Old School Furniture Restoration..

jeudi 1 janvier 2015

Hi Fulla's, Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Years.

My next project is to restore two old school English Oak Dressers for a client. I know they're both made in NZ because they have heart Rimu drawer sides and Rimu ply for the backs. Beautifully made, solid and well built, they're a testament to old school skill and workmanship.

So I really really don't want to c**k them up. After a bit of "Google" research I decided they were finished in shellack or something similar. I have some acetone so I tested a bit on a drawer front and sure enough it started to rub off, but I noticed that unless I clean the rag and use more acetone it just seems to coat the finish back on, Hmmm, not really what i had in mind, so I thought I'd need to use an old school card scraper which somehow seems appropriate.

Do you think I'll still need to use the acetone ? surely it'll be easier to cut out the middle man and just scrape?

Also do you think I'll need to re-stain the furniture first before re-oiling?

Cool guys, any thoughts are appreciated.

Oh, and has anyone used a Stanley #80 scraper plane?

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