessing sander
DIY magnetic chuck
DIY sharpening GTG
DIY Smartphone charge station
DMT 3 inch files
dmt Diasharp
Do AD helmets work OK outdoors?
Does anyone here read Russian?
Does anyone in Australia stock Rousseau?
Does anyone know what bird this is
Does anyone own one of the new model H&F Drill presses?
Dog 'ole drilling - another technique
Dog Bone Chest Handles
dog intarsia
Domino shop vac connection?
Domino: What am i doing wrong
Don't fool with an Old Geezer
door jamb
double carport info
Dovetail Jig
Dovetail Jig - Leigh or Gifkin??
Dovetail saws for sale
Downsizing an External Door
draught seal for old double hung timber sash windows
Drawer Front question
Dremel 3D printer
Drill Bits.
Drill pad / work holder
Drill press - I Like this
Drill Press for $500 or under
Drill Press height
Drill Sharpeners
Drink driving
Drink driving #2
DRO for Hercus 260
Drum shells
drunken threads!!!
Drying large tree
Dual setup bore for house & retic
Dumb question - Chisel Roll
Durden Junior Joiner manual Wanted
Dust extraction for a small shop
Dust extraction from for mitre saws
Dust Extractor auto start-on power
Dust size with Arbortech power carving?
Dusty/cyclone in a cabinet
Dynaudio "Profile 4" 4 Way
Dynaudio Profile 3
E-mail virus.
Early Bridgeport Mill
Early christmas present for our farmers
East meets west
Easter Bunny
Eastern Spinebill
Easy hinges for beginner?
Ebara submersibles
Electric chainsaw sharpener
Electric motor question
Electricity Smartmeter Data Transfer
Electrode containers
Eltham & Districuit Woodworkers Club Exhibition
Elu 172 Belt Vibrating/Flapping
Embellished Norfolk Pine
End Grain Sealer for Green Sawn Wood
End of his kits & skills.
English oak
English Oak Bowl
English oak?
English wheel - work in progress - another sheet metal tool project....
Entry level router for first time user
etc) in Melbourne?
Etchant Tank.
even if I do say so myself.
Ever had one of those days?
Every now and then there's a win - win - win
Everything to do with woodwork
Excellent lathe stands.
exhaust fan as air filter?
Exterior house paint.
Extracting magnets from holes (no glue)
Extraction from small power tools - separate system?
Ezycut Combination Saw/Planer Manual HEEEEELP
Facelift front entry door / aluminium / laminex
Family Sailing / Goat and Sooty Tern sailing together
farm truck
Fastcap Kaizen foam
faulty switch box on lathe
Favourite Marking Knives
Feast Watson Clear Satin Varnish
Feedback Needed for Student-Made Wooden Shelf
Fellow gardeners
Fence Pickets - Melbourne area
Fence posts from cut logs - better set wet or seasoned?
Festool CT26E and Dust Deputy
festool ets150/3 eq brushes - when to get?
Festool guide rail
Festool in the UK - makes you want to cry
Festool Price Rises
Festool Site Radio
Fiddleback Tas Blackwood 75mm x 75mm
FIFA and the IOC
Fifty years on
Figured Blackwood
Figured Myrtle
Figured Tas Musk veneer pack
filleting issue in Rhino 3D
Filling in wood holes/cracks: product? technique?
Filling knots in Oak flooring
Filling pine knots and dings - wisdom needed
Final piece for 2015
Finally the Decal
Finding nylon slider/bearing for RHS
finger limes
finish 1931 model A Ford
Finish for a benchtop
Finish on different projects - Expand my experience
Finish on tight grain box - oil?
Finished outer island
Finishing Blackbutt Outdoor Furniture
finishing the inside of a cabinet
Fire sprinkler system for the shed and 2016 wishlist.
First and second toy builds
First attempt at a dovetail template
First crack at a CS Mill - Cypress Pine
First European Pen Question
First Festool purchase
First time on the lathe
Fish Tank Rack Project
Fitting curved box lid stays
fitting single phase motor to old 3 phase lathe
Fitzroy Street Art
Flattening a bowed / warped kauri pine benchtop
Fletty's new shed WIP ....or is it a retrospective??
Floating selves idea - feedback needed please!
Floor in progress ... calling Dirk
Food safe oil - polish?
For all the Toy makes that are after stuff to make for girls .
Fountain pens
Framing for guttering
FREE - blower fan
Free plan
Free Tassie Blackwood offcuts
Free timber pallets
French doors. How to get ventilation with security.
french polish fail
French woodturning video
Fresh stock for 2016
Front door open out?
FS 3D Printers - Makerbot
Function of button on Thunderlaser display
Functioning Nintendo table
G clamps that doesn't close
G'day From Brisbane
G'day from Gold Coast Hinterland
G'day from Queensland
G'day from Seymour VIC
G'Day from South Africa
G'day from WA... A rank beginner. Willing to learn!
Gaining height in basement reno
Gap at the bottom of the Roller Shutter Curtain
Gap between architrave and wall corner
Garden bed corners
Garden Bore
Gasless MIG revisit!
Gday from Brisbane.
General International Dust Collector
General Manager of Thunder Laser visited Beijing Reci Laser Technology Co.
Genuine Multifix holder comparable with new Chinese holders??
Getting back into it.
Getting back to wood.
Getting serious!
Gift Suggestions for the New Year
Gifted Blanks and Recieved MultiTool
GIS - Some random beginner questions
Glass louvers - adjustment to be able to open 90 degrees
glass panel fencing let go
Gloat - Tsushima Nagura & Kikuhiromaru Mentori Usu-nomi
Glue-less Domino Dowel for Festool
Glueing MDF - latest and greatest?
Gluing Tallow wood
Gmail - how to block from .xyz
Gmf lathe
Going old school
Going to have another go at MIG
GOING TO Sydney to Melbourne and back
Going to Tasmania-what to see?
Gold & Chrome
Gold Coast Hinterland
Gone Fishing
Good Bye to Yarloop
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen.
good news
Got me a
Got my scorp to work for me!
Gotta love a Lucas
Gotta love The Marines
Gotta Love this Auction Item
Graduated Circumfral markings
Grain filling with epoxy
Gramercy hold fasts
Granberg Alaskan Small Log Mill dimensions required
Granny flat - suggestions and experiences?
Great bar of cast iron - can anyone help cut it (and keep some)?
Great Going groeneaj
great video on kinetic motion of models
Greek Navy Biscuits
Greetings from Tokyo Japan
Grinder Heads
Grit Blasting Cabinet.
Gum Root
Gunk build up on bandsaw blades.
Gussstahl - Joiners Hammer?
H&F BP-360 Setup Questions
H&F T-13S - Thicknesser - Bench Mount (240V) 330 x 152mm Patented Helical Cutter Head
Hafco Bandsaw Issue
hafco pt-6 jointer query
Hafco Woodmaster B-18v Scrollsaw Information
Hafco WoodMaster WL-20 - Belt size?
Hamlet Masterflute vs normal bowl gouge?
HANDS on dvd
handtool Work bench timber selection
Happy Holidays?
hardie flex sheet
Hartley Vixen 17 Build
Harvey HW110LGE-30 Table Saw purchase and unboxing
Has anyone made the kerfing plane described by Tim Fidgen in the Unplugged Workshop
Has anyone tried re-handling f clamps before?
Has Aus Post been slow over Christmas?
Having a happy New Year
Having Fun
He's still got it.
Headlights on in the rain
Heads Up Bokken wood noble Brasil - IPE
Heads Up Don't miss the Sturt School 2015 Graduation exhibition
Heads Up Fryerstown Antiques Under the Trees.
Heads Up Fryerstown Under the Trees No.2. ???
Heads Up Garage Clearout
Heads Up Hare & Forbes 3-day sale
Heads Up Massive Timber Clearance Wauchope
Heads Up Nov 22nd SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE Demonstration Day - BENDIGO
Heavily Figured Blackwood Blocks x 3
Heavily figured Blocks for knife handles
Heavily Figured Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood Blocks x 3 some burl grain
Helical Plain Milling Cutter Sharpening - A Challenge
Hello -- I have questions!
Hello every one
Hello from Cape Town
Hello from Lithgow
Hello from Melbourne Australia
Hello from Perth. Just getting started
Hello from Sherwood nsw
Hello From Sydney - Taren Point
Hello from Tassie
Helmet Safety and Crepe Cleaning Block
Help finding hinges for thin wall box 5mm
Help mdf skirting board Filler
Help me expand my tool collection and woodworking skills
Help needed for vent space around dusty bags.
Help needed in RIGHT NOW!!
HELP PLEASE MS Office professional 2010
HELP PLEASE!!! design for dust extraction
Help required starting a compost heap
Help SOS chuck key
Help with eave support/strut to exterior of weatherboard house
Help with pallet furniture finish
Help with US tool
Hercus #12 grinder
hercus 9 parts manual
Hercus history?
Hi everyone
Hi from Adelaide
Hi from Myocum
Hi from Queanbeyan :)
Hi from Queanbeyan NSW
Hi newbie from WA
Hi to Admin and all Members
Hi. Five Thumbs is back after a long absence.
High End Kits
Highly Figured Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood 95mm x 95mm x 420mm
Highly Figured Fiddleback Tasmanian Blackwood Block
Highly Figured Tasmanian Blackwood Block
Highly Figured Tasmanian Blackwood Blocks
Hinge recommendations
Hinge suggestions for wall hung dining table
Hinges for trifold table
HM-45 Mill Drill
Holden Out
Holiday wanderings
Hollow grind bevel - 200mm or 150mm wheel?
Hollows and Rounds
Home built hot bush shower
Home Hardware
Home Made Swing Away Tailstock.
home-brew router table top
homemade router table in SA
Hommel Werke unusual micrometer
Honda ...... a very clever ad
Hoop& Silky
Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo
Hospital Bill
Hot Melt Edge bander for shed/garage set up
housing and casing for Jet AFS1000 air filtration
How cool is this?
How do I prime this bore pump
how does concrete hold posts in the one spot in the ground
how i make toy wheels
How is this window trim fixed
How long should it take to lap a plane iron
how much is this worth?
How much should I offer for Stringybark?
How to attach shade blind to brick work so removable
How to Fix Top of Table I Just Bought?
How To Improve My Technique
How To Install a Grinding Wheel on a Bench Grinder & How to Make it Run True ....
How to polish brass?
how to remove moss/algae from lawn
How to remove pain off metal door knobs
How to setup your mars laser machine from thunderlaser
How to setup your Thunder Mini60 laser system
how to spend 10k?
How to treat DIY log stool
How to zero a router cutter
howdy from newcastle
Huanyang 7.5 kw VFD
Hunter Forumites Get Together - Sun 15th November
Hybrid vs entry level table saw
Hyco Woodfast cast iron tool rests
Hydrowood Timber
I dig My Everlast 200T Tig
I don't want to bore you but
I hate this guy.
I inherited my Great Grandfather's complete kit including his carpenters bench!
I love taking a few snaps
I need a key drop box
I need an Entamologist
I never thought I'd start a quilting thread!
I posted this in the Triton but really my question needs to be here
I should of known
I'm looking for other Roy Bliss Oceaneer owners.
I'm not a politically motivated person
IAD from LAP
Ibis has left the building
Ideas for zinc castings
Ideas needed for mounting rest bar
Identify this timber
Important To sand parquetry floor corners?
Important Upgrade this weekend
Importing tariff classifications... AARRGGHH
In the marketplace
Incra Fence for Mitre saw Bench
Incra Fence for table saw/router table
Incra Fence question
Incra Positioner/Fence
Infill Playhouse
Injuries and accomplishments
inlays etc
Insanely high quality craftsmanship - Tube Roller
Installing Brusso butt hinges
Installing Room Air Filter
Interesting gadget
Internals of "Tree" boring tool
Internals of "Tree" boring tool revisited
Internals of "Tree" boring tool revisited attemp 2
Invisible fastening for corner shelf
Ipswich or Caboolture ???
Irish ghost story
Irrigation controllers
Is claret ash any good for turning
Is Festool worth the cost?
Is the law really an ass?
Is there such a thing as Jarrah sheets?
Is this ironic?
is this on my basil plant?
it arrived today
It fell off the back of a truck
It's the Details
Italic handwriting - Calligraphy
J. Sanderson hand saw
Jacaranda bowl and ebonising...
Jarrah birds
Jarrah chest of drawers
Jeff Beck & Imelda May
JET BANDSAW 14" extended
Jewlery box
Jig for slotted backs.
Job for a tasmanian forumite
Joining Top Plates
Jointer Bed flattening Adelaide?
Jointer Bed flattening in Adelaide?
Jointer for box making
Jointer for less than $1000
Jumping Spider
Junior Moments
Just a few new Toys
Just How many of our problems a really due to getting older?
Kant Twist Clamps and Forge and Foundry Burners on Gameco's Web Store
Kenworth revisited.
Kenworth T908 prime mover with sleeper
Kid stuff
kids question
Kit less pen parts ( fountain pens)
kitchen laundry benchtop painting
Korean Joinery
Kreg - Triton Router Plate Insert Holes Not Matching Up
Kreg Benchtop Router
Kreg Customer Service
Kreg jointer jig
Kreg K4 Master System and extras
Kreg Router Insert plate
L.S.Barker Combination Machine.
Large Fiddleback Tas Blackwood Block
Large gap between brickwork and window - how to remedy
Large Highly Figured Fiddleback Tas Blackwood Block
Large sanding belt?
Last cast for this Year so it was a big one
Last Minute Christmas Order
Last Turning of 2015
Lathe as dividing head using threadcounter
Lathe Dust Collector - a free design
lawn mower
lawn on lawn?
Layout Stain Review
Learning curve
Learning to Turn again!
Leather Sandals
LED lighting in the workshop?
Leda in Perth
Ledacraft pt-107 planer/thicknesser
Legal advice
Legs for heavy wood slab coffee table
LEST WE FORGET - the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month
Lid seperation
Light Duties
lincoln table saw - anyone know these
Line Shaft Speeds??
Linisher overheating
Linked V belts
Liquid Amber Pods
Little Box
Little turning job
Long stemmed Banksia nut goblets
Long time reader first time poster
Look at the market place for Smoothstepper USB
Look what I found in the garden. :)
Looking for 86x19 tallowood decking (Brisbane area) ...
Looking for advice
Looking for advice 12" SCMS
Looking for post recommendations
Looking for the ideal design for a 16' trailer-sailer.
Lopper review
Love seeing chips
Low-VOC finish for pressure treated pine beam?
Lower & Central Blue Mountains Men's Shed meeting: Sat 28 November
Lucas mill- camphor and red gum.
Lucky or mad skills?
Lynx/Pax Saws?
M35 5% Cobalt
Machine Table Restoration
Machine tester
Machinery Heads-up
Machining a D hole in a gear/pulley
Mackay Cedar
Mackay cedar jewellery box
Madurodam - Holland
Magnetic Bit Holders
Mahogany lead light doors for caravan kitchen
Make a disk sander
Make Your Own Bed
Making aeroplanes in Australia
Making do with old tools?
Making Lancaster bombers
making longbows
Making rolling shop carts for my L-Boxxes
Makita coil nailer
mallards hiking pole
MAMIYA C220 TLR medium-format
March 13th
Massive Timber Clearance Wauchope
Master PenManship the flip side of Pen Turning
Masterpiece saw
Masters to close
Mathematics and Woodies: Does it matter?
Maxim Toolboxes
MBS 250 riving knife
MBS 250 riving knife to fit a Sharkguard
McNaughton corer
Measurements Required for H & F BS-7L Bandsaw stand
Medical Jokes
Melbourne Builders
Melbourne Supply
Member list problem?
Members on Instagram
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Metalwork forum question
Mid Century Laminate??
Mig shrouds/nozzles
Mig Welder Problems
mill scale
mill tooling advice
Millers Falls
Milling floorboards
Milling Recycled Jarrah
Miss Beehaving
Mist Spray
Mit-a-mit hand drill question
Mitre Box Advice?
Mixing hardwood and softwood - bearers
Mobile Phone Apps.
Mobile Uke storage
Model A - black finish on apron
Modular Arithmetic
Monster Truck from the Christmas Pallet Toy Challenge 2015
More birds
More Falcon planes
More spice boxes
More Spoons
Mountain Ash Slab Dining Table
Mountain Lion
Movie stars
Moving a heavy machine!!!!!! HELP
Mrs Woodpecker
Mtn coach
Multiborer air supply
Multicraft 7016
Multiple motors from one VFD
Mumma with Mid Century on My Mind
Museum of the frogs
Music Box
Musk and Celery top Drawer box.
Musk and Huon Pine Blocks for re-saw box making etc
Musk and Tas oak
My Bike
My Collection of Detonator Crimp Pliers is Growing ...
My completed work bence - so far
My first attempt using a quadrant hinge
My first box
My first ornament ...
My First Segmented piece
My Great grandfather's workbench
My latest Guitar Build
My latest Nintendo Wii box
My Lathe
My new tool drawers / cabinet
My new toy 260 ATLM
My Sharpening Regime
My Shed
My Thoughts - Paris
my toymaking continued
My wife was impressed with this sail !.
My workshop is finally finished
myrtle and flame rosewood boxes
Myrtle and Silver Ash Jewellery Box
Nail-finding trick
NCF Accelerant-Where to Buy in Cairns?
ND filters - colour cast
Need A Part
need a Silver Sedona kit
Need a wood working machinist
need adaptor.
need help
Need help finding specialty castors
Need help sizing railing rods
Need help to machine timber and make bench top.
Need help with band saw ID & some advice please
Need help with two electrical issues - wiring a switch and adding variable speed
Need some help with equipment
Need some help with Joomla
Need someone with bandsaw (or power hacksaw)
need to feed 100mm ducting through the ceiling
Need to hire someone's jointer and thicknesser in Sydney
Needing some turning for a country style kitchen..
Negative thinking
New (to me) odd Biax scrapers
New Broken Welder
New building site. Can neighbour concrete to adjoining fenceline without drainage/ ap
New Camera Suggestions?
New entry
New fence and mitre slide for a table saw
New guy from the mountains in Pennsylvania
New H&F Band saws
New Hercus 40" beds
New Hobby
New iBox Jig from Incra
New jointer blades
New kid on the block
New library for my boss
New Listing Looking for Cedar Pencil (CEP) sawn timber to spore.
New Listing woodwork inspiration
New material for handtools
New Member
New mill
New Product Just Arrived
NEW resource for Incra wonderfence - generate custom joints
NEW Steve Hay's Woodworking Masterclass
new table saw
New table saw motor bounce
New table top for camera build - is this Cedar?
New tank for plasma
New to milling
new to photography
New tool
New toy motorbike design in progress
New turner after some advice
New twist
New Workbench build
Newbie needs wooden gear clock advice
NG Rosewood Bowl
Nice Contrast
nice rosewood knob and tode
Nifty use for busted tape measure / Drawing a big arc
No 1 bowl turniing woodlathe
No 4
No point waiting for a rainy day
Norfolk Island Pine
North QLD kit shed / garage crazy prices?!
Northern Rivers
Northern Silky/ Cardwellia
not a bad lump of wood
Not a joke. Just a bit of fun MK.XIV
Not Birds
Not Fit for Purpose
Not food miles.
Not Happy with a local distributor Perth
Not quite furnitire
Not receiving email notifications
Not so crazy
Not wood but still wow!
Nova Insert.
NS14 Northbridge Senior boat plans
NSW 1930 bedroom suite furniture
NSW 8mm by 32mm Fluted Dowels - Bulk Lot
NSW Assorted Wood Turning Tools
NSW Beall Pen Wizard and Dremel
NSW Birdseye redgum
NSW Brand new Hare & Forbes DC-7 excluding motor/blower
NSW Delta Oscillating Orbital Sander
NSW Delta Random Orbital Sander
NSW Disk Sander
NSW Drum sander on grays online
NSW Ezicut Planer
NSW Festool CT36 Long Life bag
NSW Free Lathe For Someone
NSW FS - Plastic Collection Bags for dust extractor
NSW FS 3D Printers - Makerbot
NSW Hare & Forbes T318 thicknesser $235 (Sydney)
NSW Hare and Forbes Lathe - W382
NSW Metal Lathe
NSW New Old Style Triton TRA001
NSW Old Model Clearvue CV06 Mini
NSW Oregon Bench top
NSW OzzieJig
NSW Pen Blank Cutting Jig
NSW Rail and Stile Set
NSW Record-Irwin 175mm Vice
NSW SCM Invincible Planer/thicknesser for sale Sydney.
NSW some hand planes
NSW Sorby Turning Chisels
NSW Stanley 45
NSW Taper cutting jig
NSW Thickness Some Blackbutt for me?
NSW Triton Woodpecker Router Plate
NSW Woodfast short bed lathe for sale Sydney.
NSW Workbench
NSW WTB - Outside Spring Calipers 3 &4"
NSW wtb Spoke shave with a flat base
NSW: Free Clamps and Chisels
NSW:Swap Free Timber - Gladesville 2111
Nylon Braid
O! Mighty keepers of timber knowledge
O/A kit - recommendation
O1 Steel
OB Building Surveyor (permitting services)
Odd tap
Odourless finish needed for tea box
Of despots
Offset eye bolts
Ohh Woolworths
Oil based polyurethane problem on pine
old canon stuff
old chap
Old info
Old motor & VFD
Old Triton TRA001 Parts for Free
Old variable diameter Circle cutter - wood or leather?
Old Walther GSP
Old Woodfast 6 inch jointer blades and gibs.
On The Bridge
Once upon a time.....
One off Milling job in perth WA
One Pic is Worth Rescuing?
One shot oiler
Options for high positioning accuracy?
Options for hollowing boxes/ornaments
or milled on site - Mackay Region - Queensland
or whatever other religious group you belong to.
Osage Orange
Oscillating edge sander - is there a "best"?
OT 59 Corvette revisited
OT likes are back
OT parcel news
Other Forums
Outdoor bench seat
Over Under
Overhead Lineshaft drives at BMP facility
Ozito Impact Driver
Pages freezing
Painful Arm
Pallet origin and safety
Pallet Toy Xmas Challenge
Panel Saw SCM Model S115F
paring slicks/ scarf slicks
paving paint colour to go with weatherboards and bricks
PC Items and Builder
Pebble paving over agg pipe drainage
Pen 1 Warts and All
Pen Descriptions
Performax 22-44 Pro & extra belts
Perfume Applicator
Pernambuco and Olive pen
Perth business selling used woodworking machinery
Petrol Water Pump vs Electric Water Pump with Generator
PhD who gave up his career to become self-employed all-round maker
photo attempt
Photography and Truth
pic and qustion heavy
Pickups from a combo belt/disc sander
Picture Framing Deals | Sander Kit & More
pine and fill pop top roof
Pine Sleeper as Ground Level Bearer?
Planer Thicknesser L'Invincible 1750
Playing with blanks
Pleasant surprise
Please recommend a Drill Press for hobbist
Plow (Plough) Planes
Plywood for furniture
Plywood suppliers NSW South Coast
Plywood work holding jigs for the mill
Poang chairs
Poor quality maple?
Positive Attitude
Post your end of year high note and salutation
posting to older threads
Postscript to purchase of a new vacuum cleaner
Power cable in concrete footing?
Power Cylindrical Grinder
POWER surface grinder - info requested
Prague - hints and tips for tourists
Pre-relieving cutting edges
preferrably clear?
Pressure Pots
Preston 30" Bandsaw Guides
Progress No 2G Drill Press
Project Binkey
Projects from MappleMans Timber Slabs
Prolong the life of my windows
provident funds and pay increases.
Pruning/training experiment
PTFE Melting
pulled my finger out and got it built
PURPLE GIDGEE from far nth Queensland.
Putting a centre in rough stock
QLD 10" Table saw Hare & Forbes
QLD 19" Bandsaw
QLD 3 1/2 Sash cramps for $50
QLD 3 x Marples In-cannal Gouges & 1 x 1/4" Pattern makers chisel.
QLD 38mm
QLD 3HP twin dusty
QLD 4 x E A Berg Heavy duty firmer chisels
QLD 8"Carba tec Jointer
QLD Atkins No.53 24" Panel saw fully restored.
QLD Australian Red Cedar boards dressed and edge jointed
QLD Big Boy Sander with Mobile Base
QLD Blackwood Turning Blanks
QLD Bulk Box making pack
QLD Camphor pen blanks
QLD Carba-Tec Workbench
QLD Cheap Blackwood slabs
QLD Cheap Blackwood Stacks
QLD Cheap Mango Slabs
QLD Cheap Silky Oak slabs and boards
QLD Cheap Slabs
QLD Curly Mango for turning
QLD David Charlesworth DVDs
QLD Delta ScrollSaw
QLD Disston D-95 26" Hand saw Hybrid with Spotted Gum handle
QLD Disston D-95 with hybrid Spotted Gum handle
QLD Disston D8 Thumbhole 4ppi rip saw
QLD Disston D8 Thumbhole ripsaw 5 1/2 ppi
QLD dust extractor 3hp
QLD English made Mitre Clamp and Bench hold-down clamp
QLD F27 hardwood 80 y/o
QLD Fiddleback Blackwood knife blanks
QLD Forest Red Gum Grinder Blanks
QLD Free Makita 9 volt battery drill (no battery) pick-up only
QLD Giveaway - 3 pairs of 600mm full extension ball bearing drawer runners
QLD Giveaway - Bowtie Routing template to create female part
QLD Harold and Saxon Titan inspired Mortice Chisels
QLD Heavy duty 10" Dawn G clamp.
QLD Highly Figured Mango Blanks for Box making and Turnery
QLD Highly Figured Mango Blanks for Box making/Salt and Pepper grinders
QLD Highly Figured Mango Blanks for Pen/Knife handles
QLD Highly Figured Mango Blanks for Salt and Pepper grinders
QLD Highly Figured Mango Boards/Blanks for Box making
QLD Highly Figured Mango Boards/Blanks for Box making and Turnery
QLD Highly Figured Medley of Knife Blocks
QLD JET JPT-260 M Planer Thicknesser
QLD JET JWB225 Wide Belt Sander (600+wide)
QLD Laguna 14suv Bandsaw
QLD linisher sander
QLD Mackay Red Cedar
QLD Maple
QLD Medley of Boards/Blanks for Box making
QLD Medley of Pen Blanks
QLD Northern Silky Oak 170 x 42
QLD Northern Silky Oak 250 x 34
QLD Off cuts and bits and pieces
QLD Pen Blanks
QLD Pen Blanks for Xmas
QLD Philippine Mahogany - Balau - Lauan
QLD Qld Maple
QLD Qtr Sawn Northern Silky Oak 220 x 41
QLD Quarter sawn Blackwood boards
QLD Quarter sawn Southern Silky Oak Knife/Pen Blocks
QLD Queensland Maple board for Box making
QLD Red ash/coopers wood/alphitonia excelsa
QLD Red Bean Wanted
QLD Reecycled Northern Silky Oak 67x 67mm
QLD Robert Sorby Kangaroo panel saw
QLD Router Table Auction
QLD Sawyer Tools Protractor Head for adjustable square
QLD Simonds No.62 Blue Ribbon 7ppi crosscut
QLD Simonds No.72 Blue Ribbon 7ppi crosscut
QLD Southern Silky Oak for Knife handles/Pen blanks
QLD Super heavy duty sash cramps 1400mm long
QLD Super heavy duty T bar cramp 2.4m long
QLD Table saw with sliding table
QLD Trade Tools Router table with aluminium sliding deck - includes Makita 1800 Router
QLD Triton Under Saw Table Dust Bag
QLD Veritas 4 Way Speed Frame Clamp
QLD WANTED: Sheoak Chisel Handle Blanks
QLD Warranted Superior 26" crosscut saw 7ppi
QLD Wood Lathe for Xmas
QLD Wood Workbench
QLD Woodworking vice mechanism
Quantities and Best Place to Buy?
quantiy of planner blades
Queensland Maple
Question for the VFD Experts
Question regarding jamb studs
Quick and easy Xmas trees
Quick Canoe sailing hack
Quick tips on storage for a non-miller
Quote to remove load bearing wall
QWAS Dogs for MFT/3 Table
R.I.P. David Bowie
R.I.P. Glen Frey
R.I.P. Stevie
Rack & pinion supplier help
Raised Wooden Letters
RBT Nightmare!!
Rebirthing old neglected planes.
rebuild of a milling machine
rebuilt headstock
Recipe for a jewlery box
Recommend an electric chainsaw?
Recommendation for hoop pine clear coat?
Recommendations for external oil finish please
Recycling at its best
Red Cedar
Red Gum Slab cost
Red Gum table joinery question
Red Hot Fire Engine
Red Mahogany info sought
Reduce noise from Dust Extractor
Refinishing table top
Rejuvenate and Protect Timber Windows - A Few Questions
religious zeal and that which we have created in the pursuit of peace.
Remember the happy day
Remove Front Lawn / Replace with Mulch?
removing load baring wall at the back of garage
Removing oil spots from timber
Repaint door
Repairing a repair to old red cedar dresser
Repairing Shash Window Frame
Replacing non-standard size fascia
Replacing rotten bargeboard on house
Require middle pulley for pedestal drill.
Researching old WW Machinery
Restored QLD Maple full size bed.
Restoring a clinker built Huon Pine dinghy
Restoring a Huon Pine dinghy
Restoring a queen anne blackwood piano stool?
Retirement Advice For Everyone
Retrofitting Dust Extraction To 14" Woodfast Bandsaw
Reviving the finish on a Piano
ride-on mower keeps dying
Rings Rings & More Rings
River Stroll
Rob Cosman Saw - How it's made
Robert Scoby Lathe chuck
Robinson Morticer Motor - how to remove spray paint
Rocket #7
Rockwell Model 5008 Manual
Roll Top Box
Root runs in Weld to Code
Rough cut 100 x 50 mmm pine wanted
Router bit climbs while cutting
Router Motor
Router problem - Hitachi TR-12
Router table - Build or buy?
Router table decision time
Router table recommendations for the BOSCH Router (RT0700CX)?
Rubber for car restoration
Rules of thumb for pulse?
Rural Hardwood Fence Posts
Rust and Fungii
Rust stains on concrete stepping stones
Rusted door frame.
Rustins danish oil stinks
Rusty chuck
SA 150mm pvc pieces suitable for DC ducting
SA bandsaw on gumtree
SA FREE: pipe clamps
SA Tasmanian Myrtle
SA Whiteside RC Eliminator quick change chuck
Safe internal box routing against fence on table
Safest way to do 60 deg mitre cut?
safety alert
Safety frustration at the mens shed
Safety with the use of the router
Salvaging wood from old furniture ... while respecting others good work of the others
Sand Blasting.
Sand paper- do you think this will work on the disc sander
Sander/Grinder advice needed.
Sanding Sealer & glue any conflict?
Santa with a Bear
Satin Flycatcher
Save my lawn!
Savoy Brown.. still got it!
Saw anvils
Saw blade tensioning for panel and hand saws
Saw Bolt Assemblies.
Saw Doctor Recommendations
Saw for composite sheets
Saw Report 7
Saw score or just junk - Disston
sawing support
Scheppach planer/thicknesser table adjustment
scrapers and cast surface plate.
Screw types
Scroll saw for occasional use.
Scroll work decoration on box
Sealing a table top
Season's Greetings from the UK!
Seasons Greetings & very heart felt thank you.
security warning
See Through Diamond Wheel
Segmented Curly Maple & Sapele Mahogany Vase
Segmented Sliding Cabinet Door
Selling second hand wood turn - Where?
Seniors Moment
Shadow Lettering
Shaftless Cast US Desert Ironwood Burl
Sharpening Brad Point type Drill bits
Sharpening Get Together (GTG)
Sharpening Mount Waverley
Sharpening Spring Loaded Centre Punch
Shed Cable Clips
Shed door ideas
Sheet Metal Tools
Sheeting gyprock directly onto single brick walls
Sheoak Timber
Sheriffs' Office
Sherwood 10in hybrid
Shiny plastic light ceiling material for pergola areas etc- looks like corflute..
shockies and struts - restoration
Shop line by jet 10" direct drive table saw model JSL-10TS
Shop Made Long Hole Boring Tools
Shop Vac died - what to replace with?
Should I be worried....
sight glass
Silver Ash
Silver Quandong and Brazilian Mahogany
Simple Desk Pen/cil Holder
Simple sushi mould (or is it mold)
Simple VFD connection for multiple switch locations
Simply Amazing.
Simulated Urushi black finishes?
Singapore Flower Dome.
Single revolution clutch- pin clutch or similar unit
sizing of cupboard doors?
Sketch up
skew practice !!!
Slab table metal legs
Slanting joists
slide drop saw
Slimline Blackwood?
Small Australian red cedar & Southern silky oak box
Small Box
Small Carving
Small coin/key bowl-what timber is it?
Small drill Sharpener !
Small home workshop
Small leg for a Three legged table
Small milling required - Brisbane area
Small Quantities Steel Supplier - Brisbane
Small wood turning lathe for pens - Wanted - second hand or new
SmoothStepper USB
Solar kiln
Solid or Engineered doors
Some advice needed
Some animal money boxes
Some bird photos
Some DIY tools
Some Folks Can Be Pretty Dumb ....... !
Some friendly advice needed for restoring beautiful old Victorian door
Some gnarly Blackwood
Some handy ideas for the shead
Some macro photos
Some more birds
Some of my favourite bird photos
some of sample made by thunder laser cutter
Some Recent Turnings
Some simple cars
Some steam machinery
Some thing to watch out for - angle grinder incident
Some Tip Puppies
Someone hit me
Sometimes the solution is so simple..
Sound insulation for garden shed setup
Sound proof the shed? Here are some ideas....
Source of creak on new bed
South Africa
Southern Right Whale
SPAM WARNING Microsoft Outlook Team fake E-mail
Spanish mahogany wood for sale
Spear & Jackson Backsaw Handle.
Spindle coolant additive recommendations
spindle oil - suggestions ranging from ISO 22 to ISO 100
Spindle oils
spindle question and oil flying everywhere
Spit roast
SQ 51- Why the gap
Squared Plate
Squaring Blank Ends
Squeaking Floor Board help please!!!!
Stain And Burnishing Oil.
Stairs and a Banana
Standard collet or obscure special?
Standard door size?
Stanhopea orchid for christmas
Stanley #4 (2)
Stanley bedrock 605 corrugated
Stanley Frog Adjustment Screw
Stanley No 7 and No 8 Planes
Stanley no 78 plane
Stanley No. 6 plane blade refurb - worth the effort?
Starrett Bandsaw Blades
startrite 275 with sliding carriage - Got one !
Steam cleaner ignition query
steel and mahogany antique shoulder planes to drool over!
Steel French Doors - good / cheap supplier Sydney
Sticks in water...... and other wet stuff
Still Practicing
Stirrup size for posts
Stone Saws
Straight edge or spirt level to set jointer tables co planar ?
strength of various woods under bending load?
Strong structural joints using a mitre saw? What is possible?
Structural Ply Bracing Installation Question
Struggling with dust
Stuck on Wedge Shape Jewellery Display Box (urgent)
Stunning photos from National Geographic
Suggestions for handles for large box
Suggestions for Timber Bending Iron
suitable for box making
Sun and Planet Mobile
Sunset On Fire
Superglue and baking soda
Suppliers in Melb
Support timbers
Switch contact coating wearing out
Systainer locking latch
T Track
T track Wanted
Table Saw - Absolute beginner
Table saw and wobble dado advice needed.
Table saw rust and scratches
Table saw slot
Tabletop - Can I avoid the warp?
Tacho .problem
Tail Stock Steady
TAS 48 Quality Takane clock movements with hands.
TAS Tiger Myrtle Figured Huon and Flame Myrtle blocks suit re-saw box making etc.
Tasmanian Blackwood Burl Bubble Figure Block
Tassie 5-axis
Tassie to Melbourne/Adelaide
Template guides for Makita RP2301fc router: help please
Temple Pilots
Ten Best Caddy Responses . .
Termite heart break... What to do now?
Test Run
Thank you for looking at my works on YouTube.
Thats New!
The 2015 Xmas Toy Pallet Challenge
The Christmas rush.
The Cleaning of Rusty Tools.
The Cormorant Fisherman
The Dust Deputy and Static Electricity
The Eastern Spinebill
The end of my world as I know it.
The Experiment
The Eye of the DRAGON!!!
The finished Flipper
The FOLEY Saw Equipment Thread
The Ford Sierra ???.
The function of menu button on thunderlaser machine
the last news
The law and regulations
The Lonely Slim at Black Palm Lathe
The making of a Holland and Holland shotgun - absolute perfection
The making of Lie-Nielsen hand planes - a nice video
The miracle of a sheet of toilet paper
The Most Beautiful Moonrise Time-Lapse You'll Ever See - 4 Min
The owner said "Take these machines or Im going to scrap them"
The penguin
The perfect woman??
THE rarest Stanley hand plane is up for sale
The Rest of the DRAGON
The Roentgens Berlin Secretary desk
The science of a crosscut saw
The stolen car
The truck
The Ultimate Roubos?
The wave
There Be DRAGONS!!!
There's something about bowsaws
Thermal Expansion of Table Tops
They live amongst us
Thickie Spiral Head Issues
Thicknesser blade adjustment
Thicknesser Question
Thicknesser VS Hand planes - Advice Needed!
Thicknessing Painted Timber
This is what happens when . . . .
This Mans Girlfriend Wanted Him to Get Rid of His Dog on Craigslist Heres the Ad
This morning i was reminded...
Those Blondes Again
Thoughts on Enclosing my Alfresco area
Three Student's Desks WIP
Thunder Laser machine training for new employees
Thunder Laser system EMC test by SGS
Thunderlaser news-Thunder Laser new staff learn photo engraving
Thunderlaser two-day trip to Taishan
Thx to Pittwater
Tide Clock
Tiger Myrtle. (small hand size)
Timbecon - ✪✪✪Christmas Sale on Next Weekend!✪✪✪
Timber choice for drum sticks
Timber ID
Timber ID please
Timber in south Australia
Timber rack on a brick wall - how much weight?
Timber Sash Window
Timber storage rack
Time to service your tabke saw
Times running out - to get your vote in for the challenge......
Tiny grasshoppers eating plants !
Tiwang Fir anyone heard of it?
To all my Liberal Friends
Toggle clamp failure/s
Tool grinding: Form cutter sharpening attachment
Tool Holder for HBM
Tool identification
Tool Storage Updates
tools for Christmas
Tormek T7 and roughing gouge
Torsion Box Dining Table
Torsion Box Dining Table - End Grain
Toy cars
Toy Steam Roller from Christmas toy pallet challenge
Toy stove
Toymaking Christmas pallet challenge
Toys and Joys?????
Tractors ?
Train sets
Transporting Lucas Mill
Treadle Metal Lathe and Post drill
Trend airshield pro - asbestos
Tri-point woodturning tool
Triton dust bag
Triton ETA100 Mini Sliding Table
Triton jigsaw attachment
Triton Respirator
Triton Router broken?
Triton spares in OZ are like Festool prices in OZ
truck and bobcat
Truck money box
Trupro EBAS-350
Turn off email notifications for "likes"?
turning a mango bowl........then oooppppsss !! and HELP !!
Turning A Set Of Bowls In China
Turning Brass.
Turning scale model wooden wheels
Turret mill transport Melbourne Vic.
TV Help
two identical townhouses except...
Type A Series 1
Type of chiseling technique.
types of glue
Ultimaker 2 extedend
Unbelievable guitar repair resource
Unconventional Time On Piece
UNI Assignment
Unusual problem with Steelmaster 12 x 36 lathe
URGENT: Recommendation on drill bit set?
Urticaria (hives)
US Desert Ironwood cast in Gold/Silver Polyester Resin
Use By Date
Used brake disks
using john walsh's digitizing board to help with horse build
Using Up Some Scrap Timber
Vac Clamps Arriving Soon
Vacupress vacuum pump and bag
Veneer questions
venieer repair piano
Venting a DC7 outside
Venting DC outside question
Verandah rafters
Verifying the Account
Veritas Mini Router Base
Veritas Mini Scraper
Veritas Scraper Plane
Vertex Anglock machine vices
Very duck
Very Festive
VFD for multi speed 3-phase motors
VIC 10" tablesaw and 10" planer/thicknesser for sale in Ocean Grove
VIC 100x100 DAR hardwood eoither tas oak or meranti
VIC 4-speed Bandsaw (Toolmac)
VIC A-Line it Deluxe
VIC Air Compressor
VIC air compressor belt drive this is not a auction
VIC American White Oak Furniture Timber Veneer - 15 lengths
Vic Ash & Oregan
Vic Ash table finish - advice appreciated
VIC Australian Red Cedar burl
VIC Bandsaw - Carbatec SBW-4300CE
VIC Bandsaw for sale
VIC Beautiful Red Gum Slab
VIC Board offcuts
VIC Books
VIC Camphor Laurel Blanks (Bowl/bandsaw box use)
VIC Carbatec 10" planer/thicknesser combination for sale
VIC Carbatec CT-2042 Dust Extractor 2 HP
VIC Crown Mini Turning Set
VIC Crown woodturing tools
VIC Crown woodturning tool sets (several)
VIC Cutter Head for Woodfast Planer Thicknesser
VIC Decorating Elf
VIC Early Stanley # 40 Scrub plane
VIC Falcon Pope # F 5 1/2
VIC Felder foKa ECO Edgebander
VIC Festool Backpack
VIC Festool CXS Cordless Drill
VIC Festool ETS 150/5
VIC FOR SALE: Pine (Treated & Untreated) & MDF/PLYWOOD SHEETS
VIC Free Jarrah
VIC Free Job Lot
VIC Free Odds & Sods
VIC FS - Music/Furniture grade African Padauk! Free Post!
VIC FS - Super Rare Music/Furniture grade African Wenge & African Paduak! Free Post!
VIC Gary Pye Chuck set
VIC Gifkin Dovetail Jig
VIC Hafco 16" Band Saw Model BS16A
VIC Hafco 16" bandsaw
VIC Hafco Drill Press Model SBD-20B with Woodpeckers Table Top
VIC Jarrah for Sale
VIC Jet performax drum sander 10-20 plus
VIC McPherson Power Hacksaw
VIC Mini max lab22 combination machine
VIC Mitre box
VIC More stuff- Electrical
VIC Neodymium rare earth magnets
VIC Nova 3000 lathe and GMC dust extractor (separately)
VIC Nova Chuck
VIC Nova Live Centre System
VIC Offcut clearout
VIC old hand tools pope falcon hand drill & bailey No 4 hand plane
VIC Omega Stubby S750 - NO 1 bowl turning lathe - on gumtree
VIC Power carving - King Arthur's Tools and Kutzall carbide sanding disc
VIC Powermatic 14" Bandsaw
VIC Record # 4 in very good condition
VIC Record 050 Improved Combination Plane
VIC record compass plane
VIC Redgum old Growth Furniture Timber - Pack of 9 lengths
VIC Robert Sorby Micro Spiraling System
VIC Robland X30 5 in 1 Combination Machine
VIC Router table - Triton Router MOF001 - Woodpeckers router plate
VIC Scroll chuck 95mm. Carbatec - very little use
VIC Sherwood 6" jointer
VIC Sherwood Scroll Saw - Not Auction
VIC Spindle moulder
VIC Squares
VIC Stanley # 3 plane in as new condition
VIC Stanley # 4 1/2
VIC Stanley # 5
VIC Stanley # 78 Rebate plane. Made in England
VIC Stanley #220 Block plane
VIC Stanley #4
VIC Stanley #4 (3)
VIC Stanley #4 (5)
VIC Stanley #71 Router Plane
VIC Stanley Tool Bag
VIC Stubby S750 Omega
VIC Tablesaw
VIC Tasmanian Myrtle Figured & Colourful Grained Boards - Pack of 12 boards
VIC Tasmanian Myrtle Old Growth furniture Timber - "Factory Seconds"
VIC Tasmanian Myrtle Old Growth Timber - Pack of 9 lengths
VIC Timber offcuts
VIC Triton Router and Jigsaw table with biscuit attachment.
VIC Turner # 220 Block plane
VIC Vicmar Collet Set
VIC Videos
VIC Wadkin Bursgreen 10" tablesaw
VIC wood lathe head stock
VIC Woodfast Lathe
VIC Work Bench Vise
VIC WTB: Mini Lathe
Vice for workbench
Vice Stop ( or why the vice is still not painted Michael )
Victorian style door frame and window
Vifa SA 130 Speakers
villa board
Vintage Car clip
Vinyl Wrapping .. Where to Buy???
VL240 differences to VL300
WA Carbatec CTJ-350 8" Long bed jointer with helical cutting head
WA CNC Seig 2 Mill
WA Double panel clamp kit
WA Framing gun
WA Franz Hermle 351-050 Clock Movement Kit $150
WA FREE built in cupboards
WA Gifkins Dovetail Jig
WA Girder Clamps
WA Paslode angle bradder
WA Paslode bradder
WA Ryobi Industrial 305mm Compound Mitre Saw
Wadkin PK - Can I fit a Single Phase Motor to a wadkin pk table saw?
Wadkin PK manual link and other wadkin manuals
Wagner XVLP FC3500
Waiting for Reboot
waldown workmax drill press
Wall Hung Tool Cabinet
Wall shelf bracket spacings
Walting Matilda
Want to change raised panel cabinet doors to flat/slab panel.
Wanted - cap & blade for a Falcon 151 spokeshave
Wanted - Disston 5 screw thumbhole Handle
Wanted: Jointer
Warning for Dewalt XR cordless tool owners.
Warped Lid
Was just given a wooden canoe
Wasted puns
Watcha Dooen @ Dooen GTG 23 - 26 Jan
Water Dragon
Waterfall bubinga
Wattyl Estapol Interior Polyurethane - Spray Can in Matt - Dry or Wet and Dry Sandpap
wedge shaped boards
Weed identification needed
Welding both ways.
welding to hydraulic ram
Weldon Countersink Sharpener.
Well it's finally happened
Went For A 3Hr Drive and Look What Followed Me Home.........
Westone Grinder
What a joke
what am I missing?
What are 100 x 200mm butt hinges used for?
what are the basics
What Fuse to Use
What internet speeds should I expect
What is the finish used on my floorboards? Stripped by dog urine!
What is this for?
What is this weed and how to get rid of it
What is this? Saw clamp for sharpening
What kind of creature makes this?
What order to apply flocking and danish oil?
what sort of plants would i put out here in this shaded area?
What sort of spacer
What Species Please
What to do with Cleared Logs ?
What to use to level my back lawn
What's this bolt for?
Whats Best?
whats difference???
Whats your anagram name
Wheeled Excavator Scale 1:20
Where to buy
Where to buy cast round
Where to buy Wooden Pins??
Where to find a acrylic base for a Makita Compact router
Where to get box stays
Where to get my Argon??
Where to get short length of ~80mm ID corrugated hose
where to post want to buy ads
Where to source branches?
Which blades for my new Bandsaw
Which Bosch ROS?
Which Dust Extractor would you buy?
Which Lucas Sawmill to purchase?
Which router table and fence???
Which veneer face to use ?
White Oak Plate Two
Why do they call it a flat?
Why get a Combo rather than separate Jointer and Planer/Thicknesser?
Why I use Photobucket!.
Why/how did I stuff this up?
Wide Thick Highly Figured Tasmanian Blackwood Block
Widest Chisel Blade Australia
will pay for it.
will untreated pine painted in enamel last for out side use? ( table legs & Body )
Window frames cracking
Window glazing
Windows 10
Winter is Coming
WIP - the new assembly table
WIP 1932 Packard model 904
WIP Rocking horse Scarlet
Woman driver
Women Drivers
Wompoo Pigeon
Wood clock plan help
Wood Lathe MC 1100 plusTru Grind sharpening jig Pick up SE Melbourne Area
Wood Machinists tool box
Wood working GetToGether
Woodcut CBN wheel whetstone tormek
Woodcut negative rake scraper ... as a lacer skew
Wooden Boat Magazine and The Boatman
Wooden flowers
Wooden Machinists Tool Box
Wooden Train Track Comparability Issue - Help Please!!
Woodfast TS250RC
Woodturning sale at Wallan Sat. 12th December
Woodwork Newbie
Woodworking Machinery in Australia - Manufacturers and Merchants
Woodworking newbie
WOOHOO IT'S HERE FS DJI INSPIRE 1 Pro Quadcopter Drone w/ 4K HD Camera (Zenmuse X5)
WOOHOO! Variable Jaw Opening Quick Release Clamps
Work bench - 6000x2800 - Upholsters don't make good chippies!
Work bench #1
work in progress 1931 model A Ford
Workshop Benches/Tables deceptively large
workshop FORK LIFT 1999 Shinko Electric Ace
Workshop Wet & Dry Vacuum
Would a 600mm x 17mm plywood disk self destruct at 1100RPM
WTB Table saw
WTB: Bed extension for Teknatool Nova 3000 series Wood Lathe
WTB: magnetic drill
X2 Mill Mods/Upgrade
Xmas came early - new machine tool
Xmas Presents
Yarloop fire
Yarloop Workshop Museum
Yet more birds
You know you're Australian when..
You see the funniest things on Facebook
you shouldn't have!
Your greatest achievement for 2015?
ZCI mod to assist dust control
Zebra Timber question....
Zinken compact 21
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