Some gifts I've made for tomorrow

mercredi 24 décembre 2014

This year I tried to make as many gifts as I could. I got a couple of others started but completely ran out of time :(

I'll start earlier next year :)

First up: A chopping board for mum. From the center out it's spotted gum, red gum, blackwood, red gum, elm, red gum and wrapped in blackwood. Sanded to 240, Tung oiled and waxed.


I made a stack of these coasters a while ago and thought I'd finish them up properly, but they were a pain to sand and aren't anywhere level or even and have a heavy slope which would make them too thin in the end, so they'll go in the bin :C


An 11x14 frame made from some ancient tongue and groove boards (dunno species - it's heavy and hard) that I've been carting around for about 8 years after I found it in an old farm shed.

Gave it a rough/random scrub with coarse steel wool, Danish oiled and waxed.


Another 11x14 with the same timber, but this time the reverse face was used for the presentation side. I love the flutes in it. Same finish as above, minus the steel wool.


This was supposed to be a 10x8 frame but some fool cut a mitre in the wrong direction :doh: so now it's a 5x7 :roll: Made from birdseye blackwood and beveled to slope in towards the glass. I tried shellac for the finish but it just wasn't happening, so I gave it a quick stain with some walnut and finished it off with a couple of spray (can) coats of poly.


There was supposed to be a french polished jewellery box...


...a plinko game and another blackboard/easel but y'all know how it goes some times

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