back into it

lundi 4 août 2014

After about 2 years since completing year 12 and finally getting on my feet along with my apprenticeship decided it's time I started a new project, since my last post was my year 12 major and got such a large response and alot of great feedback, what better way to help decided then to put it all to youse. Alright so iv decided to make a Chinese style table with the flared out curved legs, I'm going with a light and dark contrast, the dark being American walnut which I picked up today the light however I'm unsure of and would value anyone's input, I also have a large iron bark burl slab my father gave me which I think would look great as the centre peice.

I have attached images of the sketch up of the table I also uploaded a photo of my year 12 major for all those who haven't seen it.

Also after attending a swap meet in Saturday I picked up alot of old tools in great nick for extremely cheap including a no3 stately bailey plane, an old spoke shave, couple marking gauges, a disston tenon saw,a wilson lovatt and sons set square and a Swedish made chisel which I got for $2 which now is as sharp as a razor after I gave it a bit of TLC anyways that's all for now will upload picks and progress as I go, all input is valued

Attached Images

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